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Next Cryptocurrency To Explode Friday, March 15 – Dogecoin, Jupiter, Solana

下一個加密貨幣將於 3 月 15 日星期五爆炸 – 狗狗幣、Jupiter、Solana

發布: 2024/03/16 06:06 閱讀: 609



The allocation of funds across crypto assets this season is quite fascinating. Most institutional investors push their funds towards Bitcoin, while funds from retail investors and traders drive the explosive price increase among altcoins. The disparity in choice resulted in an upbeat price performance of cryptocurrencies.


Meanwhile, the most essential factor to note in this bull market is the emerging narratives. One of the growing narratives that will influence the future trend in the crypto market is the DePIN sector. The prospect of blockchain-based decentralized physical infrastructure technology in the entire industry is enormous.

同時,本次牛市中最值得注意的因素是新興的敘事。 DePIN 領域是影響加密貨幣市場未來趨勢的越來越多的說法之一。基於區塊鏈的去中心化實體基礎設施技術在整個產業的前景是巨大的。

Next Cryptocurrency To Explode 


Presently, investors are hedging their bets on DePIN projects and crypto assets with the hopes they become the next big thing in the crypto ecosystem. For instance, the 5th Scape is a more recent noteworthy project.  It focuses on revolutionizing how the world interacts with and uses VR tech, and this post explores what it brings to the evolving blockchain universe.

目前,投資者正在對 DePIN 項目和加密資產進行對沖,希望它們成為加密生態系統中的下一個重大事件。例如,第五景觀是一個最近值得注意的項目。它專注於徹底改變世界與 VR 技術互動和使用的方式,這篇文章探討了它為不斷發展的區塊鏈宇宙帶來了什麼。

1. Dogecoin (DOGE) 


Dogecoin headlined the previous bull market with a performance that surprised crypto investors. In a surprising spree, the asset’s price moved from $0.004 to as high as $0.73 in less than 180 days. The talk of its previous performance still lingers among crypto traders as it created several instant crypto millionaires.

狗狗幣在先前的多頭市場中表現出色,令加密貨幣投資者感到驚訝。令人驚訝的是,該資產的價格在不到 180 天內從 0.004 美元漲至 0.73 美元。關於其先前表現的討論仍然在加密貨幣交易者中揮之不去,因為它創造了幾位即時加密貨幣百萬富翁。

Surprisingly, Dogecoin might be gearing up for another outstanding run in this cycle as it recorded a significant price surge today. In the last 24 hours, the token recorded over 10% gains. It also saw a growing trading volume that confirms an increasing investor interest in the asset. As of the time of writing, the volume of DOGE changing hands in the market is over $4.6 billion, 68% higher than yesterday.

令人驚訝的是,狗狗幣可能正在準備在這個週期中再次表現出色,因為它今天的價格大幅上漲。在過去 24 小時內,該代幣的漲幅超過 10%。交易量的成長也證實了投資者對該資產的興趣不斷增加。截至發稿,DOGE 市場轉手量超過 46 億美元,較昨日增加 68%。

Despite a protracted decline in activities across the network, it’s thrilling to watch DOGE return to its glory days. To provide context, the only significant announcement the Dogecoin team and community has made recently is the upgrade it made to its wallet. Hence, the price gains are an impressive milestone for Dogecoin holders, especially in the bull market.

儘管整個網路的活動持續下降,但看到 DOGE 重返輝煌歲月還是令人興奮。為了提供背景信息,狗狗幣團隊和社區最近發布的唯一重要公告是對其錢包進行的升級。因此,價格上漲對於狗狗幣持有者來說是一個令人印象深刻的里程碑,尤其是在牛市中。

Generally, DOGE’s value pump is not a coincidence as it is fueled mainly by the recent news that DOGE holders may soon have the chance to purchase a Tesla with the token. The information appeared on the official Twitter handle of Elon Musk and across trusted news outlets yesterday.

