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XRP Lawyer & Dogecoin Founder Slam Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales Over Bitcoin Comment

XRP 律師兼狗狗幣創始人猛烈抨擊維基百科的吉米威爾士對比特幣的評論

發布: 2023/12/11 18:01 閱讀: 930



In a recent social media post, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales sparked a heated debate by comparing the reliability of banks to the functionality of Bitcoin. Meanwhile, prominent figures from the crypto space like XRP Lawyer John Deaton and Dogecoin founder Billy Markus took center stage in this discourse, offering personal anecdotes and insights to counter Wales’s assertion.

在最近的社群媒體貼文中,維基百科創始人吉米威爾斯將銀行的可靠性與比特幣的功能進行了比較,引發了激烈的爭論。與此同時,XRP 律師約翰·迪頓(John Deaton) 和狗狗幣創始人比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 等加密貨幣領域的知名人士佔據了這場討論的中心舞台,提供了個人軼事事和見解來反駁威爾斯的主張。

As voices from the crypto community chimed in, the clash of perspectives shed light on the evolving narrative surrounding traditional banking, cryptocurrencies, and financial autonomy.


XRP Lawyer & Dogecoin Founder’s Response To Jimmy Wales’ Comment

XRP 律師和狗狗幣創始人對吉米威爾士評論的回應

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales’s recent social media post, comparing banks to Bitcoin, ignited a fervent discussion within the crypto community. In response, XRP Lawyer John Deaton, known for his advocacy in the Ripple Vs. SEC lawsuit, took a personal stance to counter Wales’s narrative.

維基百科創始人吉米威爾士最近在社交媒體上發布的帖子將銀行與比特幣進行了比較,引發了加密貨幣社區的熱烈討論。對此,XRP 律師約翰·迪頓 (John Deaton) 做出了回應,他以在“瑞波幣大戰”中的倡導而聞名。美國證券交易委員會的訴訟,以個人立場反駁威爾斯的說法。

Meanwhile, Deaton shared a striking personal experience, recounting an attempt to withdraw $19,000 in cash from a bank. His endeavor was met with resistance as the bank teller cited the absence of the manager, causing significant delays.

與此同時,迪頓分享了一段令人震驚的個人經歷,講述了他試圖從銀行提取 19,000 美元現金的經歷。他的努力遭到了阻力,因為銀行出納員稱經理不在,導致了嚴重的延誤。

Deaton highlighted that, during this time, Bitcoin produced another 144 blocks. In addition, he emphasized the potential efficiency and convenience Bitcoin could offer in such situations, posing a thought-provoking scenario.

Deaton 強調,在此期間,比特幣又產生了 144 個區塊。此外,他還強調了比特幣在這種情況下可以提供的潛在效率和便利性,提出了一個發人深省的場景。

Simultaneously, Dogecoin founder Billy Markus, who is known as Shibetoshi Nakamoto on X, also weighed on the picture, accusing Jimmy Wales of constant financial solicitation for his Wikipedia platform.

與此同時,狗狗幣創始人比利馬庫斯(在 X 上被稱為 Shibetoshi Nakamoto)也對此事發表了看法,指責吉米威爾士不斷為其維基百科平台招攬資金。

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Crypto Community Reacts To Bitcoin Vs. Bank Debate


Wales’s post drew criticism from prominent figures in the crypto space. For instance, Erik Voorhees, CEO of the leading crypto exchange ShapeShift, took a swipe at Wikipedia’s donation model, suggesting that if the platform had invested in Bitcoin a decade ago, donation pleas might not be necessary today.

威爾斯的貼文引起了加密貨幣領域知名人士的批評。例如,領先的加密貨幣交易所 ShapeShift 的執行長 Erik Voorhees 對維基百科的捐贈模式進行了批評,他表示,如果該平台十年前投資了比特幣,那麼今天可能就沒有必要請求捐贈了。

On the other hand, crypto influencer and YouTuber, Wendy O, defended Bitcoin’s ethos, asserting that banks engage in daily theft while promoting self-accountability and ownership of one’s money—a key tenet of Bitcoin. Simultaneously, market analyst Lyn Alden shared a heartbreaking anecdote of a Lebanese doctor losing 95% of their net worth due to hyperinflation, cautioning against blind trust in traditional banking systems.

另一方面,加密貨幣影響者和 YouTuber Wendy O 為比特幣的精神辯護,聲稱銀行每天都會進行盜竊,同時提倡自我負責和對資金的所有權——這是比特幣的關鍵原則。與此同時,市場分析師 Lyn Alden 分享了一位黎巴嫩醫生因惡性通貨膨脹而損失 95% 淨資產的令人心碎的軼事,並警告人們不要盲目信任傳統銀行系統。

Among many others, Samson Mow, a notable figure in the crypto industry, also pointedly remarked that had Wikipedia followed his earlier suggestion to invest in Bitcoin, the platform might not need to repeatedly solicit donations each year.

其中,加密產業知名人士 Samson Mow 也尖銳地表示,如果維基百科遵循他先前的建議投資比特幣,該平台可能不需要每年重複募款。

The clash of perspectives between Wikipedia’s founder and crypto advocates like John Deaton, and Billy Markus, among others, offers a glimpse into the ongoing discourse surrounding the reliability of traditional banking versus the potential of cryptocurrencies. As the financial landscape evolves, these conversations contribute to shaping the narrative of autonomy, efficiency, and accountability in the world of finance.

維基百科創辦人與約翰·迪頓(John Deaton)和比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus)等加密貨幣倡導者之間的觀點衝突,讓我們得以一窺圍繞傳統銀行業務可靠性與加密貨幣潛力的持續討論。隨著金融格局的發展,這些對話有助於塑造金融界的自主性、效率和責任感。

Also Read: XRP Whale Dumps 23 Mln XRP As Price Slips Below $0.63, What’s Next?

另請閱讀:XRP 鯨魚拋售 2300 萬 XRP,價格跌破 0.63 美元,下一步是什麼?

The post XRP Lawyer & Dogecoin Founder Slam Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales Over Bitcoin Comment appeared first on CoinGape.

XRP 律師和狗狗幣創始人猛烈抨擊維基百科的吉米威爾士對比特幣的評論首先出現在 CoinGape 上。


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