首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 由於價格面臨阻力,狗狗幣交易量創下新高

Dogecoin Transaction Volume Hits New Highs as Price Faces Resistance


發布: 2023/11/30 06:28 閱讀: 902




  • Dogecoin’s daily transaction volume reached 1.5 million transfers, marking an all-time high.
  • 狗狗幣日交易量達150萬筆,創歷史新高。

  • The surge in transactions suggests increasing utility for transferring and tipping DOGE tokens.
  • 交易量激增表明轉讓和小費 DOGE 代幣的效用不斷增加。

  • Despite the transaction spike, Dogecoin’s network handled the demand smoothly without congestion.
  • 儘管交易量激增,狗狗幣的網路仍順利處理需求,沒有出現擁擠。

Dogecoin’s original meme cryptocurrency had its transaction count reach fresh all-time highs this week, even as its price remains constrained below the $0.087 level.

狗狗幣最初的迷因加密貨幣本週的交易數量創下歷史新高,儘管其價格仍低於 0.087 美元的水平。

According to developer Mishaboar, Dogecoin’s daily transaction volume recently topped 1.5 million transfers over a 24-hour span. That figure builds on the over 1 million transactions recorded last Friday across the network, which is better known for its low fees and vibrant online community.

據開發商 Mishaboar 稱​​,狗狗幣的每日交易量最近在 24 小時內突破了 150 萬筆轉帳。這一數字是基於上週五該網路記錄的超過 100 萬筆交易,該網路以其低廉的費用和充滿活力的線上社群而聞名。

Elevated transaction activity indicates growing utility for Dogecoin


The elevated transaction activity indicates growing utility for transferring and tipping DOGE tokens, even while speculative trading interest lags at current prices. However, developers noted that much of the spiked volume comes from minor transfers and movements of Dogecoin Ordinals and other tokens built on secondary DRC-20 infrastructure rather than core blockchain usage.

交易活動的增加表明轉移和小費 DOGE 代幣的效用不斷增加,儘管投機性交易興趣落後於當前價格。然而,開發人員指出,大部分激增的交易量來自狗狗幣序號和其他建立在輔助 DRC-20 基礎設施上的代幣的小額轉移和移動,而不是核心區塊鏈的使用。

Still, the figures dwarf transaction levels on chains like Bitcoin and Ethereum and showcase Dogecoin’s structural capacity to support significantly higher adoption. Mishaboar affirmed that the network continues to handle the demand smoothly without congestion or delays.

儘管如此,這些數字仍然使比特幣和以太坊等鏈上的交易水平相形見絀,並展示了狗狗幣支持大幅提高採用率的結構能力。 Mishaboar 確認網路將繼續順利處理需求,不會出現壅塞或延遲。

From a user perspective, transacting with DOGE remains inexpensive, apart from select cases where higher priority fees apply for more time-sensitive needs. For node operators, however, surging transaction inputs do raise costs related to hard drive space and infrastructure maintenance, a possible deterrent for under-resourced participants.

從使用者的角度來看,除了對時間敏感的需求適用更高優先費用的特定情況外,與 DOGE 進行交易仍然便宜。然而,對於節點營運商來說,激增的交易輸入確實會增加與硬碟空間和基礎設施維護相關的成本,這可能會阻礙資源不足的參與者。

On the price side, Dogecoin faces heavier resistance, according to analyst Ali, known as @ali_charts on social media. Ali points to the $0.087 level as a major weekly chart barrier where the 100-week, 200-week, and 50% Fibonacci moving averages all converge.

分析師阿里(在社群媒體上被稱為@ali_charts)表示,在價格方面,狗狗幣面臨更大的阻力。 Ali 指出 0.087 美元水準是周線圖的主要障礙,100 週、200 週和 50% 斐波那契移動平均線均在此匯聚。

Breaking above that dense overhead zone could open the door for DOGE to double in value towards the $0.14 target. However, firmly overtaking such well-established and psychologically key markers often proves difficult without a catalyst.

突破這一密集的上方區域可能會為 DOGE 的價值翻倍,達到 0.14 美元的目標打開大門。然而,如果沒有催化劑,要牢牢超越這些既定的、心理上的關鍵指標往往是困難的。

Still, Ali believes heightened interest from whales and financial institutions explains part of the expanding transaction counts and on-chain activity. With the network demonstrating robust capacity, greater fundamental utility could provide the spark DOGE needs to attempt breaking its nearly year-long downtrend.

不過,阿里認為,鯨魚和金融機構的興趣濃厚是交易數量和鏈上活動不斷擴大的部分原因。隨著網路展現出強大的容量,更大的基本效用可以為 DOGE 提供嘗試打破近一年下降趨勢所需的火花。


  • 狗狗幣鯨魚活動
  • 狗狗幣挖礦
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