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Big Eyes Coin Price Prediction: Will BIG Meme Coin Recover From Its Lows?

Big Eyes Coin 價格預測:BIG Meme Coin 會從低點反彈嗎?

發布: 2023/12/30 21:16 閱讀: 977



In recent years, specifically the past two years, the meme coin sector has experienced significant growth within the cryptocurrency market. This trend was largely inspired by the meteoric rise of Dogecoin in early 2021, which itself was created as a satirical take on cryptocurrencies. Following Dogecoin’s success, other meme coins like Shiba Inu (SHIB) emerged, essentially representing a second-layer parody – they are parodies of Dogecoin, which was already a parody of the broader cryptocurrency concept. In any case, these cryptocurrencies, many lacking distinct utilities, have formed their own unique ecosystem. Throughout 2021, it appeared that a new meme coin was launched almost weekly. However, as the broader cryptocurrency market has experienced several downturns, the excitement surrounding meme coins, commonly referred to as “dogcoins,” has somewhat diminished this year. Despite this slowdown, these coins remain active in the market, with several new ones preparing for launch. Big Eyes meme coin, a new entrant in the crypto market, represents the latest fusion of internet culture and digital finance. The presale for Big Eyes, a cat-themed meme coin and ERC-20 token with the ticker symbol BIG, commenced in August 2022 and started trading on June 3rd, 2023, as per details from the official Big Eyes website. This meme coin was initially launched on Uniswap, along with a planned release on a top-tier, yet-to-be-revealed Centralized Exchange (CEX). After reportedly raising around $35 million, despite several postponements in concluding the $BIG token presale, there is growing speculation about Big Eyes coin price prediction post its Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

近年來,特別是過去兩年,模因幣領域在加密貨幣市場中經歷了顯著增長。這一趨勢很大程度上受到 2021 年初狗狗幣迅速崛起的啟發,狗狗幣本身就是對加密貨幣的諷刺。隨著狗狗幣的成功,其他迷因幣如柴犬(SHIB)出現,本質上代表了第二層模仿——它們是狗狗幣的模仿,而狗狗幣已經是對更廣泛的加密貨幣概念的模仿。無論如何,這些加密貨幣雖然許多缺乏獨特的效用,但已經形成了自己獨特的生態系統。在整個 2021 年,幾乎每週都會推出新的迷因幣。然而,隨著更廣泛的加密貨幣市場經歷了幾次低迷,圍繞著迷因幣(通常被稱為「狗幣」)的興奮今年有所減弱。儘管經濟放緩,這些代幣在市場上仍然活躍,有幾種新代幣正在準備推出。大眼迷因幣是加密貨幣市場的新晉者,代表了網路文化與數位金融的最新融合。根據Big Eyes 官方網站的詳細信息,Big Eyes 是一種以貓為主題的模因幣和ERC-20 代幣,股票代碼為BIG,預售於2022 年8 月開始,並於2023 年6 月3日開始交易。這款迷因幣最初在 Uniswap 上推出,並計劃在尚未公佈的頂級中心化交易所 (CEX) 上發布。據報道,在籌集了約 3500 萬美元後,儘管 $BIG 代幣預售的完成多次推遲,但人們對 Big Eyes 代幣首次代幣發行 (ICO) 後的價格預測的猜測越來越多。

Big Eyes Coin: A Quick Introduction

Big Eyes Coin, a notable meme coin that was launched in 2022, stands out in the cryptocurrency landscape with its unique approach. Centered around a cartoon cat character named Big Eyes, the coin aims to create a vibrant community. It allows not just for the usual trading activities but also enables users to purchase non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with it. As it becomes publicly tradable, the coin is recognized by its ticker symbol, BIG.

