首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Crypto Trader 更新了狗狗幣和 Solana 展望,看到了比特幣 Layer-2 項目的“關鍵時刻”

Crypto Trader Updates Dogecoin and Solana Outlook, Sees ‘Moment of Truth’ for Bitcoin Layer-2 Project

Crypto Trader 更新了狗狗幣和 Solana 展望,看到了比特幣 Layer-2 項目的“關鍵時刻”

發布: 2023/11/04 04:16 閱讀: 831



A widely followed crypto trader is taking a deep dive into the exploding altcoin markets, starting with Dogecoin (DOGE).


Pseudonymous crypto analyst Rekt Capital tells his 364,700 followers on the social media platform X that DOGE’s weekly close will be the most important signal of what’s to come.

化名加密貨幣分析師 Rekt Capital 告訴他在社群媒體平台 X 上的 364,700 名粉絲,DOGE 的每週收盤價將是未來最重要的訊號。




“That ‘buy-the-dip’ behavior we saw yesterday is looking like relief under key resistance


However, there has been no strong DOGE rejection & downside continuation

然而,DOGE 並沒有出現強烈的拒絕和下行趨勢的延續

Most important signal is a Weekly Close above Channel Top to confirm a breakout.”


DOGE is worth $0.068 at time of writing, down 3.8% in the last week.

截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 的價值為 0.068 美元,上週下跌 3.8%。

In his latest Altcoin Newsletter, the analyst lays out what’s next for top Ethereum (ETH) competitor Solana (SOL).

在他最新的山寨幣通訊中,這位分析師闡述了以太坊 (ETH) 的頂級競爭對手 Solana (SOL) 的下一步發展。

“Great performance from SOL.

“SOL 的出色表現。

But what’s next?


Historically, SOL has upside wicked and/or deviated beyond this purple region before rejecting and it looks like this time may be no different.

從歷史上看,SOL 在拒絕之前已經上行邪惡和/或偏離了這個紫色區域,看起來這次可能沒有什麼不同。

These historical rejections would precede downside into the bottom of the purple area, with scope for downside volatility below this area.


The green path outlines this propensity from SOL to upside and downside deviate inside this purple area.

綠色路徑概述了從 SOL 到紫色區域內的上行和下行偏差的趨勢。

Generally, this purple area is a range where SOL could enjoy a bout of consolidation before further upside, over time.”

一般來說,隨著時間的推移,這個紫色區域是 SOL 可以在進一步上漲之前享受一輪盤整的範圍。”

SOL is trading for $40 at time of writing, up 23.5% in the last week.

截至撰寫本文時,SOL 的交易價格為 40 美元,上週上漲了 23.5%。

Looking at Bitcoin (BTC) layer-2 project Stacks (STX), Rekt Capital foresees an imminent moment of truth.

看看比特幣 (BTC) 第 2 層專案 Stacks (STX),Rekt Capital 預見了即將到來的關鍵時刻。

“STX is following the green path perfectly, dipping into the orange dashed level for a retest.

「STX 完美地遵循綠色路徑,進入橙色虛線水平進行重新測試。

Downside wicking below this point is possible as part of a volatile retest (e.g. wicking to $0.56), but generally STX needs to hold here to maintain bullish bias.

作為波動性重新測試的一部分,下行芯吸有可能低於該點(例如芯吸至 0.56 美元),但通常 STX 需要守住此處以維持看漲偏見。

Moment of truth.”


STX is worth $0.654 at time of writing, up 5.7% in the last 24 hours.

截至撰寫本文時,STX 的價值為 0.654 美元,在過去 24 小時內上漲了 5.7%。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/crypto-trader-updates-dogecoin-and-solana-outlook-sees-moment-of-truth-for-bitcoin-layer-2-project-tbt69014.html



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