一般來說,DOGE 的價值上漲並不是巧合,因為它主要是由最近的消息推動的,即 DOGE 持有者可能很快就有機會用該代幣購買特斯拉。該資訊昨天出現在伊隆馬斯克的官方推特帳號和可信新聞媒體上。

However, it’s not the first time Elon has hinted at accepting cryptocurrency as a means of payment for Tesla. Thus, the news has sparked an interest in the coin and dialogue about the initiative’s sustainability. If Tesla follows the plan, DOGE can become one of the next cryptocurrencies to explode in the short and long run.

然而,這並不是伊隆第一次暗示接受加密貨幣作為特斯拉的支付手段。因此,這一消息引發了人們對代幣的興趣以及有關該倡議可持續性的對話。如果特斯拉遵循該計劃,DOGE 可能成為下一個短期和長期爆發的加密貨幣之一。

2. Jupiter (JUP) 


Jupiter is gaining momentum again, and its social mentions have increased in the last seven days. With such visibility, JUP may break its all-time high value in this market cycle. According to its market data, it only needs 54% more gains to reach above the $2 mark, and the current push from the bulls might get it there this quarter.

木星再次獲得動力,在過去 7 天內它的社交提及有所增加。憑藉這樣的知名度,JUP 可能會在這個市場週期中打破其歷史最高價值。根據其市場數據,只需再上漲 54% 即可突破 2 美元大關,目前多頭的推動可能會在本季實現這一目標。

In the last 24 hours, JUP had a 6% price increase, putting its new price at over 104% higher than its all-time low. Data from its charts also shows that the token’s trading volume is up by over 40%, reflecting a fresh round of investor interest in the asset.

在過去 24 小時內,JUP 的價格上漲了 6%,新價格比歷史低點高出 104% 以上。圖表數據還顯示,該代幣的交易量增加了 40% 以上,反映出投資者對該資產的新一輪興趣。

At the moment, it’s hard to tell if JUP will become the next cryptocurrency to explode, given the choppy trend across the crypto market. Notwithstanding,  data from its chart shows that JUP is eyeing a higher upside based on its recent breakout from its sideways trend.

鑑於整個加密市場的波動趨勢,目前很難判斷 JUP 是否會成為下一個爆炸性的加密貨幣。儘管如此,圖表中的數據顯示,JUP 在近期突破橫盤趨勢後,正著眼於更高的上漲空間。

JUP’s price action is primarily fueled by the recent improvement to its exchange services. The Value-average update allows users to balance their portfolio growth without hassle. It also aims to improve users’ experience and ensure the Jupiter Exchange works more efficiently.

JUP 的價格走勢主要是由近期其交易服務的改善所推動的。平均價值更新允許用戶輕鬆平衡其投資組合成長。它還旨在改善用戶體驗並確保 Jupiter Exchange 更有效率地運作。

The overall increase in user base and improved platform performance would likely translate to the inflow of funds and demand for the JUP token. Ultimately, JUP would arrive at the $2 mark before the end of the year, but it might take more effort from the JUP bulls to get it there.

用戶群的整體增加​​和平台性能的提高可能會轉化為資金的流入和對 JUP 代幣的需求。最終,JUP 將在年底前達到 2 美元大關,但 JUP 多頭可能需要付出更多努力才能實現這一目標。

3. 5th Scape (5SCAPE)


Virtual Reality is the new wonder of the internet; surprisingly, we have not seen the end of it yet. A new wave of innovation is blowing through the VR industry, and the blend of AI and blockchain into the tech is already changing how virtual reality is done. More importantly, the future of VR tech will depend mainly on the success of the Web3 metaverse, primarily driven by blockchain technology.

虛擬實境是網路的新奇蹟;令人驚訝的是,我們還沒有看到它的結局。新一波創新浪潮正在 VR 產業掀起,人工智慧和區塊鏈與技術的融合已經改變了虛擬實境的實現方式。更重要的是,VR 技術的未來將主要取決於主要由區塊鏈技術驅動的 Web3 元宇宙的成功。

In that case, the crypto community should not underestimate innovative projects like the 5th Scape. These are emerging platforms that will form the backbone of the movement. It is an Etherum-based platform that brings a new touch to VR users’ experience.  The project established itself as the first blockchain-based VR network worldwide. It has established itself as a connected virtual world where users can access futuristic games, visuals, entertainment, etc.

