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Elon Musk-Style Cryptic Tweet Issued by Tron Founder, Community Puzzled

Tron 創辦人馬斯克式的神秘推文讓社群感到困惑

發布: 2023/12/30 21:10 閱讀: 851



Tron 創辦人馬斯克式的神秘推文讓社群感到困惑

Tron blockchain founder and former chief executive of Tron Foundation Justin Sun has taken to Twitter/X social media platform to share a cryptic tweet written in Elon Musk’s style – it contains of digits loved by the X app owner and clearly reminds of Musk’s “420” tweets he posted before 2022.

Tron 區塊鏈創始人、Tron 基金會前首席執行官賈斯汀·孫(Justin Sun) 在Twitter/X 社交媒體平台上分享了一條以埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk) 風格撰寫的神秘推文,其中包含X 應用程式所有者喜愛的數字,明顯讓人想起馬斯克的“420”他在 2022 年之前發布的推文。

The crypto community eagerly responded to Sun’s message, understanding it each in their own way, it seems.

加密貨幣社群對 Sun 的消息做出了熱切的回應,似乎每個人都以自己的方式理解它。

420 69

420 69

— H.E. Justin Sun 孙宇晨 (@justinsuntron) December 30, 2023

— H.E. Justin Sun 孫宇晨 (@justinsuntron) December 30, 2023

Justin Sun issues mysterious tweet


Former Tron Foundation chief tweeted “420 69” – a typical Elon Musk tweet. “420” (“4/20”) stands for April 20 which is the “International Dogecoin Day” and also the day celebrated by weed smokers. As for “69”, Elon Musk a few years ago jokingly tweeted that his birthday stands 69 days away from the 4/20 day – June 28. 

波場基金會前負責人在推特上發了一條「420 69」——一條典型的伊隆馬斯克推文。 「420」(“4/20”)代表4月20日,這是“國際狗狗幣日”,也是吸食大麻者慶祝的日子。至於“69”,埃隆馬斯克幾年前在推特上開玩笑說,他的生日距離4月20日——6月28日還有69天。

Happy birthday elon from the community pic.twitter.com/5OlKUG7RcI

來自社區的埃隆生日快樂 pic.twitter.com/5OlKUG7RcI

— Tesla Owners Silicon Valley (@teslaownersSV) June 28, 2020

— 特斯拉車主矽谷 (@teslaownersSV) 2020 年 6 月 28 日

Elon Musk is a prominent supporter of Dogecoin as the original meme cryptocurrency caught his attention around 2018-2019. Back then, Musk began often tweeting about DOGE, often adding the “420” to it. Those were “early” days in a way, since the attention of Tesla boss and a great meme lover was flattering to the Dogecoin community, so Musk’s tweets often had a large impact on the Dogecoin price and pushed it way upwards.

伊隆馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 是狗狗幣的重要支持者,因為最初的迷因加密貨幣在 2018 年至 2019 年左右引起了他的注意。當時,馬斯克開始經常發布有關 DOGE 的推文,並經常在其中添加「420」。從某種程度上來說,那是「早期」的日子,因為特斯拉老闆和偉大的迷因愛好者的關注對狗狗幣社區來說是很有利的,所以馬斯克的推文經常對狗狗幣的價格產生很大的影響,並推動其上漲。

Elon Musk remains biggest Dogecoin fan


In 2021, thanks to Musk, Dogecoin soared to an all-time high of $0.7376 (on May 8) and is now exchanging hands at $0.7376, that is 87.8% below that historic price peak — DOGE price went down sharply approximately one month after reaching the all-time high.

2021 年,在馬斯克的推動下,狗狗幣飆升至歷史新高0.7376 美元(5 月8 日),目前以0.7376 美元換手,比歷史價格峰值低87.8%——狗狗幣價格在達到歷史最高點約一個月後急劇下跌。歷史新高。

Prior to that, Musk endorsed Dogecoin heavily on Twitter and on TV – he referred to himself as “The DogeFather” on Twitter (referring to the iconic novel and movie “The Godfather”) and then he spoke for a whole evening about Dogecoin as he debuted on the Saturday Night Live show, among other subjects. But Musk then exposed DOGE and crypto in general to millions of television viewers.

在此之前,馬斯克在推特和電視上大力支持狗狗幣——他在推特上稱自己為「狗狗之父」(指標誌性小說和電影《教父》),然後他用了一整個晚上的時間談論狗狗幣。在《週六夜現場》等節目中首次亮相。但馬斯克隨後向數百萬電視觀眾公開了 DOGE 和加密貨幣。

Overall, Musk has multiple times referred to Dogecoin as “the currency for the people” in his tweets, although as time passed, they lost that strong “Elon Musk” effect on DOGE. Tesla boss later admitted to owning Dogecoin, Bitcoin and Ethereum without revealing that size of his cryptocurrency holdings.



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