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Delhi Dominates Crypto as India's Cryptocurrency Hub


發布: 2023/12/25 22:00 閱讀: 254




Delhi Beats Mumbai in Cryptocurrency Investments, Dogecoin on Top


Delhi has become the cryptocurrency capital of India, beating Mumbai and Bengaluru, as per a recent report by CoinSwitch. The report shows that Delhi has the highest percentage of cryptocurrency investors in the country at 8.8%, exceeding Mumbai and Hyderabad, which are in second place. Bengaluru, often called the Silicon Valley of India, is in fourth place with 8.3% of cryptocurrency investors.

根據 CoinSwitch 最近的一份報告,德里已經擊敗孟買和班加羅爾,成為印度的加密貨幣之都。報告顯示,德里的加密貨幣投資者比例為全國最高,達 8.8%,超過了排名第二的孟買和海德拉巴。班加羅爾通常被稱為印度矽谷,以 8.3% 的加密貨幣投資者排名第四。

A recent study on cryptocurrency investments in India revealed that Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Bengaluru make up a significant 20 percent of the country's total crypto investors. Additionally, the report highlighted the increasing interest in cryptocurrencies in smaller, tier II cities. Places like Pune, Jaipur, and Lucknow are emerging as hotspots for crypto investments.

最近一項關於印度加密貨幣投資的研究顯示,德里、孟買、海得拉巴和班加羅爾佔全國加密貨幣投資者總數的 20%。此外,該報告還強調了較小的二線城市對加密貨幣的興趣日益濃厚。浦那、齋浦爾和勒克瑙等地正成為加密貨幣投資的熱點。

The report highlights an interesting fact about cryptocurrency investors, with approximately 75 percent falling within the youthful age bracket of 18 to 35. This demographic, well-known for its enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies, is playing a significant role in the increasing popularity of digital assets in India.

該報告強調了關於加密貨幣投資者的一個有趣事實,其中大約75% 的人屬於18 至35 歲的年輕人。這個群體以對加密貨幣的熱情而聞名,在數位資產日益普及的過程中發揮著重要作用。印度。

The data also revealed the most popular cryptocurrencies among Indian investors. Dogecoin takes the lead, making up 11% of the total invested value. Bitcoin and Ethereum secured the second and third positions with 8.5 percent and 6.4 percent, respectively. Interestingly, Solana (SOL) outperformed both Bitcoin and Ethereum, showing an impressive overall growth of 633 percent in the Indian portfolio.

該數據還揭示了印度投資者中最受歡迎的加密貨幣。狗狗幣領先,佔總投資額的 11%。比特幣和以太坊分別以 8.5% 和 6.4% 佔據第二和第三名。有趣的是,Solana (SOL) 的表現優於比特幣和以太坊,在印度投資組合中顯示出 633% 的令人印象深刻的整體成長。

Balaji Srihari, Business Head at CoinSwitch, remarked on the discoveries, saying, "As the crypto community worked on creating practical solutions, patient investors supported their efforts, and traders enjoyed gains from market ups and downs."

CoinSwitch 業務主管 Balaji Srihari 在評論這些發現時表示:“隨著加密貨幣社區致力於創建實用的解決方案,耐心的投資者支持了他們的努力,交易者也從市場的漲跌中獲益。”

The Indian crypto industry has shown remarkable strength and adaptability, overcoming challenges like market downturns and regulatory shifts. Local exchanges such as WazirX, CoinDCX, and CoinSwitch have successfully diversified their offerings to encourage more engagement and participation. Some platforms have even entered the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, introducing easy-to-use and secure DeFi wallets.

印度加密貨幣產業展現了非凡的實力和適應性,克服了市場低迷和監管轉變等挑戰。 WazirX、CoinDCX 和 CoinSwitch 等本地交易所已成功實現產品多元化,以鼓勵更多的參與。一些平台甚至進入了去中心化金融(DeFi)領域,推出了易於使用且安全的 DeFi 錢包。

Indian exchanges are now giving significant attention to Indian regulatory compliance, especially with the government categorizing companies dealing with Virtual Digital Assets (VDAs) as 'reporting entities' under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. Notably, platforms like CoinDCX, WazirX, Coinswitch, and Zebpay have successfully registered with the Financial Intelligence Unit-India (FIU-IND).

印度交易所現在非常關注印度的監管合規性,特別是政府根據《防止洗錢法》將處理虛擬數位資產(VDA)的公司歸類為「報告實體」。值得注意的是,CoinDCX、WazirX、Coinswitch 和 Zebpay 等平台已成功在印度金融情報機構 (FIU-IND) 註冊。

The report also highlighted India for actively studying the crypto space and putting practical measures in place. When India led the G20, it promoted worldwide collaboration and agreement in developing clear and unified regulations for cryptocurrencies. India favored regulating and supervising the crypto industry instead of imposing a complete ban.


Despite a recent slowdown in growth, there is a positive outlook for the Web3 industry. Crypto venture capitalists have highlighted the ongoing high quality of startups, particularly those focused on infrastructure projects. Looking forward to 2024, there's optimism in the industry as market indicators hint at a revival and the possibility of a bullish trend making a comeback.

儘管最近成長放緩,但 Web3 產業的前景依然樂觀。加密貨幣創投家強調了新創公司持續的高品質,特別是那些專注於基礎設施項目的新創公司。展望2024年,市場指標暗示復甦,看漲趨勢有可能捲土重來,產業內充滿樂觀情緒。



Delhi is rising as the cryptocurrency hub, and despite challenges, the Indian crypto industry is showing strong strength, offering a promising outlook for digital assets in the country. The active participation of the young demographic and the industry's adaptability suggest a positive path for the future of cryptocurrencies in India. 


Also read - Crypto Market Celebrates Christmas with Stability and Surprises

另請閱讀 - 加密貨幣市場以穩定和驚喜慶祝聖誕節


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