首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 發現下一個主要加密貨幣玩家:BlockDAG 的 Moon 主題演講預售金額達 4190 萬美元,超越 GSTOP 和 PEPE

Discover the Next Major Crypto Player: BlockDAG’s Moon Keynote Captivates $41.9M in Presale, Surpassing GSTOP & PEPE

發現下一個主要加密貨幣玩家:BlockDAG 的 Moon 主題演講預售金額達 4190 萬美元,超越 GSTOP 和 PEPE

發布: 2024/06/06 10:03 閱讀: 690



發現下一個主要加密貨幣玩家:BlockDAG 的 Moon 主題演講預售金額達 4190 萬美元,超越 GSTOP 和 PEPE

Recent Market Trends


Key actions by leading PEPE whale investors have driven a 20% drop in Pepe's price. Conversely, GameStop's price forecast indicates a bullish trend in the upcoming period.

主要 PEPE 鯨魚投資者的關鍵行動導致 Pepe 的價格下跌 20%。相反,GameStop 的價格預測表明未來一段時間將呈現看漲趨勢。

Notably, BlockDAG's highly anticipated moon-shot keynote presentation has fueled an 850% price surge, generating over $41.9 million in presale revenue. This keynote highlighted BlockDAG's innovative consensus mechanism, successful presale history, and plans for the Mainnet launch.

值得注意的是,BlockDAG 備受期待的登月主題演講推動價格飆升 850%,預售收入超過 4,190 萬美元。本次主題演講重點介紹了BlockDAG的創新共識機制、成功的預售歷史以及主網啟動計畫。

GameStop Price Prediction: Anticipating Future Gains

GameStop 價格預測:預測未來收益

Since its inception, GameStop (GSTOP) has experienced a 144% increase, attracting investor support and bullish momentum. Currently, GSTOP trades at $0.005531, with a market capitalization of $5.11 million. Recently, its trading volume witnessed an impressive 293.04% growth in a single day, reflecting market optimism. The upcoming settlement in the Robinhood lawsuit may further influence GameStop's price trajectory. If the bullish trend persists, GSTOP could reach $0.01. However, if it stabilizes around $0.0052, a bearish shift is possible.

自成立以來,GameStop(GSTOP)的漲幅達到了144%,吸引了投資者的支持和看漲勢頭。目前,GSTOP 交易價格為 0.005531 美元,市值為 511 萬美元。近期,其交易量單日增幅高達293.04%,反映出市場的樂觀情緒。 Robinhood 訴訟即將達成的和解可能會進一步影響 GameStop 的價格走勢。如果看漲趨勢持續下去,GSTOP 可能會達到 0.01 美元。然而,如果它穩定在 0.0052 美元附近,則可能會出現看跌轉變。

PEPE Whales Trigger Price Declines


Within three days, Pepe (PEPE) underwent a substantial price drop of over 20%. This decline was primarily attributed to early PEPE whale investors shifting profits to competing coins. Despite a significant rise earlier this year, excessive profit-taking has made Pepe vulnerable to selling pressure. On-chain data indicates a deposit of 660 billion Pepes into Binance exchange. Moreover, if Bitcoin fails to maintain support, PEPE may continue its downward trend.

三天之內,佩佩(PEPE)價格大幅下跌超過20%。這種下降主要歸因於早期 PEPE 鯨魚投資者將利潤轉移到競爭幣上。儘管今年稍早大幅上漲,但過度獲利了結使佩佩容易受到拋售壓力。鏈上數據顯示,幣安交易所已存入 6,600 億個 Pepes。而且,如果比特幣未能維持支撐,PEPE可能會繼續下行趨勢。

BlockDAG's Moon Keynote Attracts Whale Buyers

BlockDAG 的 Moon 主題演講吸引了鯨魚買家

After months of anticipation, BlockDAG's keynote from the moon garnered significant attention and whale purchases. The keynote showcased BlockDAG's unique combination of Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), enabling multiple transaction validations and enhanced scalability. This innovative architecture addresses the blockchain trilemma of speed, security, and scalability, differentiating BlockDAG from its competitors.