在這種情況下,加密社群不應低估像 5th Scape 這樣的創新專案。這些新興平台將成為該運動的支柱。它是一個基於以太坊的平台,為 VR 用戶的體驗帶來了新的觸感。該項目成為全球第一個基於區塊鏈的 VR 網路。它已成為一個互聯的虛擬世界,用戶可以在其中訪問未來遊戲、視覺效果、娛樂等。

One of the team’s and the ecosystem’s core focuses is to ensure that the 5th Scape integrates well with existing VR technologies. Thus, ongoing work is underway to establish partnerships and initiate cross-platform operability. Investors can find the project’s technical details on its presale page. It also shares details of the exciting and entertaining content and games users can look forward to. Moreover, there are plans to invest in hardware to offset the platform’s dependency on third-party tech.

該團隊和生態系統的核心關注點之一是確保 5th Scape 與現有 VR 技術良好整合。因此,我們正在進行建立合作夥伴關係並啟動跨平台可操作性的工作。投資者可以在其預售頁面上找到該項目的技術細節。它還分享了用戶可以期待的令人興奮和有趣的內容和遊戲的詳細資訊。此外,還計劃投資硬件,以抵消該平台對第三方技術的依賴。

Ultimately, the crypto community will witness a blend of the major web3 technologies: Futuristic hardware, AI, Blockchain, and cryptocurrency. The 5SCAPE is still available on presale, and interested investors can visit the presale page to leverage the emerging tech ahead of its listing.

最終,加密社群將見證主要 web3 技術的融合:未來硬體、人工智慧、區塊鏈和加密貨幣。 5SCAPE 仍在預售,有興趣的投資者可以訪問預售頁面,在上市前利用這項新興技術。

Visit 5th Scape Presale

參觀第五屆 Scape 預售

4. Solana (SOL) 

4. 索拉納 (SUN)

Solana is fast becoming the chain of choice for most crypto projects, particularly the memecoin. Ethereum was central to the previous memecoin season, but the current meme culture is built mainly within the Solana ecosystem. Since the start of the bull market, the total gains of the Solana amount to over 650%, and tokens built on the chain have printed several millionaires.

Solana 正迅速成為大多數加密項目(尤其是 memecoin)的首選鏈。以太坊是上一個 memecoin 季節的核心,但當前的 meme 文化主要建立在 Solana 生態系統內。自牛市開始以來,Solana 的總漲幅已超過 650%,鏈上構建的代幣已經印出了數位百萬富翁。

Investors might have to brace for more gains as the token pushes toward its ATH values. As of the time of writing, SOL has a value of $165, about 36% lower than its all-time high value. With the growing interest in the token, there’s a chance that it might cross the $260 value before the end of the quarter.

隨著代幣逼近其 ATH 價值,投資者可能必須準備好迎接更多收益。截至撰寫本文時,SOL 的價值為 165 美元,比其歷史最高價值低約 36%。隨著人們對代幣的興趣日益濃厚,它的價值有可能在本季末之前突破 260 美元。

Furthermore, the data from its chart shows a consistent increase in SOL trading volume in the past seven days. The trend, coupled with the sudden breakout, suggests that it just completed a period of accumulation. That means the current trend might exceed the $160 range. Evidently, it touched the $172 value today before retracing to its current price.

此外,其圖表數據顯示,過去 7 天 SOL 交易量持續成長。這種趨勢,加上突然的突破,顯示它剛剛完成了累積期。這意味著當前趨勢可能會突破 160 美元的區間。顯然,它今天觸及 172 美元,然後又回落到當前價格。

On the other hand, investors might have to watch out for the $170 – $180 range as the price might shop around for a while in those regions before returning to the push above. Interestingly, there is less resistance along the way up to alter the SOL’s progress. Hence, it might become one of the major cryptocurrencies that explode in this bull market.

另一方面,投資者可能需要留意 170 美元至 180 美元的區間,因為價格可能會在這些區域貨比三家,然後再回到上方。有趣的是,在改變 SOL 進度的過程中,阻力越來越小。因此,它可能成為本次牛市中爆發的主要加密貨幣之一。

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Source: https://thebittimes.com/next-cryptocurrency-to-explode-friday-march-15-dogecoin-jupiter-solana-tbt82632.html



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