首頁 > 資訊新聞 > SpaceX 準備在德克薩斯州進行第四次試射,“星艦準備起飛”

'Starship ready to fly,' as SpaceX prepares for fourth test launch in Texas

SpaceX 準備在德克薩斯州進行第四次試射,“星艦準備起飛”

發布: 2024/06/06 10:06 閱讀: 407

原文作者: Sheri Walsh


1 of 2 | SpaceX is targeting an early morning Thursday launch for Starship's fourth test flight, after the FAA "approved license authorization" Tuesday. Starship's three previous test flights ended in failure with the FAA investigating and offering corrective actions. Photo courtesy of SpaceX

1 / 2 | 1 / 2在美國聯邦航空局週二「批准許可授權」後,SpaceX 計劃於週四凌晨發射 Starship 進行第四次試飛。 Starship 之前的三次試飛均以失敗告終,美國聯邦航空管理局 (FAA) 對此進行了調查並提出了糾正措施。照片由 SpaceX 提供

June 5 (UPI) -- SpaceX is gearing up to launch Starship's fourth test flight just after sunrise Thursday from Texas, two days after the Federal Aviation Administration gave the mega rocket a license to fly.

6 月5 日(UPI)——週四日出後,SpaceX 正準備從德克薩斯州發射Starship 的第四次試飛,兩天前,聯邦航空管理局向這艘巨型火箭頒發了飛行許可證。

"The FAA has approved a license authorization for SpaceX Starship Flight 4," the agency said in a statement Tuesday. "SpaceX met all safety and other licensing requirements for this test flight."

「FAA 已批准 SpaceX Starship Flight 4 的許可授權,」該機構在周二的一份聲明中表示。 “SpaceX 滿足了本次試飛的所有安全和其他許可要求。”

"Targeting Thursday, June 6 for Starship's fourth flight test," SpaceX wrote in a post. "A 120-minute launch window opens at 7:00 a.m. CT."

SpaceX 在一篇貼文中寫道:“星艦計劃於 6 月 6 日星期四進行第四次飛行測試。” “120 分鐘的發射窗口於中部時間上午 7:00 開放。”

The Starship Flight 4 test mission is scheduled to lift off from the SpaceX Starbase facility near Boca Chica Beach in South Texas. It can be viewed, starting at 7:30 a.m. EDT on Thursday, on a free live webcast offered by SpaceX, which is targeting a launch time of 8 a.m. EDT.

Starship Flight 4 測試任務計畫從德州南部博卡奇卡海灘附近的 SpaceX Starbase 設施升空。從美國東部時間週四上午 7:30 開始,您可以透過 SpaceX 提供的免費直播網路廣播觀看該視頻,發射時間預計為美國東部時間上午 8 點。

To date, SpaceX has flown three test flights, with its most recent launch on March 14. While the Starship rocket flew farther and faster than the previous two tests, the company confirmed it had "lost" the ship as it was re-entering the Earth's atmosphere despite reaching orbital velocity. The rocket failed to complete splashdown in the Indian Ocean.

迄今為止,SpaceX 已進行了3 次試飛,最近一次發射是在3 月14 日。 」了這艘太空船。儘管達到軌道速度,地球大氣層仍然存在。火箭未能在印度洋完成濺落。

Last year, SpaceX conducted two Starship rocket test flights, with each test ending in failure and the destruction of the rocket.


The first test of 2023 launched April 20, and ended with the rocket's two stages failing to separate. SpaceX blamed leaking fuel and other malfunctions as the 33 Raptor engines powering the Super Heavy booster failed to ignite. The rocket system was intentionally destroyed as the launch also caused significant damage to the Texas launch pad and nearby Boca Chica State Park.

2023 年的第一次測試於 4 月 20 日發射,最終以火箭的兩級未能分離而告終。 SpaceX 將超重型助推器的 33 個猛禽引擎未能點火歸咎於燃料洩漏和其他故障。火箭系統被故意摧毀,因為發射也對德克薩斯州發射台和附近的博卡奇卡州立公園造成了嚴重損壞。

The FAA grounded the Starship and ordered SpaceX to conduct 63 corrective actions that included redesigning hardware to prevent leaks and fires, fortifying the launch pad, testing safety systems and applying other charge-control practices.