Big Eyes Coin:快速介紹Big Eyes Coin 是 2022 年推出的著名模因幣,以其獨特的方式在加密貨幣領域脫穎而出。該硬幣以名為“大眼睛”的卡通貓角色為中心,旨在創建一個充滿活力的社區。它不僅允許進行通常的交易活動,還允許用戶用它購買不可替代的代幣(NFT)。當它變得可以公開交易時,該硬幣會透過其股票代碼“BIG”進行識別。

The platform’s whitepaper has a clear vision: “Big Eyes’ is a full-on community token with the express goal of shifting wealth into the [decentralized finance] DeFi ecosystem and protecting an important part of the world’s ecosystem. Community tokens are huge wealth generators for community and charity. But Big Eyes wants to give more by building a blockchain ecosystem that self-propagates for hyper growth using NFTs to offer access to more content and events that make the blockchain hypeship well worth boarding.”

該平台的白皮書有一個清晰的願景:「Big Eyes」是一個全面的社區代幣,其明確目標是將財富轉移到[去中心化金融] DeFi 生態系統中,並保護世界生態系統的重要組成部分。社區代幣是社區和慈善事業的巨大財富創造者。但Big Eyes 希望透過建立一個區塊鏈生態系統來做出更多貢獻,該生態系統可以使用NFT 自我傳播以實現超增長,從而提供更多內容和活動,從而使區塊鏈炒作非常值得參與。 」

Back in 2022, amidst a sea of meme coins, Big Eyes Coin set out to make its mark by harnessing the power of online communities and word-of-mouth. According to its whitepaper, the strategy for BIG is to “go big on media, big on influencers, and big on cuteness,” with the goal of becoming the most talked-about meme coin of that year. This approach aims to send its popularity through to 2030, driven by continuous innovation and acquisitions. The whitepaper highlighted the crucial role of the community and a network of expertise in magnifying the coin’s success.

早在 2022 年,在迷因幣的海洋中,Big Eyes Coin 就開始利用線上社群和口碑的力量來嶄露頭角。根據其白皮書,BIG 的策略是“大媒體、大影響力、大可愛”,目標是成為當年最受關注的迷因幣。這項方法的目標是在持續創新和收購的推動下,將其受歡迎程度延續到 2030 年。白皮書強調了社群和專業網絡在擴大代幣成功方面的關鍵作用。

Big Eyes Meme Coin: Concerns

The Big Eyes cryptocurrency differentiates itself from other meme coins through its declared environmental mission. According to its system, the coin is intended for eco-friendly usage, with 5% of its total supply allocated to a charity wallet. This wallet is dedicated to supporting charities focused on cleaning the world’s seas and oceans. However, it’s important to note that the whitepaper doesn’t specify which charities will receive these funds.

Big Eyes Meme Coin:關注 Big Eyes 加密貨幣透過其宣稱的環保使命將自己與其他 Meme 硬幣區分開來。根據其係統,該代幣旨在用於環保用途,其總供應量的 5% 分配給慈善錢包。該錢包致力於支持致力於清潔世界海洋的慈善機構。然而,值得注意的是,白皮書並沒有具體說明哪些慈善機構將獲得這些資金。

Another notable aspect is the anonymity of BIG’s founders, who use pseudonyms such as PawZilla, CatNipper, HypePurrr, TenPaws, CatSuit, and CatEyes. PawZilla, believed to be the leader, is referred to as the “top cat”. This practice of anonymity isn’t unusual in the crypto sphere – the founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, is also believed to have used a pseudonym. However, for investors, knowing who is behind the coin and who manages charitable donations can be a point of concern.

另一個值得注意的方面是 BIG 創始人的匿名性,他們使用 PawZilla、CatNipper、HypePurrr、TenPaws、CatSuit 和 CatEyes 等化名。 PawZilla 被認為是領導者,被稱為「頂級貓」。這種匿名做法在加密領域並不罕見——比特幣創始人中本聰也被認為使用了化名。然而,對於投資者來說,了解誰是代幣背後的人以及誰管理慈善捐款可能是一個值得關注的問題。

Additionally, the whitepaper doesn’t explicitly state the blockchain on which Big Eyes coin operates. An audit by Solidity Finance, a smart contract auditing firm, indicated that it is an ERC-20 token based on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain. This lack of clear information in the whitepaper about the underlying blockchain could be a point of interest for potential investors and users of the coin.

