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Are Cryptocurrencies the Source of All Evil?


發布: 2023/10/29 16:32 閱讀: 307



When you examine the statements of US politicians regarding cryptocurrencies, you would think they are talking about a terrorist organization. According to them, cryptocurrencies are the source of all the world’s evil and are responsible for financing all kinds of crimes. In short, they argue that many problems will be solved if crypto ceases to exist. But is that really the case?


The Fed and Million-Dollar Penalty


We have previously discussed various crimes, ranging from money laundering to the abuse of authority, using examples from traditional financial institutions. In doing so, we mentioned that the bad examples in crypto are unique to humans.


The Federal Reserve and the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) have imposed a $29.5 million fine on Metropolitan Commercial Bank for violating the Bank Secrecy Act, alleging that the bank allowed/facilitated $300 million in erroneous transfers. According to DFS, the bank provided the MovoCash digital prepaid Visa card program to malicious individuals in 2020 because it lacked a sufficient verification process to reveal the applicants’ true identities.

聯準會和紐約金融服務部 (DFS) 對大都會商業銀行處以 2,950 萬美元罰款,理由是該銀行違反《銀行保密法》,指控該銀行允許/協助 3 億美元的錯誤轉帳。據 DFS 稱,該銀行在 2020 年向惡意個人提供了 MovoCash 數位預付 Visa 卡計劃,因為該計劃缺乏足夠的驗證流程來洩露申請人的真實身份。

Thieves who registered on the platform with fake identities redirected numerous payroll payments and government aid to themselves. In other words, MCB failed to prevent a massive fraud in the MovoCash prepaid card program and allowed malicious individuals to exploit the financial system.

使用虛假身份在該平台上註冊的竊賊將大量工資支付和政府援助轉給了自己。換句話說,MCB 未能阻止 MovoCash 預付卡計畫中的大規模詐欺行為,並允許惡意個人利用金融系統。

Over $300 million in pandemic relief and other payments fell into the hands of scammers. The Fed is now forcing MCB to improve its customer identification, customer status determination, and third-party risk management programs.

超過 3 億美元的疫情救濟金和其他款項落入詐騙者手中。聯準會目前正在迫使 MCB 改進其客戶識別、客戶狀態確定和第三方風險管理計畫。

Is the Problem with Cryptocurrencies?


MCB is already a $6.7 billion institution, with most cryptocurrencies having a market value greater than its assets. In fact, if we consider its assets such as DeFi TVL, Maker, excluding Lido, surpasses the entire platform in terms of total locked value. So, what has this “regulated” and “US-interest-serving” institution done? It has fallen into the hands of the Fed for the crime of “weak KYC,” which necessitates waging war against crypto exchanges.

MCB 已經是一家價值 67 億美元的機構,大多數加密貨幣的市值都大於其資產。事實上,如果我們考慮其 DeFi TVL 等資產,Maker(不包括 Lido)的總鎖定價值超過了整個平台。那麼,這個「受監管」、「為美國利益服務」的機構做了什麼?它因「弱 KYC」而落入聯準會手中,這就需要對加密貨幣交易所發動戰爭。

So, is the problem really with cryptocurrencies? We mentioned that US politicians use bad examples in crypto to wage war against the entire industry. In that case, shouldn’t they say that existing banks are at the center of evil and the den of fraud? Is the exploitation of $300 million in government aid insignificant?


The problem is not with cryptocurrencies. The crime lies in the human factor, and there are also bad actors within the crypto industry. Just like the leaders of massive institutions that have been penalized for billion-dollar money laundering crimes, the criminals are to blame.


And cryptocurrencies are not the primary financial channel for crime. Just a few years ago, ISIS was selling slaves for $10,000. Those who handed over the green paper with Benjamin Franklin’s portrait bought slaves for amounts like $10,000. ISIS did not conduct slave sales with Dogecoin or Ethereum.

加密貨幣並不是犯罪的主要金融管道。就在幾年前,ISIS 還以 1 萬美元的價格出售奴隸。那些交出印有本傑明·富蘭克林肖像的綠皮書的人以大約 10,000 美元的價格購買了奴隸。 ISIS 沒有使用狗狗幣或以太坊進行奴隸銷售。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/are-cryptocurrencies-the-source-of-all-evil/



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