첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > XRP 변호사이자 Dogecoin 창립자는 Bitcoin 댓글에 대해 Wikipedia의 Jimmy Wales를 비난했습니다.

XRP Lawyer & Dogecoin Founder Slam Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales Over Bitcoin Comment

XRP 변호사이자 Dogecoin 창립자는 Bitcoin 댓글에 대해 Wikipedia의 Jimmy Wales를 비난했습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/12/11 18:01 읽다: 930


원본 소스:https://coingape.com/xrp-lawyer-dogecoin-founder-slam-wikipedia-jimmy-wales-over-bitcoin-comment/

In a recent social media post, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales sparked a heated debate by comparing the reliability of banks to the functionality of Bitcoin. Meanwhile, prominent figures from the crypto space like XRP Lawyer John Deaton and Dogecoin founder Billy Markus took center stage in this discourse, offering personal anecdotes and insights to counter Wales’s assertion.

최근 소셜 미디어 게시물에서 Wikipedia 창립자 Jimmy Wales는 은행의 신뢰성을 비트코인의 기능과 비교하여 열띤 논쟁을 불러일으켰습니다. 한편 XRP 변호사 John Deaton과 Dogecoin 창립자 Billy Markus와 같은 암호화폐 업계의 저명한 인물들이 이 담론의 중심에 서서 웨일스의 주장에 반박하기 위한 개인적인 일화와 통찰력을 제공했습니다.

As voices from the crypto community chimed in, the clash of perspectives shed light on the evolving narrative surrounding traditional banking, cryptocurrencies, and financial autonomy.

XRP Lawyer & Dogecoin Founder’s Response To Jimmy Wales’ Comment

Jimmy Wales의 의견에 대한 XRP 변호사 및 Dogecoin 창립자의 답변

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales’s recent social media post, comparing banks to Bitcoin, ignited a fervent discussion within the crypto community. In response, XRP Lawyer John Deaton, known for his advocacy in the Ripple Vs. SEC lawsuit, took a personal stance to counter Wales’s narrative.

Meanwhile, Deaton shared a striking personal experience, recounting an attempt to withdraw $19,000 in cash from a bank. His endeavor was met with resistance as the bank teller cited the absence of the manager, causing significant delays.

한편 Deaton은 은행에서 현금 19,000달러를 인출하려던 시도를 이야기하면서 놀라운 개인적 경험을 공유했습니다. 그의 노력은 은행 직원이 관리자의 부재로 인해 상당한 지연이 발생했다고 언급하면서 저항에 부딪혔습니다.

Deaton highlighted that, during this time, Bitcoin produced another 144 blocks. In addition, he emphasized the potential efficiency and convenience Bitcoin could offer in such situations, posing a thought-provoking scenario.

Simultaneously, Dogecoin founder Billy Markus, who is known as Shibetoshi Nakamoto on X, also weighed on the picture, accusing Jimmy Wales of constant financial solicitation for his Wikipedia platform.

동시에 X에서 Shibetoshi Nakamoto로 알려진 Dogecoin 창립자 Billy Markus도 Jimmy Wales가 자신의 Wikipedia 플랫폼에 대한 지속적인 금전적 권유를 비난하며 이 그림에 무게를 두었습니다.

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Crypto Community Reacts To Bitcoin Vs. Bank Debate

암호화 커뮤니티는 Bitcoin 대에 반응합니다. 은행 토론

Wales’s post drew criticism from prominent figures in the crypto space. For instance, Erik Voorhees, CEO of the leading crypto exchange ShapeShift, took a swipe at Wikipedia’s donation model, suggesting that if the platform had invested in Bitcoin a decade ago, donation pleas might not be necessary today.

On the other hand, crypto influencer and YouTuber, Wendy O, defended Bitcoin’s ethos, asserting that banks engage in daily theft while promoting self-accountability and ownership of one’s money—a key tenet of Bitcoin. Simultaneously, market analyst Lyn Alden shared a heartbreaking anecdote of a Lebanese doctor losing 95% of their net worth due to hyperinflation, cautioning against blind trust in traditional banking systems.

반면, 암호화폐 인플루언서이자 유튜버인 Wendy O는 비트코인의 핵심 원칙인 은행이 자기 책임과 돈의 소유권을 장려하면서 매일 절도에 관여한다고 주장하면서 비트코인의 정신을 옹호했습니다. 동시에 시장 분석가 Lyn Alden은 초인플레이션으로 인해 순자산의 95%를 잃은 레바논 의사의 가슴 아픈 일화를 공유하면서 전통적인 은행 시스템에 대한 맹목적인 신뢰를 경고했습니다.

Among many others, Samson Mow, a notable figure in the crypto industry, also pointedly remarked that had Wikipedia followed his earlier suggestion to invest in Bitcoin, the platform might not need to repeatedly solicit donations each year.

The clash of perspectives between Wikipedia’s founder and crypto advocates like John Deaton, and Billy Markus, among others, offers a glimpse into the ongoing discourse surrounding the reliability of traditional banking versus the potential of cryptocurrencies. As the financial landscape evolves, these conversations contribute to shaping the narrative of autonomy, efficiency, and accountability in the world of finance.

Also Read: XRP Whale Dumps 23 Mln XRP As Price Slips Below $0.63, What’s Next?

또한 읽어 보세요: XRP 고래는 가격이 0.63달러 아래로 떨어지면서 2300만 XRP를 덤프합니다. 다음은 무엇일까요?

The post XRP Lawyer & Dogecoin Founder Slam Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales Over Bitcoin Comment appeared first on CoinGape.

XRP 변호사이자 Dogecoin 창립자인 Slam Wikipedia의 Jimmy Wales Over Bitcoin 댓글이 CoinGape에 처음 등장했습니다.

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