此外,白皮書也沒有明確說明大眼幣運行的區塊鏈。智慧合約審計公司 Solidity Finance 的審計表明,它是基於以太坊(ETH)區塊鏈的 ERC-20 代幣。白皮書中缺乏有關底層區塊鏈的明確資訊可能會成為潛在投資者和代幣用戶的興趣點。

The audit report, initially released on August 19, 2022, and updated on September 6, 2022, highlighted concerns regarding centralization in the Big Eyes coin project. As per the report, the entire supply of the yet-to-be-launched cryptocurrency was controlled by the development team. Additionally, they had the authority to blacklist specific addresses. Despite its name, the Big Eyes coin is technically a token since it is based on the Ethereum blockchain.

該審計報告最初於 2022 年 8 月 19 日發布,並於 2022 年 9 月 6 日更新,強調了對大眼幣計畫中心化的擔憂。根據該報告,尚未推出的加密貨幣的全部供應均由開發團隊控制。此外,他們有權將特定地址列入黑名單。儘管有它的名字,但大眼睛幣在技術上是一種代幣,因為它是基於以太坊區塊鏈。

Regarding tokenomics, Big Eyes planned a total issuance of 200 billion BIG tokens. Of these, 70% were allocated for sale during an online presale. Another 20% was earmarked for distribution to cryptocurrency exchanges, while the remaining 10% was to be divided equally between charitable contributions and marketing initiatives.

在代幣經濟方面,Big Eyes計劃發行總量為2,000億枚BIG代幣。其中 70% 在線上預售期間分配出售。另外 20% 指定分配給加密貨幣交易所,其餘 10% 將平均分配給慈善捐款和行銷活動。

There is no tax applied to transactions of the Big Eyes token itself. However, the ecosystem’s NFTs carry a 10% tax. This tax is distributed as follows: 4% to the original seller, 5% to general BIG holders, and 1% designated for charitable purposes.

Big Eyes 代幣本身的交易無需繳稅。然而,該生態系統的 NFT 需繳納 10% 的稅。此稅金分配如下:4% 分配給原始賣家,5% 分配給一般 BIG 持有者,1% 指定用於慈善目的。

It’s also crucial for potential investors and users to differentiate Big Eyes coin from other tokens with the same ticker, BIG. Specifically, it should not be confused with tokens associated with the Dark Land survival game or the BigWinner token, both of which also use the BIG ticker. This distinction is important to avoid any mix-ups or misconceptions about the different tokens sharing the same ticker symbol.

對於潛在投資者和用戶來說,將 Big Eyes 幣與具有相同代碼 BIG 的其他代幣區分開來也至關重要。具體來說,不應將其與與 Dark Land 生存遊戲或 BigWinner 代幣相關的代幣混淆,這兩種代幣也都使用 BIG 代碼。這種區別對於避免對共享相同股票代碼的不同代幣產生任何混淆或誤解非常重要。

Roadmap Of Big Eyes Coin

The future of Big Eyes coin is structured into four distinct phases as outlined in the system’s roadmap. The initial phase was titled “Crouch.” This stage focused on the presale, conducting a token audit, activating social media presence, and orchestrating a media stunt.

Big Eyes Coin 的路線圖 Big Eyes Coin 的未來分為四個不同的階段,如係統路線圖所示。初始階段的標題是「克勞奇」。這一階段的重點是預售、進行象徵性審計、激活社交媒體存在以及精心策劃媒體噱頭。

Following this was the “Leap” stage, marking a significant progression. Here, Big Eyes coin debuted on Uniswap (UNI), a decentralized exchange (DEX), alongside launching its full website. Concurrently, the platform aimed to reach 25,000 members on its Telegram channel and acquire 20,000 token holders. This stage also included making the first charity donation and transitioning the system entirely to community governance. The whitepaper indicates that this is the point where the “meme machine” shifts into “full tilt,” with merchandise becoming available for purchase.

