首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 加密貨幣分析師稱狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格可能達到 1 美元,但有一個大問題

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Can Reach $1 According to Crypto Analyst, but There’s a Big Catch

加密貨幣分析師稱狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格可能達到 1 美元,但有一個大問題

發布: 2023/10/15 02:15 閱讀: 210



Dogecoin, the popular meme-inspired cryptocurrency, has the potential to see major gains in the near future, according to crypto analyst Ali. In a recent tweet, Ali pointed out that DOGE is approaching the apex of a large multi-year descending triangle formation on its chart.


Descending triangle patterns are bearish chart formations that typically lead to a breakdown. However, Ali believes if Dogecoin can close above resistance at $0.0835 on the weekly chart, it could be the catalyst for the start of a new bull run toward $1.

下降三角形形態是看跌圖表形態,通常會導致崩潰。然而,阿里認為,如果狗狗幣能夠收於週線圖上阻力位 0.0835 美元上方,則可能成為新一輪牛市向 1 美元方向開始的催化劑。

However, Ali cautions that there is a big catch. If Dogecoin fails to hold support around $0.0482 on the weekly chart, it risks breaking down and potentially hitting new yearly lows.

然而,阿里警告說,有一個很大的問題。如果狗狗幣未能在周線圖上保持在 0.0482 美元附近的支撐位,它就有可能崩潰並可能觸及年度新低。

So in essence, Dogecoin is approaching a make-or-break point. A weekly close above $0.0835 could signal the start of a new bull market for DoGE. However, failure to hold above $0.0482 could lead to additional downsides.

因此,從本質上講,狗狗幣正在接近一個成敗點。每週收盤價高於 0.0835 美元可能標誌著 DoGE 新牛市的開始。然而,未能守住 0.0482 美元上方可能會導致額外的下行風險。

Dogecoin has been in a prolonged bear market since 2021 amid the broader crypto winter. Like many altcoins, it has struggled with waning investor interest and skepticism around crypto as an asset class. However, crypto analysts like Ali believe DOGE’s technical setup on the charts suggests there is still hope for a turnaround. The descending triangle apex often leads to big moves in either direction.

自 2021 年以來,在更廣泛的加密貨幣寒冬中,狗狗幣一直處於長期熊市。與許多山寨幣一樣,它一直在努力應對投資者興趣的減弱以及對加密貨幣作為資產類別的懷疑。然而,阿里等加密貨幣分析師認為,DOGE 在圖表上的技術設定顯示仍有希望扭轉局面。下降三角形的頂點通常會導致任一方向的大幅波動。

For DOGE bulls, the big question is whether the meme coin can get the momentum to finally break out of its triangle to the upside. Or will the bearish pressures overwhelm and lead to a breakdown? The coming weeks will be crucial and could set the tone for Dogecoin’s price action for the next major trend.

對於看多 DOGE 的人來說,最大的問題是 meme 代幣能否獲得最終突破三角形向上的動力。還是看跌壓力會壓倒一切並導致崩潰?未來幾週至關重要,可能為狗狗幣下一個主要趨勢的價格走勢定下基調。

Dogecoin Technical Analysis Shows Bearish Momentum


Based on DOGE’s price analysis by crypto analytics firm AltFINS, its technical picture is looking decidedly bearish across short-, medium-, and long-term timeframes.

根據加密貨幣分析公司 AltFINS 對 DOGE 的價格分析,其技術面在短期、中期和長期時間範圍內明顯看跌。

The analysis points to a bearish breakout from a descending triangle pattern that opens up significant downside risk for the coin. The meme-inspired cryptocurrency recently broke below key support at $0.060 and now risks a drop toward the next support zone around $0.053.

分析指出,下降三角形型態的看跌突破將為代幣帶來重大下行風險。這種受 meme 啟發的加密貨幣最近跌破了 0.060 美元的關鍵支撐位,現在有可能跌向 0.053 美元左右的下一個支撐區域。

Source: altFINS – Start using it today

來源:altFINS – 今天就開始使用

Looking at key momentum indicators, the MACD line is below the MACD signal line on the daily timeframe, pointing to building downside momentum. The relative strength index (RSI) is below 45, also signaling extremely bearish momentum.

從關鍵動量指標來看,日線圖上的 MACD 線位於 MACD 訊號線下方,顯示下行動能正在形成。相對強弱指數(RSI)低於 45,也預示極度看跌勢頭。

With DOGE breaking triangle support, the path of least resistance appears to be to the downside. There is not much bullish momentum evident on the charts that could lead to a trend reversal anytime soon.


On the upside, DOGE faces resistance zones at $0.060, $0.070, and $0.100. It would likely need a sustained push above these areas to turn the overall multi-week trend from bearish to bullish.

上檔方面,DOGE 面臨 0.060 美元、0.070 美元和 0.100 美元的阻力區。可能需要持續突破這些區域才能將整體多周趨勢從看跌轉為看漲。

For now, Dogecoin investors should exercise caution and wait for technical signs of a trend reversal before calling a bottom. The path of least resistance based on the price action and momentum indicators is for more downside.


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The post Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Can Reach $1 According to Crypto Analyst, but There’s a Big Catch appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

根據加密分析師的說法,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的價格可以達到 1 美元,但有一個大問題首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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