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Dogecoin Sees Massive Spike in New Addresses: Is This Comeback of DOGE?


發布: 2024/02/02 18:01 閱讀: 610




Dogecoin is witnessing a substantial uptick in its network activity. Over the past week, over 890,000 new Dogecoin addresses have been created, paired with a notable surge in activity, with an 86% adoption rate as these new users engage in their first transactions

狗狗幣的網路活動大幅增加。在過去的一周裡,已經創建了超過 890,000 個新的狗狗幣地址,伴隨著活動的顯著激增,當這些新用戶進行首次交易時,採用率達到 86%。

This resurgence could be attributed to two significant developments: the release of the iconic game Doom on the Dogecoin blockchain and the swirling rumors about Dogecoin's potential integration with X payment platforms.

這種復甦可能歸因於兩個重大進展:在狗狗幣區塊鏈上發布標誌性遊戲《毀滅戰士》,以及有關狗狗幣可能與 X 支付平台整合的謠言。

Over 890.000 new Dogecoin addresses were created in the past 7 days. Activity also spiked, with the new adoption rate reaching as high as 86% as the new users made their first transactions.🔗https://t.co/sVl5CEGkou pic.twitter.com/0LxATAEGaO

過去 7 天內創建了超過 890.000 個新狗狗幣地址。活動也激增,隨著新用戶進行第一筆交易,新的採用率高達 86%。🔗https://t.co/sVl5CEGkou pic.twitter.com/0LxATAEGaO

— IntoTheBlock (@intotheblock) February 1, 2024

- IntoTheBlock (@intotheblock) 2024 年 2 月 1 日

The porting of Doom onto Dogecoin has been executed through a protocol that allows for the storage of extensive data on the blockchain. Doom has been permanently inscribed onto the Dogecoin network, leveraging Dogecoin's blockchain exclusively for game data retrieval. While this event has sparked excitement and could be seen as a playful marketing trick, it still worked out well, with all the necessary game data being retrieved successfully. 

Doom 到狗狗幣的移植是透過一個協議執行的,該協議允許在區塊鏈上儲存大量資料。 《毀滅戰士》已永久記錄在狗狗幣網路上,利用狗狗幣的區塊鏈專門用於遊戲資料檢索。雖然這個活動引起了人們的興奮,並且可以被視為一種有趣的行銷技巧,但它仍然效果良好,所有必要的遊戲數據都已成功檢索。

However, a more substantial driver for this renewed interest likely lies in the potential application of Dogecoin in X payments platforms. The integration into broader payment systems could signal a turning point for Dogecoin's utility, transitioning from a meme token to a viable microtransaction tool.

然而,這種新興趣的更重要驅動因素可能在於狗狗幣在 X 支付平台中的潛在應用。融入更廣泛的支付系統可能標誌著狗狗幣實用性的轉折點,從迷因代幣轉變為可行的微交易工具。

Analyzing Dogecoin's price chart, the currency shows potential signs of a rebound. Dogecoin is currently flirting with a support level around $0.078 which, if held, could serve as a launchpad for upward movement. The next significant price target lies near the $0.088 resistance level. 

分析狗狗幣的價格圖表,該貨幣顯示出潛在的反彈跡象。狗狗幣目前正徘徊在 0.078 美元左右的支撐位,如果守住該支撐位,可能會成為上漲的跳板。下一個重要的價格目標位於 0.088 美元阻力位附近。

A break above this could pave the way for Dogecoin to challenge the $0.09 mark, and if the bullish momentum continues, reaching for the psychological barrier of $0.1 is not impossible.

突破這一水平可能為狗狗幣挑戰 0.09 美元大關鋪平道路,如果看漲勢頭持續下去,達到 0.1 美元的心理關口也並非不可能。


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