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5 Best Meme Coins to Watch This December

今年 12 月最值得關注的 5 款 Meme 幣

發布: 2023/12/03 06:06 閱讀: 844

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


The post 5 Best Meme Coins to Watch This December appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

今年 12 月最值得關注的 5 個 Meme 幣首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

With Bitcoin recently reaching its highest price in over 18 months, the crypto market looks primed for another strong leg up in December. This means that meme coins could be set for another parabolic trajectory.

隨著比特幣最近達到 18 個月以來的最高價格,加密貨幣市場似乎已準備好在 12 月再次強勁上漲。這意味著模因幣可以設定為另一個拋物線軌跡。

However, many investors struggle to identify which ones will pump the most. With that in mind, this article provides the five top meme coins to watch this month. We consider price, market trends, community, tokenomics, and use cases.


Meme Kombat


Our top pick for the best meme coin in December 2023 is Meme Kombat. The project is a compelling blend of meme coin and GambleFi utility token, appealing to two vast audiences.

我們評選的 2023 年 12 月最佳 Meme 幣的首選是 Meme Kombat。該項目是 meme 幣和 GambleFi 實用代幣的引人注目的融合,吸引了兩大受眾。

It is currently in its presale, having raised $2.3 million in just two months. Yet, its success is no surprise, with the project backed by countless top analysts and media outlets. 

該項目目前正在進行預售,短短兩個月內就籌集了 230 萬美元。然而,它的成功並不令人意外,因為該項目得到了無數頂級分析師和媒體的支持。

YouTuber Crypto Boy recently labelled it as having 10x potential, highlighting its tokenomics and utility as key advantages over other meme projects.

YouTuber Crypto Boy 最近將其標記為具有 10 倍的潛力,強調其代幣經濟和實用性是相對於其他模因項目的關鍵優勢。

Meanwhile, Meme Kombat has also received coverage from top media outlets like Crypto Potato, BeInCrypto, Cointelegraph, Crypto News, and many more.

同時,Meme Kombat 也得到了 Crypto Potato、BeInCrypto、Cointelegraph、Crypto News 等頂級媒體的報導。

So this begs the question, what’s all the hype about? In a nutshell, Meme Kombat enables users to gamble on AI-generated battles between meme characters using the $MK token.

那麼這就引出了一個問題,所有的炒作到底是什麼?簡而言之,Meme Kombat 使用戶能夠使用 $MK 代幣在人工智慧生成的 meme 角色之間的戰鬥中進行賭博。

This provides users a fun way to gamble and potentially earn crypto, tapping into the viral crypto gambling trend and providing a utility-driven demand stream for $MK.

這為用戶提供了一種有趣的賭博方式,並有可能賺取加密貨幣,利用病毒式加密貨幣賭博趨勢,並為 $MK 提供實用驅動的需求流。

It also features a staking mechanism with a 373% APY and 25% of the $MK total supply allocated to staking rewards. This will also contribute to increased token demand, helping bolster its price.

它還具有質押機制,APY 的 373% 和 $MK 總供應量的 25% 分配給質押獎勵。這也將有助於增加代幣需求,有助於提振其價格。

Investors can buy $MK at presale for a discounted price of $0.225, but they must hurry as this will rise to $0.235 in five days.

投資者可以在預售時以 0.225 美元的折扣價購買 $MK,但他們必須抓緊時間,因為五天內將升至 0.235 美元。



Dogecoin is the market’s most well-established meme coin, with a significant market cap and backing from one of the world’s most influential business moguls. The project launched in 2013 but rose to mainstream prominence in 2021 as Elon Musk picked it as his favourite cryptocurrency. 

狗狗幣是市場上最成熟的迷因幣,擁有龐大的市值並得到了世界上最有影響力的商業大亨之一的支持。該項目於 2013 年推出,但在 2021 年成為主流,因為 Elon Musk 將其選為他最喜歡的加密貨幣。

It holds a $11.9 billion market cap but has significant room for growth because it remains far from its 2021 all-time high (ATH). DOGE’s price is $0.08429, up 1.1% in the last day, 7.8% this week and 22% this month.

