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Will Dogecoin Reach $1; A Complete Analysis of DOGE Meme Coin

狗狗幣會達到 1 美元嗎? DOGE Meme 幣完整分析

發布: 2024/03/09 06:17 閱讀: 584



狗狗幣會達到 1 美元嗎? DOGE Meme 幣完整分析

Will Dogecoin make it to the $1 mark? Here’s an analysis that can help answer the big question in the crypto market.

狗狗幣會突破 1 美元大關嗎?以下分析可以幫助回答加密市場中的大問題。

Dogecoin is a crypto that was founded in 2013, encouraged by the then-popular Shiba Inu dog meme “doge.” The cryptocurrency’s blockchain operates the same technology as Litecoin (LTC), a cryptocurrency often seen as the silver to Bitcoin’s gold. 

狗狗幣是一種加密貨幣,成立於 2013 年,受到當時流行的柴犬表情包「doge」的鼓勵。這種加密貨幣的區塊鏈與萊特幣(LTC)採用相同的技術,萊特幣通常被視為比特幣黃金中的白銀。

The dog-themed coin early community was known for doing charitable projects, such as raising more than $25,000 worth of DOGE to help the Jamaican bobsleigh team go to the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014. 

這個以狗為主題的硬幣早期社區以開展慈善項目而聞名,例如籌集了價值超過 25,000 美元的 DOGE 來幫助牙買加有舵雪橇隊參加 2014 年索契冬奧會。

In 2021, DOGE’s popularity soared after influencers from the famous WallStreetBets subreddit urged users to try to push the cryptocurrency to the $1 mark. The movement was driven by social media hype, with many people joining the DOGE craze.

2021 年,著名 WallStreetBets Reddit 子版塊的影響者敦促用戶嘗試將這種加密貨幣推至 1 美元大關後,DOGE 的受歡迎程度飆升。該運動是由社交媒體炒作推動的,許多人加入了 DOGE 熱潮。

Celebrities, including Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, also joked about the cryptocurrency, adding to the hype. However, when the heat died out and the cryptocurrency market joined a long bearish period, Musk kept on supporting DOGE and decided to accept it for merchandise payments at Tesla.

包括特斯拉和 SpaceX 執行長馬斯克在內的名人也拿加密貨幣開玩笑,加劇了炒作。然而,當熱潮消退、加密貨幣市場進入長期看跌期時,馬斯克繼續支持 DOGE,並決定接受它作為特斯拉的商品付款。

Who Created Dogecoin?


Dogecoin was created by Jackson Palmer, a product manager at Adobe, and Billy Markus, a software developer at IBM. The cryptocurrency was initially created as a way to mock the hype surrounding cryptocurrencies back in 2013, but received immensely positive feedback shortly after launch.

The cryptocurrency initially used a randomized reward for block mining, but that reward was changed to a static reward in 2014. It uses Litecoin’s Scrypt mining algorithm and is a Proof-of-Work cryptocurrency that can be merged and mined along with LTC.

狗狗幣是由 Adob​​e 產品經理 Jackson Palmer 和 IBM 軟體開發人員 Billy Markus 創建的。這種加密貨幣最初是為了嘲笑2013 年圍繞加密貨幣的炒作而創建的,但在推出後不久就收到了非常積極的反饋。這種加密貨幣最初使用隨機獎勵進行區塊挖掘,但該獎勵在2014年改為靜態獎勵。它使用萊特幣的Scrypt挖礦演算法,是一種工作量證明加密貨幣,可以與LTC一起合併和挖掘。

How Dogecoin Underwent A Boom In 2021?

狗狗幣如何在 2021 年繁榮?

In 2021, Dogecoin showcased the potential of meme coins in the crypto space. From its starting point to the middle of the year, Dogecoin skyrocketed over 130 times in market size, evolving into the fourth-biggest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance Coin.

2021 年,狗狗幣展示了迷因幣在加密貨幣領域的潛力。從年初到年中,狗狗幣的市場規模飆升了130多倍,成為繼比特幣、以太幣和幣安幣之後的第四大加密貨幣。

The primary reason for Dogecoin’s sensation was the support of Elon Musk, the leader of Tesla and SpaceX, who tweeted about it many times. Several celebrities bound him, such as Snoop Dogg and Gene Simmons from Kiss. Mark Cuban, who owns an NBA team, also supported Dogecoin by allowing his fans to buy stuff with it. His team did about 6,000 Dogecoin transactions in April that year.

Dogecoin’s huge growth happened at the same time as a general crypto boom that pushed Bitcoin to its then all-time-high. People were willing to take more risks, and the Dogecoin fans on Reddit and elsewhere boosted the coin’s momentum. Dogecoin is still a popular coin in the market, and its price could change a lot depending on what famous people and the general social media say about it.

狗狗幣引起轟動的主要原因是特斯拉和SpaceX的領導人馬斯克(Elon Musk)的支持,他多次發推文談論狗狗幣。有些名人束縛了他,像是《吻樂隊》中的史努比狗狗和吉恩·西蒙斯。擁有一支 NBA 球隊的馬克庫班 (Mark Cuban) 也支持狗狗幣,允許他的粉絲用狗狗幣購買東西。那年 4 月,他的團隊進行了約 6,000 筆狗狗幣交易。狗狗幣的巨大增長發生在加密貨幣整體繁榮的同時,將比特幣推升至當時的歷史最高點。人們願意承擔更多風險,Reddit 和其他地方的狗狗幣粉絲推動了該貨幣的發展勢頭。狗狗幣仍然是市場上流行的硬幣,其價格可能會根據名人和一般社交媒體對其的評價而發生很大變化。

Dogecoin Bullish Elements and Bearish Elements in 2024

2024 年狗狗幣看漲元素與看跌元素

While Dogecoin may have a very large online community behind it, it is still largely believed to rely purely on speculation. The blockchain is friendly to miners. And, DOGE has the backing of famous celebrities and individuals who show their love and support on social media platforms.