FAA 停飛了 Starship,並命令 SpaceX 採取 63 項糾正措施,包括重新設計硬體以防止洩漏和火災、加固發射台、測試安全系統以及應用其他充電控制措施。

Last year's second test flight launched Nov. 18 from Texas. While the 33 Raptor rocket engines on the Super Heavy booster ignited and completed a full-duration burn with a successful hot-stage separation, the Super Heavy booster experienced a "rapid unscheduled disassembly" following a flip maneuver about 3.5 minutes into the flight. Once SpaceX lost communications with the rocket, it automatically destructed.

去年的第二次試飛於 11 月 18 日從德克薩斯州發射。雖然超重型助推器上的33 個猛禽火箭發動機點火併完成了全程燃燒並成功實現了熱級分離,但超重型助推器在飛行後約3.5 分鐘的翻轉機動後經歷了“快速的意外拆卸」。一旦 SpaceX 與火箭失去聯繫,它就會自動銷毀。

Thursday's fourth Starship test flight comes after the FAA conducted exhaustive failure investigations of the three previous launches and made recommendations to fix the problems.


"As part of its request for license modification, SpaceX proposed three scenarios involving Starship entry that would not require an investigation in the event of the loss of the vehicle. The FAA approved the scenarios as test-induced damage exceptions after evaluating them as part of the flight safety and flight hazard analyses and confirming they met public safety requirements," the FAA said in a statement.

「作為許可證修改請求的一部分,SpaceX 提出了三種涉及星艦進入的場景,在車輛遺失的情況下不需要進行調查。美國聯邦航空管理局(FAA) 在對這些場景進行評估後,將其批准為測試引起的損壞例外情況。

"If a different anomaly occurs with the Starship vehicle, an investigation may be warranted as well as if an anomaly occurs with the Super Heavy booster rocket," the FAA added.


For Thursday's fourth test flight, SpaceX plans to send Starship and the Super Heavy booster on a similar path as its Flight 3 test, with Starship reaching orbital velocity and re-entering over the Indian Ocean as the Super Heavy booster makes a controlled landing in the Gulf of Mexico.

在周四的第四次測試飛行中,SpaceX 計劃將Starship 和Super Heavy 助推器發送到與Flight 3 測試類似的路徑上,當Super Heavy 助推器在印度洋上空受控著陸時,Starship 達到軌道速度並重新進入印度洋上空。

"The fourth flight test turns our focus to achieving orbit and to demonstrating the ability to return and reuse Starship and Super Heavy," according to SpaceX. "The primary objectives will be executing a landing burn and soft splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico with the Super Heavy booster, and achieving a controlled entry of Starship."

SpaceX 表示:“第四次飛行測試將我們的重點轉向進入軌道並展示返回和重複使用星艦和超重型飛船的能力。” “主要目標是利用超重型助推器在墨西哥灣進行著陸燃燒和軟濺落,並實現星艦的受控進入。”

The company said it hopes Flight 4 will build on the progress and lessons learned from the previous three test flights.


"We're continuing to rapidly develop Starship, putting flight hardware in a flight environment to learn as quickly as possible as we build a fully reusable transportation system designed to carry crew and cargo to Earth orbit, the moon, Mars and beyond," SpaceX said.

SpaceX 表示:「我們正在繼續快速開發Starship,將飛行硬體放入飛行環境中,以便盡快學習,同時我們建立了一個完全可重複使用的運輸系統,旨在將機組人員和貨物運送到地球軌道、月球、火星及更遠的地方。

Earlier this week, SpaceX founder Elon Musk declared in a post on X, "Starship is ready to fly."

本週早些時候,SpaceX 創始人 Elon Musk 在 X 上的一篇貼文中宣布,「星艦已準備好起飛」。


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