它的市值為 119 億美元,但仍有很大的成長空間,因為它距離 2021 年的歷史最高點 (ATH) 還很遠。 DOGE價格0.08429美元,最後一天上漲1.1%,本週上漲7.8%,本月上漲22%。

However, it remains 88% from its ATH, giving room for almost a 10x, or even more if it creates a new ATH.

然而,它仍然是 ATH 的 88%,為幾乎 10 倍甚至更多(如果它創建了新的 ATH)留出了空間。

Meanwhile, Dogecoin is also poised to pump in the short term. While many other meme coins are up 100% or higher in recent months, Dogecoin has lagged behind. However, some traders believe it is only a matter of time before the leading meme coin rallies.

與此同時,狗狗幣也準備在短期內上漲。雖然許多其他 meme 幣近幾個月上漲了 100% 或更高,但狗狗幣卻落後了。然而,一些交易員認為,領先的迷因幣反彈只是時間問題。

X analyst KALEO has been significantly bullish on Dogecoin, predicting it will create new near-term highs after a pullback in November.

X 分析師 KALEO 一直非常看好狗狗幣,預測它將在 11 月回檔後創造近期新高。

Another reason to watch Dogecoin this month is that a community-funded physical Dogecoin will be sent to space. This will likely drive massive excitement and potentially even draw Elon Musk to tweet about the project again.




Bonk is an exciting Solana-based meme coin launched in December 2022 but has seen tremendous success recently. Its prospered alongisde the massive Solana coin beginning in September.

Bonk 是一款令人興奮的基於 Solana 的模因幣,於 2022 年 12 月推出,但最近取得了巨大成功。從 9 月開始,它與大量的 Solana 硬幣一起繁榮起來。

Currently, Bonk is the leading meme coin on Solana, so if Solana continues to rise, Bonk will likely follow suit.

目前,Bonk 是 Solana 上領先的迷因幣,因此如果 Solana 繼續上漲,Bonk 可能會效仿。

Bonk holds a $251 million market cap, priced at $0.000004636. It is up 17% in the last 24 hours, 7% this week, and 555% this month. It is trading 17% below its 20 November ATH of $0.000005327.

Bonk 的市值為 2.51 億美元,售價為 0.000004636 美元。過去24小時上漲17%,本週上漲7%,本月上漲555%。它的交易價格比 11 月 20 日的 ATH 0.000005327 美元低 17%。

The Bonk website explains it was initially launched as an airdrop in December 2022 but has since risen to become the “true community coin of web3.”

Bonk 網站解釋說,它最初於 2022 年 12 月作為空投推出,但後來已成為「真正的 web3 社區代幣」。

Like Dogecoin, it does not offer any inherent utility except as a means of payment; however, it boasts integrations in over 130 applications, including DeFi, gaming, and NFT protocols. Its website also notes that Bonk is currently available on ten blockchains.

與狗狗幣一樣,除了作為支付手段之外,它不提供任何固有的效用;然而,它擁有超過 130 個應用程式的集成,包括 DeFi、遊戲和 NFT 協議。其網站也指出,Bonk 目前可在十個區塊鏈上使用。

However, the main reason to watch Bonk is that it is not currently listed on Binance and Coinbase. Yet, considering its meteoric rise, it seems inevitable that one or both of these exchanges will list the token this month. Should this occur, we could see Bonk explode to new highs shortly after.

然而,關注 Bonk 的主要原因是它目前尚未在 Binance 和 Coinbase 上架。然而,考慮到其迅速崛起,這些交易所之一或兩家交易所似乎不可避免地會在本月上市該代幣。如果發生這種情況,我們可能會看到 Bonk 很快就會飆升至新高。



Gorilla is another upcoming meme coin that has enjoyed notable success recently. However, it shares more similarities with Meme Kombat than Dogecoin or Bonk. This is because it integrates cutting-edge utility, providing a unique advantage over its competitors.