經過數月的期待,BlockDAG 在月球上的主題演講引起了廣泛關注和鯨魚購買。主題演講展示了 BlockDAG 工作量證明 (PoW) 和有向無環圖 (DAG) 的獨特組合,可實現多重交易驗證並增強可擴展性。這種創新架構解決了區塊鏈的速度、安全性和可擴展性三難困境,使 BlockDAG 與競爭對手區分開來。

The keynote also highlighted 45 new development updates, roadmap improvements, a low-code/no-code platform, EVM compatibility, multiple payment gateways, and the imminent Mainnet launch. These announcements instilled confidence among investors, solidifying BlockDAG as a reliable cryptocurrency.

主題演講還強調了 45 個新的開發更新、路線圖改進、低程式碼/無程式碼平台、EVM 相容性、多個支付網關以及即將推出的主網。這些公告給投資者註入了信心,鞏固了 BlockDAG 作為可靠加密貨幣的地位。

Complementing its technological prowess, BlockDAG has engaged in extensive global marketing initiatives. The keynote detailed global promotions, endorsements from crypto influencers, and features in reputable publications, establishing BlockDAG as an international player.

為了補充其技術實力,BlockDAG 也參與了廣泛的全球行銷活動。主題演講詳細介紹了全球促銷活動、加密貨幣影響者的認可以及知名出版物的專題報道,將 BlockDAG 確立為國際參與者。

X1 Miner Beta App Democratizes Crypto Mining

X1 Miner Beta 應用程式將加密貨幣挖礦民主化

BlockDAG introduced the groundbreaking X1 Miner beta app for both Apple and Android platforms. This cloud mining innovation has extended mining accessibility to non-technical users. With just a smartphone and WiFi connection, the app enables daily mining of up to 20 BDAG coins. Its compact size (50MB) ensures minimal impact on device performance.

BlockDAG 為 Apple 和 Android 平台推出了突破性的 X1 Miner beta 應用程式。這種雲端挖礦創新將挖礦的可訪問性擴展到非技術用戶。只需一部智慧型手機和 WiFi 連接,該應用程式即可每天開採多達 20 個 BDAG 硬幣。其緊湊的尺寸 (50MB) 確保對設備性能的影響最小。

Impressive Presale Performance and Price Surge


To date, BlockDAG has generated over $41.9 million in presale revenue, distributing more than 10.8 billion BDAG coins. The keynote announcement and subsequent release fueled an 850% price surge, underscoring the platform's potential for significant growth this year.

迄今為止,BlockDAG 已產生超過 4,190 萬美元的預售收入,分發了超過 108 億枚 BDAG 代幣。主題演講和隨後的發布推動了 850% 的價格飆升,凸顯了該平台今年顯著增長的潛力。

Investment Opportunities in BlockDAG Presale

BlockDAG 預售的投資機會

While PEPE whales have influenced Pepe's price decline, GameStop's price forecast indicates a positive outlook. BlockDAG, on the other hand, has captivated investors with its moon keynote, driving an 850% surge.

雖然 PEPE 鯨魚影響了 Pepe 的價格下跌,但 GameStop 的價格預測顯示前景樂觀。另一方面,BlockDAG 憑藉其月球主題演講吸引了投資者,帶動了 850% 的飆升。

The platform's recent X1 Crypto Miner app beta launch has further expanded its community. Currently, one BDAG coin is valued at $0.0095. With the Mainnet launch approaching in four months, its value may potentially exceed $1. By 2025, it is projected to reach a valuation of $10.

該平台最近推出的 X1 Crypto Miner 應用程式測試版進一步擴大了其社群。目前,一枚 BDAG 幣的價值為 0.0095 美元。隨著四個月後主網發布的臨近,其價值可能會超過 1 美元。到 2025 年,預計估值將達到 10 美元。

Interested investors can participate in the ongoing BlockDAG Presale:

有興趣的投資者可以參與正在進行的 BlockDAG 預售:

  • Presale: https://purchase.blockdag.network
  • Website: https://blockdag.network
  • Telegram: https://t.me/blockDAGnetwork
  • Discord: https://discord.gg/Q7BxghMVyu



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