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Dogecoin Founder Explains Powerful Idea Behind New Coinbase Ad

狗狗幣創辦人解釋新 Coinbase 廣告背後的強大概念

發布: 2023/12/03 06:11 閱讀: 411



狗狗幣創辦人解釋新 Coinbase 廣告背後的強大概念

Billy Markus, who back in 2013 launched the popular meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin together with Jackson Palmer, is now an active user of the X social media platform (which used to be known as Twitter) and has become an influencer for his 2.1 million followers.

比利馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 早在2013 年就與傑克遜帕爾默(Jackson Palmer) 一起推出了流行的模因加密貨幣狗狗幣(Dogecoin),現在是X 社交媒體平台(以前稱為Twitter)的活躍用戶,並已成為其210 萬粉絲的影響者。

Markus offers comments on various topics, from crypto to politics. In today’s tweet, he shared his take on the new video advert of Coinbase published on YouTube. He also dropped an opinion, perhaps unexpected for some crypto community members, about crypto failing to live up to the goal that was set for it.

馬庫斯提供了從加密貨幣到政治等各種主題的評論。在今天的推文中,他分享了他對 Yo​​uTube 上發布的 Coinbase 新影片廣告的看法。他還提出了一個觀點,即加密貨幣未能實現為其設定的目標,這對一些加密貨幣社群成員來說可能是出乎意料的。

New Coinbase advert complimented by DOGE co-founder

新 Coinbase 廣告受到 DOGE 聯合創始人的稱讚

Markus called the new Coinbase advert “Break the Cycle” “interesting,” adding that this video explains why many people are choosing crypto, especially recently. He says: “The system is failing for them and they look for alternatives.”

馬庫斯稱 Coinbase 的新廣告“打破循環”“很有趣”,並補充說該影片解釋了為什麼許多人選擇加密貨幣,尤其是最近。他說:“這個系統對他們來說已經失敗了,他們正在尋找替代方案。”

Markus added that this advert depicts the anti-crypto senator Elizabeth Warren and politicians like her who are also trying to crash crypto from changing the U.S. and the global financial system as “the enemies of the people.”


this coinbase ad is interestingit shows why a lot of people got into crypto, especially relatively recently - the system is failing for them and they look for alternativesframing it this way, elizabeth warren and her ilk are the enemies of the peoplepic.twitter.com/kVSi7dtGWW

這個coinbase 廣告很有趣,它展示了為什麼很多人進入加密貨幣領域,尤其是最近- 這個系統對他們來說失敗了,他們尋找替代方案,以這種方式構建,伊麗莎白·沃倫和她的同類是人民的敵人pic.twitter.com/ kVSi7dtGWW

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) December 1, 2023

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2023 年 12 月 1 日

Crypto failed to live up to goal set for it, Markus believes


Billy Markus also shared his take on why crypto was created in the first place and whether it has succeeded in reaching that goal. He reminded the community that crypto was first made (implying Bitcoin) as a “direct response to the financial crisis of 2007 and all the corruption that led up to it.”

比利馬庫斯也分享了他對加密貨幣最初創建的原因以及它是否成功實現了這一目標的看法。他提醒社區,加密貨幣(指比特幣)最初誕生是為了「對 2007 年金融危機以及由此引發的所有腐敗行為的直接反應」。

it’s also why crypto was made in the first place - a direct response to the financial crisis of 2007 and all the corruption that lead up to it whether it has lived up to its promise is up for debate (not really imo), but it’s not like our system is serving its citizens well…

這也是加密貨幣最初誕生的原因——對2007 年金融危機以及導致危機的所有腐敗的直接反應,它是否兌現了其承諾還有待爭論(在我看來,這並不是真的),但事實並非如此就像我們的系統正在為其公民提供良好的服務...

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) December 1, 2023

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2023 年 12 月 1 日

However, Markus reckons that neither Bitcoin nor crypto in general has managed to “live up to its promise,” although he admitted that it is “up for debate.”



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