Gorilla 是另一種即將推出的迷因幣,最近取得了顯著的成功。然而,與狗狗幣或 Bonk 相比,它與 Meme Kombat 有更多相似之處。這是因為它集成了尖端實用程序,提供了優於競爭對手的獨特優勢。

Essentially, Gorilla is a meme coin-cross DeFi ecosystem, offering an IDO launchpad, a cross-chain token swap tool, and a peer-to-peer trading dApp.

本質上,Gorilla 是一個 meme 幣跨 DeFi 生態系統,提供 IDO 啟動板、跨鏈代幣交換工具和點對點交易 dApp。

It is priced at $0.01245 with a $8.7 million market cap. Its price is down 10.8% in the last day but up 831% this week.

它的定價為 0.01245 美元,市值為 870 萬美元。其價格在最後一天下跌了 10.8%,但本週上漲了 831%。

Yet, with such an illustrative recent pump, investors must be aware that this is a high-risk crypto. Nevertheless, its low market cap presents signficant upside potential to reach the top 10 meme coins by market cap.

然而,鑑於最近如此引人注目的上漲,投資者必須意識到這是一種高風險的加密貨幣。儘管如此,其較低的市值仍具有巨大的上升潛力,可以躋身市值前 10 名迷因幣。

Another promising factors is that $GORILLA is used to power its ecosystem. This provides a significant potential demand stream should the platform become popular.

另一個有希望的因素是 $GORILLA 用於為其生態系統提供動力。如果該平台變得流行,這將提供巨大的潛在需求流。

Moreover, it will redistribute 50% of the launchpad’s fees to the Gorilla ecosystem, helping it grow and funding token buybacks.

此外,它將把啟動板費用的 50% 重新分配給 Gorilla 生態系統,幫助其發展並為代幣回購提供資金。

This novel use case has propelled Gorilla to CoinMarketCap’s top trending list this week, another sign of strong bullish momentum.

這個新穎的用例已將 Gorilla 推上了 CoinMarketCap 本週的熱門趨勢榜,這是強勁看漲勢頭的另一個跡象。

However, its current price range is crucial to watch. A clean break from its short-term support or resistance could dictate the next explosive move in either direction.




Our final pick for a meme coin to watch in December is Pepe. The project enjoyed an unprecedented ascent in the depths of the recent bear market, reaching a $1.8 billion market cap within one month of launching.

我們最後選擇的 12 月值得關注的迷因幣是佩佩 (Pepe)。該項目在最近的熊市深處經歷了前所未有的上漲,推出後一個月內市值達到 18 億美元。

Then, after months of decline, Pepe has begun to show strong recovery signals, currently priced at $0.000001144, up 4.4% today and over 100% from mid-October. That said, it is currently around break even the past month, up just 0.8%. 

隨後,經過數月的下跌,佩佩開始顯現出強勁的復甦訊號,目前售價為 0.000001144 美元,今日上漲 4.4%,較 10 月中旬上漲超過 100%。也就是說,上個月該股目前處於盈虧平衡狀態,僅上漲 0.8%。

However, its recent pump has created a massively bullish price chart pattern, indicating it could climb to a new local high shortly.


X analyst Eunice D Wong recently noted that Pepe has just broken a pennant flag formation, which it has been trading inside since early November. A pennant flag is a short-term continuation pattern where the price consolidates before the trend resumes.

X 分析師 Eunice D Wong 最近指出,Pepe 剛剛突破了自 11 月初以來一直在內部交易的三角旗形。三角旗是一種短期持續形態,在趨勢恢復之前價格會盤整。

Moreover, the analyst noted that this breakout coincides with a break above the 200-day EMA, further increasing the likelihood of a solid move to the upside.

此外,分析師指出,此次突破恰逢突破 200 日均線,進一步增加了穩步上行的可能性。

Pepe’s recent bullish trajectory followed the team’s renouncing control of the project by burning 6.9 trillion PEPE and introducing a new team of advisors to guide the project forward.

Pepe 最近的看漲軌跡是在該團隊透過銷毀 6.9 兆 PEPE 並引入新的顧問團隊來指導專案前進而放棄對該專案的控制權之後實現的。


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