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Bonk (BONK) surges to become third-largest memecoin


發布: 2023/12/11 18:01 閱讀: 294




In a surprising turn of events, the Solana-based dog-themed memecoin, Bonk (BONK), has climbed the ranks to become the third-largest memecoin by market capitalization. This unexpected surge occurred on December 8th, as Bonk’s recent price growth soared by an impressive 370% in just the last month. 

令人驚訝的是,基於 Solana 的狗主題模因幣 Bonk (BONK) 已躋身市值第三大模因幣。這起意外的飆升發生在 12 月 8 日,Bonk 的近期價格僅在上個月就飆升了 370%,令人印象深刻。

CoinGecko data now reveals that Bonk boasts a market capitalization of $762 million, surpassing its fellow memecoin competitor, Pepe, which currently stands at $675 million.

CoinGecko 數據顯示,Bonk 的市值為 7.62 億美元,超過了 Memecoin 競爭對手 Pepe,後者目前的市值為 6.75 億美元。

Over the past 30 days, Bonk has experienced remarkable growth, going from a mere $0.0000028 to $0.000012. This exponential surge in value has attracted traders eager to capitalize on the newfound interest within the Solana ecosystem. 

在過去的 30 天裡,Bonk 經歷了驚人的成長,從僅 0.0000028 美元增加到 0.000012 美元。價值的指數級飆升吸引了渴望利用 Solana 生態系統中新發現的興趣的交易者。

Notably, Bonk’s rapid price uptick has outpaced more established dog-themed memecoins like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE), which managed respective gains of 20% and 35% during the same timeframe.

值得注意的是,Bonk 的價格快速上漲超過了柴犬(SHIB) 和狗狗幣(DOGE) 等更成熟的以狗為主題的模因幣,後者在同一時間段內分別上漲了20% 和35 %。

Bonk’s current position and rationale for its growth

Bonk 的現況及其成長理由

As of the time of this publication, Bonk stands as the third-largest memecoin in the market, trailing behind DOGE and SHIB, which command substantial market caps of $6 billion and $14.4 billion, respectively. Several factors contributed to Bonk’s recent gains, including its listing on prominent centralized exchanges like Binance and KuCoin. 

截至本文發佈時,Bonk 是市場上第三大迷因幣,落後於 DOGE 和 SHIB,後兩者的市值分別為 60 億美元和 144 億美元。 Bonk 最近的上漲有幾個因素,包括它在 Binance 和 KuCoin 等著名中心化交易所上市。

Moreover, futures data indicates a substantial increase in open interest over the past month, suggesting that traders are actively buying and selling high volumes of Bonk derivatives, further amplifying the token’s price volatility.

此外,期貨數據顯示過去一個月未平倉合約大幅增加,顯示交易者正在積極買賣大量 Bonk 衍生品,進一步放大了該代幣的價格波動。

Bonk made its debut on December 29, 2022, and quickly garnered attention by witnessing an astonishing 3,766% increase in value within its first week of trading, despite the challenging price conditions of the bear market. 

Bonk 於 2022 年 12 月 29 日首次亮相,儘管熊市的價格條件充滿挑戰,但在交易的第一周內其價值驚人地增長了 3,766%,迅速引起了人們的關注。

However, from January 5th, Bonk experienced a decline, with its price remaining stagnant at levels near its all-time lows for a significant portion of the year.

然而,自 1 月 5 日起,Bonk 經歷了下跌,其價格在今年的大部分時間裡一直停滯在接近歷史低點的水平。

Resurgence and exceptional performance


The turning point for Bonk came on October 21, 2023, when signs of improvement began to manifest, leading to a dramatic increase in its value. Since that pivotal date, Bonk has achieved an astounding 6,215% growth, solidifying its position as the top-performing mid-cap memecoin over the last three months.

Bonk 的轉捩點出現在 2023 年 10 月 21 日,當時好轉的跡象開始顯現,導致其價值大幅上漲。自該關鍵日期以來,Bonk 實現了驚人的 6,215% 增長,鞏固了其作為過去三個月中表現最佳的中型模因幣的地位。


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