首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 平衡迷因與技術:Hydra Chain 的 Telegram 討論中給狗狗幣和柴犬的教訓

Balancing Memes and Tech: Lessons for Dogecoin and Shiba Inu from Hydra Chain's Telegram Discussion

平衡迷因與技術:Hydra Chain 的 Telegram 討論中給狗狗幣和柴犬的教訓

發布: 2023/12/16 18:01 閱讀: 612

原文作者:BTC Peers


平衡迷因與技術:Hydra Chain 的 Telegram 討論中給狗狗幣和柴犬的教訓

The meteoric rise of memecoins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu has shown the power of online communities and humorous marketing in the crypto world. However, as Hydra Chain's core developers debate marketing strategies, their discussion raises an important question - how does a serious blockchain project court mainstream traction without compromising its technological edge?

狗狗幣和柴犬等迷因幣的迅速崛起展示了加密世界中線上社群和幽默行銷的力量。然而,當 Hydra Chain 的核心開發人員爭論行銷策略時,他們的討論提出了一個重要的問題 - 一個嚴肅的區塊鏈專案如何在不損害其技術優勢的情況下吸引主流關注?

Hydra Chain recently announced a major utility upgrade - the launch of a LYDRA/HYDRA liquidity pool on its DEX. The LYDRA token allows HYDRA stakers to free up coins for other uses without losing staking yields.

Hydra Chain 最近宣布了一項重大實用升級——在其 DEX 上推出 LYDRA/HYDRA 流動性池。 LYDRA 代幣允許 HYDRA 質押者釋放代幣用於其他用途,而不會損失質押收益。

By letting holders mint liquid LYDRA against staked HYDRA, the feature unlocks wider flexibility for users to optimize returns. LYDRA introduces new utility like earning staking yields on HYDRA while also freeing capital for activities like liquidity provision.

透過讓持有者根據質押的 HYDRA 鑄造流動性 LYDRA,該功能為用戶提供了更廣泛的靈活性,以優化回報。 LYDRA 引入了新的實用程序,例如在 HYDRA 上賺取質押收益,同時也為流動性提供等活動釋放資本。

This upgrade comes as Hydra debates internally how to balance memes and technology for wider traction, much like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have done. The project wants viral promotion but not at the cost of robust development.

在此次升級之際,Hydra 內部正在爭論如何平衡迷因和技術以獲得更廣泛的吸引力,就像狗狗幣和柴犬所做的那樣。該計畫希望病毒式推廣,但不以犧牲強勁發展為代價。

Analysts are bullish about the LYDRA move as it boosts accessibility and real-world usage. At the same time, Hydra's developers feel retaining technical credibility remains crucial for institutional adoption.

分析師對 LYDRA 的舉措持樂觀態度,因為它提高了可訪問性和現實世界的使用率。同時,Hydra 的開發人員認為,維持技術可信度對機構採用仍然至關重要。

This balancing act parallels the quandary between joke origins and maturity that pioneering memecoins now wrestle with. As projects court wider appeal, Hydra's debate offers useful principles to navigate this tension.

這種平衡行為與模因幣先驅現在所面臨的笑話起源和成熟度之間的困境相似。隨著項目吸引更廣泛的吸引力,Hydra 的辯論為緩解這種緊張局勢提供了有用的原則。

The rest of the piece analyze this debate and the parallels with major memecoins in more detail.


Balancing Marketing Approaches: Hydra's Strategy Debate

平衡行銷方式:Hydra 的策略辯論

The discussion started when Telegram user Diogenes suggested having two websites - one serious, one cartoonish - to promote Hydra's staking yields to memecoin communities. However, CTO at Hydra Chain, Florian, objected that leaning too heavily on memes could undermine Hydra's credibility for builders and partners.

當 Telegram 用戶 Diogenes 建議建立兩個網站(一個是嚴肅的,一個是卡通的)來向 memecoin 社群宣傳 Hydra 的質押收益時,討論就開始了。然而,Hydra Chain 技術長 Florian 反對說,過度依賴 meme 可能會損害 Hydra 對建造者和合作夥伴的可信度。

Florian argued that while meme hype can help launch projects, 90% of meme launches are low-quality, whereas Hydra offers advanced capabilities. Hence memecoin investors might not care about technology, but serious developers do. He wants Hydra to balance memes with substantive technology that inspires trust.