儘管狗狗幣背後可能有一個非常大的線上社區,但人們仍然普遍認為它純粹依賴投機。區塊鏈對礦工來說是友善的。而且,DOGE 得到了著名名人和個人的支持,他們在社交媒體平台上表達了他們的愛和支持。

The most disadvantageous factor behind DOGE’s bearishness is its lack of real utility and the fact that it is more of a fun coin. It has an unlimited supply which is also a bearish factor for the memecoin.

DOGE 看跌背後最不利的因素是它缺乏真正的實用性,而且它更像是一種有趣的硬幣。它的供應量是無限的,這對 memecoin 來說也是一個看跌因素。

Its value depends on its fans, who make it a gamble, a wild, and risky thing to own. The meme coin’s fans can get angry and mock those who disagree with them. Also, many of those who created Dogecoin don’t support the fans anymore.


Why Does Dogecoin Have Value?


Dogecoin, unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, was designed to be abundant and circulate. At the time of writing, there are 132 Billion DOGE in circulation, and the cryptocurrency does not have a maximum supply. 

與比特幣等加密貨幣不同,狗狗幣的設計初衷是豐富和流通。截至撰寫本文時,流通中的 DOGE 數量為 1,320 億個,且該加密貨幣沒有最大供應量。

As it was created as a meme some suggest it shouldn’t have any value. DOGE’s value has moved up over time, partly because the cryptocurrency is being used by the community and is being accepted as a payment method by large retailers. Tesla, for example, accepts DOGE payments for merchandise on its website. 

由於它是作為模因創建的,因此有些人認為它不應該具有任何價值。 DOGE 的價值隨著時間的推移而上升,部分原因是加密貨幣正在被社區使用,並被大型零售商接受為一種支付方式。例如,特斯拉在其網站上接受 DOGE 付款購買商品。

Investors also piled on DOGE as they speculated its price could surge in the near future. Its adoption may grow if it’s integrated into new products and services Elon Musk’s companies – which now also include microblogging platform Twitter – may launch over time.

投資者也紛紛買入 DOGE,因為他們推測其價格可能在不久的將來飆升。如果將其整合到伊隆馬斯克的公司(現在還包括微博平台 Twitter)中,隨著時間的推移,它的採用率可能會增加。

Price Overview of DOGE


The highest price recorded for Dogecoin is $0.7316, which was reached on May 08, 2021, nearly 3 years ago. The current price is 77.24% lower than the all-time high price.

狗狗幣的最高價格為 0.7316 美元,是在近 3 年前的 2021 年 5 月 8 日達到的。目前價格較歷史高價低77.24%。

The lowest price recorded for DOGE is $0.0000869, which was reached on May 06, 2015, nearly 9 years ago. The current price is 191,534.55% higher than the all-time low price.

DOGE 的最低價格為 0.0000869 美元,是在 2015 年 5 月 6 日達到的,距今已近 9 年了。目前價格較歷史最低價上漲191,534.55%。

The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of Dogecoin (DOGE) is $23,912,223,527. This is a statistical representation of the maximum market cap, assuming the total number of 140 Billion ETH tokens are in circulation today.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的完全稀釋估值 (FDV) 為 23,912,223,527 美元。這是最大市值的統計表示,假設今天流通的 ETH 代幣總數為 1400 億。



Dogecoin, a meme-based cryptocurrency had a remarkable rise and fall in 2021. For the past few days, a question that has been asked in the crypto space is whether will Dogecoin hit $1. However, recent news and some technical factors are pointing towards the rise of crypto in the upcoming days so the doge can reach the $1 mark if it gets proper support from the investors.

狗狗幣是一種基於 meme 的加密貨幣,在 2021 年經歷了顯著的上漲和下跌。過去幾天,加密貨幣領域提出的一個問題是狗狗幣是否會達到 1 美元。然而,最近的新聞和一些技術因素表明加密貨幣在未來幾天將會上漲,因此如果獲得投資者的適當支持,比特幣可能會達到 1 美元大關。



Will Dogecoin reach the $1 mark?

狗狗幣會達到 1 美元大關嗎?

DOGE’s $1 target depends upon its adoption rate, market conditions, any crucial development in its utility, and support from the buyers. However, the crypto space is unpredictable making certainties impossible.

DOGE 的 1 美元目標取決於其採用率、市場狀況、其效用的任何重要發展以及買家的支持。然而,加密貨幣空間是不可預測的,因此不可能確定確定性。

Is DOGE a good option for long-term Investment?


Dogecoin’s future as a long-lasting investment option depends on its usefulness, supply factors, leadership, and fan base. More work from developers and more real-life applications could improve its chances.


What did Dogecoin’s fans feel about DOGE?

狗狗幣的粉絲對 DOGE 有什麼看法?

There are different opinions, from strong support to doubt. On social media and online platforms, supporters celebrate its spirit and possibilities, while opponents highlight the difficulties it has in becoming widely accepted and used.



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