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Dogecoin-funded SpaceX Moon Mission To Launch in January

狗狗幣資助的 SpaceX 月球任務將於一月發射

發布: 2023/11/30 06:22 閱讀: 514



狗狗幣資助的 SpaceX 月球任務將於一月發射

Source: Pixabay


DOGE-1, a Dogecoin-funded SpaceX moon mission, has received a key regulatory approval from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

DOGE-1 是狗狗幣資助的 SpaceX 月球任務,已獲得國家電信和資訊管理局的關鍵監管批准。

The approval is one of the precursors to the final Federal Communications Commission license, which the mission is still yet to receive.


The project was first unveiled in May 2021, with space technology firm Geometric Energy Corporation currently in the process of developing the DOGE-1 satellite. This satellite is scheduled to be deployed into space aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

該專案於 2021 年 5 月首次亮相,太空技術公司 Geometric Energy Corporation 目前正在開發 DOGE-1 衛星。這顆衛星計畫搭載 SpaceX 獵鷹 9 號火箭部署到太空。

In an X post published on Tuesday, Samuel Reid, CEO of Geometric Energy Corporation, confirmed that DOGE-1 had received approval for DOGE-1 X-Band, but was still waiting on other approvals.

在周二發布的 X 帖子中,Geometric Energy Corporation 首席執行官 Samuel Reid 確認 DOGE-1 已獲得 DOGE-1 X-Band 的批准,但仍在等待其他批准。

“The National Telecommunications and Information Administration approved DOGE-1 X-Band (0083-EX-CN-2022 on http://ntia.doc.gov),” Reid said in his post. “We have yet to get the FCC license grant which will address X-Band and S-Band.”

「國家電信和資訊管理局批准了 DOGE-1 X-Band(http://ntia.doc.gov 上的 0083-EX-CN-2022),」里德在帖子中說。 “我們尚未獲得 FCC 的許可,該許可將涉及 X 頻段和 S 頻段。”

The DOGE-1 satellite will feature a miniature screen designed to showcase advertisements, images, and logos, with the content being broadcast to Earth. Notably, the launch of DOGE-1 will mark the first instance of a satellite being entirely funded using DOGE tokens.

DOGE-1 衛星將配備一個微型螢幕,用於展示廣告、圖像和徽標,並將內容廣播到地球。值得注意的是,DOGE-1 的發射將標誌著第一顆完全使用 DOGE 代幣資助的衛星。

The launch of DOGE-1 was initially announced in May 2021 by SpaceX founder Elon Musk, who disclosed that the satellite would be part of a rideshare collaboration aboard a rocket launched jointly by Intuitive Machines and NASA.

DOGE-1 的發射最初由 SpaceX 創始人馬斯克於 2021 年 5 月宣布,他透露該衛星將成為 Intuitive Machines 和 NASA 聯合發射的火箭上共享出行合作的一部分。

The planned launch of DOGE-1 has faced repeated delays attributed to Intuitive Machines’ launch provider, SpaceX. Consequently, the originally scheduled launch for 2022 has been postponed, with the current target set for January 2024.

DOGE-1 的發射計劃因 Intuitive Machines 的發射提供者 SpaceX 的原因而一再推遲。因此,原定於 2022 年推出的計劃被推遲,目前的目標定為 2024 年 1 月。

DOGE-1 isn’t the only Dogecoin-related moon mission currently in the works.

DOGE-1 並不是目前正在進行的唯一與狗狗幣相關的月球任務。

Two weeks ago, Dogecoin announced plans to send a physical Dogecoin to the Moon next year in collaboration with space robotics firm Astrobotic Technology.

兩週前,狗狗幣宣布計劃明年與太空機器人公司 Astrobotic Technology 合作將實體狗狗幣送到月球。

The upcoming Peregrine Mission One (PM1) by Astrobotic is poised to ferry 21 payloads, featuring cargo contributed by various entities including governments, companies, universities, and NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative.

Astrobotic 即將推出的遊隼一號任務 (PM1) 準備運送 21 個有效載荷,其中包括政府、公司、大學和 NASA 商業月球有效載荷服務 (CLPS) 計劃等各個實體提供的貨物。

As a part of the PM1 mission, the rocket is slated to carry a physical Bitcoin token sponsored by crypto exchange BitMEX. Additionally, it will transport a replica of the Genesis Block, commissioned by Bitcoin Magazine, symbolizing the first block of Bitcoin ever mined. 

作為 PM1 任務的一部分,火箭將攜帶由加密貨幣交易所 BitMEX 贊助的實體比特幣代幣。此外,它將運輸由比特幣雜誌委託製作的創世區塊的複製品,象徵有史以來開採的第一個比特幣區塊。




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