Florian 認為,雖然 meme 炒作可以幫助啟動項目,但 90% 的 meme 發布都是低品質的,而 Hydra 提供了先進的功能。因此,memecoin 投資者可能不關心技術,但認真的開發人員卻關心。他希望 Hydra 能夠平衡迷因與激發信任的實質技術。

Importantly though, Florian didn’t oppose humor entirely. He embraced Hydra’s playful name and visual designs. However, he felt Hydra shouldn’t go overboard into full meme territory. Diogenes clarified he didn't mean an actual memecoin either, just simplified messaging for that demographic.

但重要的是,佛洛里安並不完全反對幽默。他接受了 Hydra 有趣的名字和視覺設計。然而,他認為 Hydra 不應該過度進入完整的迷因領域。狄奧根尼澄清說,他也不是指真正的迷因幣,只是針對該族群的簡化訊息傳遞。

This nuanced debate parallels the positions of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, two of the largest memecoin projects. Doge in particular faces a quandary between its joke origins and adoption ambitions that necessitate development. Meanwhile, Shiba leans heavily on memes while trying to expand utility.

這場微妙的爭論與狗狗幣和柴犬這兩個最大的迷因幣計畫的立場相似。 Doge 尤其面臨笑話起源和需要開發的採用野心之間的困境。與此同時,Shiba 在試圖擴大效用的同時嚴重依賴迷因。

Facing similar dilemmas, Hydra offers an instructive moderate approach. The project shows how memecoin communities can be courted not through mocking memes, but streamlined explanations of compelling utility. For Doge and Shiba holders seeking yield rather than just speculation, Hydra’s staking model aims to provide significant rewards that could potentially prove more attractive than non-yield-generating memecoins.

面對類似的困境,Hydra 提供了一種啟發性的溫和方法。該專案展示瞭如何不透過嘲笑迷因,而是透過對令人信服的效用的簡化解釋來吸引迷因幣社群。對於尋求收益而不僅僅是投機的 Doge 和 Shiba 持有者來說,Hydra 的質押模式旨在提供可觀的獎勵,這可能比不產生收益的 memecoin 更具吸引力。

In essence, Hydra realizes memecoin communities and builders have different priorities. Hence messaging should differentiate value propositions while retaining technical credibility. Memes can help attract capital, but serious infrastructure keeps it invested.

從本質上講,Hydra 意識到 memecoin 社群和建造者有不同的優先事項。因此,訊息傳遞應該區分價值主張,同時保持技術可信度。迷因可以幫助吸引資本,但完善的基礎設施可以保持投資。

Meanwhile, constant community questions around staking suggest organic awareness is growing. Hence Hydra is attracting memecoin-esque liquidity while building long-term technological appeal.

同時,社區不斷提出關於質押的問題表明有機意識正在增強。因此,Hydra 正在吸引迷因幣式的流動性,同時建立長期的技術吸引力。

In this manner, Hydra offers clever lessons for the memecoin space:

透過這種方式,Hydra 為迷因幣領域提供了巧妙的教訓:

  • Viral memes bring fleeting hype, robust utilities sustain organic growth
  • 病毒式傳播帶來短暫的炒作,強大的公用事業維持有機成長

  • Serious developers care about capabilities over memes, differentiate value propositions
  • 認真的開發人員關心功能而不是迷因,區分價值主張

  • Streamline explanations for some communities, preserve technical credibility for others
  • 簡化對某些社區的解釋,為其他社區保留技術可信度

  • Balance meme-friendly designs with substantive capabilities, don’t compromise entirely
  • 平衡模因友善的設計與實質功能,不要完全妥協

Of course, only time will tell if Hydra’s middle-path strategy pays off. But as pioneering memecoins wrestle between original jokes and mature adoption, Hydra’s insightful community debate offers useful principles to navigate this tension. With responsive messaging, projects can court wider appeal without losing their edge. And that’s a lesson from which even the original dog coins could learn some new tricks.

當然,只有時間才能證明九頭蛇的中間路線策略是否有效。但當迷因幣先驅在原創笑話和成熟採用之間掙扎時,Hydra 富有洞察力的社區辯論為緩解這種緊張關係提供了有用的原則。透過響應式訊息傳遞,專案可以在不失去優勢的情況下吸引更廣泛的吸引力。這是一個教訓,即使是最初的狗幣也可以學到一些新的技巧。

Want to join the discussion?


For those interested in joining these community discussions to help shape Hydra's continued evolution, follow along via the Telegram channel, Telegram group and Twitter. There are more perspectives from token holders, builders and other ecosystem participants.

對於有興趣加入這些社群討論以幫助塑造 Hydra 持續發展的人,請透過 Telegram 頻道、Telegram 群組和 Twitter 進行關注。代幣持有者、建設者和其他生態系統參與者有更多的觀點。


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