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JUST IN: Anticipated DOGE-1 Mission for Dogecoin Delayed Again

剛剛:預期的狗狗幣 DOGE-1 任務再次推遲

發布: 2023/12/20 10:43 閱讀: 755

原文作者:Bitcoin Sistemi EN


剛剛:預期的狗狗幣 DOGE-1 任務再次推遲

Intuitive Machines announced that it has set a new launch time for the IM-1 Moon mission. The launch, coordinated with SpaceX, is aimed to be carried out within a few days, not before mid-February 2024.

Intuitive Machines 宣佈為 IM-1 月球任務設定了新的發射時間。這次發射是與 SpaceX 協調的,目標是在幾天內進行,而不是在 2024 年 2 月中旬之前。

The update came after unfavorable weather conditions led to changes to the SpaceX launch manifest.

此次更新是在不利的天氣條件導致 SpaceX 發射清單變更之後發布的。

Interestingly, the mission would also include DOGE-1, a CubeSat mission planned by Geometric Energy Corporation. The mission's expenses will be covered entirely with Dogecoin. The launch of DOGE-1 was announced by Elon Musk on Twitter on May 9, 2021, as a joint rideshare on the Nova-C/IM-1 mission, a joint mission between Intuitive Machines and NASA.

有趣的是,該任務還將包括幾何能源公司計畫的 DOGE-1 立方體衛星任務。該任務的費用將完全由狗狗幣支付。馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 於 2021 年 5 月 9 日在 Twitter 上宣布推出 DOGE-1,作為 Intuitive Machines 和 NASA 聯合任務 Nova-C/IM-1 任務的聯合乘車服務。

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相關新聞: Shiba Inu (SHIB) 開發者介紹下一件大事:首席開發者 Shytoshi Kusama 發表聲明

In the previous plan, the mission was expected to be launched in the last quarter of 2023.


The launch window in mid-February represents the next available opportunity for the launch of IM-1, given the Moon's monthly dark period. The IM-1 mission's Nova-C Lunar rover will land near the Moon's south pole, requiring special lighting conditions that are only available for a few days each month.

考慮到月球每月的黑暗期,二月中旬的發射窗口代表了 IM-1 的下一個發射機會。 IM-1 任務的 Nova-C 月球車將在月球南極附近著陸,需要特殊的照明條件,而每個月只有幾天可用。

*This is not investment advice.


Continue Reading: JUST IN: Anticipated DOGE-1 Mission for Dogecoin Delayed Again

繼續閱讀:剛開始:預期的狗狗幣 DOGE-1 任務再次推遲


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