接下來是「飛躍」階段,標誌著重大進展。在這裡,Big Eyes 幣在去中心化交易所 (DEX) Uniswap (UNI) 上首次亮相,同時推出了其完整網站。同時,該平台的目標是在其 Telegram 頻道上覆蓋 25,000 名會員,並獲得 20,000 名代幣持有者。這一階段還包括進行第一筆慈善捐贈以及將系統完全轉變為社區治理。白皮書指出,這是「迷因機器」轉變為「全速運轉」的時刻,商品可供購買。

The next phase, known as “Run,” involves the launch of the system’s NFTs. Additional charity donations are planned, and a real-world meetup for NFT holders is proposed. This stage is ambitious, aiming to attract a “massive influencer,” grow the Telegram user base to 50,000, and match this number in BIG token holders. Another, more substantial media stunt is anticipated, with the whitepaper suggesting that the “meme machine” will enter overdrive.

下一階段稱為“運行”,涉及系統 NFT 的啟動。計劃提供額外的慈善捐款,並提議為 NFT 持有者舉辦現實世界的聚會。這一階段雄心勃勃,旨在吸引“巨大影響力”,將 Telegram 用戶群增加到 50,000 人,並在 BIG 代幣持有者中實現這一數字。預計還有另一個更實質的媒體噱頭,白皮書暗示「迷因機器」將進入超速運轉。

The final phase, “Catwalk,” sets high goals. The system aims to donate $1 million to charity and organize more events for the community. This stage represents the culmination of the roadmap, aiming to solidify the presence and impact of Big Eyes coin in both the crypto and charitable spheres.

最後階段「T台」設定了很高的目標。該系統旨在向慈善機構捐贈 100 萬美元,並為社區組織更多活動。這一階段代表了路線圖的頂峰,旨在鞏固大眼幣在加密貨幣和慈善領域的存在和影響。

Big Eyes Coin Price Forecast: Price History

Understanding the price trends of the Big Eyes coin can offer insights for making or interpreting predictions about its future value. However, it’s crucial to remember that historical performance doesn’t guarantee future outcomes.


The Big Eyes meme coin began trading in June 2023 at $0.00002144. Initially, it experienced a surge to $0.000035, but soon faced significant sell-offs as investors’ confidence declined due to controversies and audit issues, leading to a drop to $0.00001 by late June. Despite a brief recovery to $0.00002, it couldn’t sustain buyer interest above this level, resulting in a loss of momentum.

Big Eyes meme 硬幣於 2023 年 6 月開始交易,售價為 0.00002144 美元。最初,它飆升至 0.000035 美元,但很快就面臨大幅拋售,因為爭議和審計問題導致投資者信心下降,導致 6 月底跌至 0.00001 美元。儘管短暫回升至 0.00002 美元,但無法將買家興趣維持在該水平之上,導致動力喪失。

In July, the price fell further, dipping below $0.000009, and continued its downward trend in the subsequent months. After hitting a low of $0.000007, the coin saw a slight rise past $0.00001, but then declined again.

7 月份,價格進一步下跌,跌破 0.000009 美元,並在隨後的幾個月中延續了下跌趨勢。在觸及 0.000007 美元的低點後,代幣小幅上漲至 0.00001 美元以上,但隨後再次下跌。

October witnessed Bitcoin reaching the $40K mark, but the Big Eyes coin didn’t capitalize on this market trend and lagged behind other leading meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. By the end of October, its price had fallen to $0.0000028. The weeks that followed saw the price hovering in a bearish zone, yet in the first week of December, there was a spike above $0.0000093. Recently, the price has dropped below $0.000004, with increased selling pressure near resistance levels.

10 月份,比特幣突破了 4 萬美元大關,但大眼幣並沒有利用這一市場趨勢,並且落後於狗狗幣和柴犬等其他領先的迷因幣。到十月底,其價格已跌至 0.0000028 美元。接下來的幾週,價格徘徊在看跌區域,但在 12 月的第一周,價格飆升至 0.0000093 美元以上。最近,價格已跌破 0.000004 美元,阻力位附近的賣壓增加。

Big Eyes Coin Price Prediction By Blockchain Reporter

Big Eyes Price Prediction 2023

The price of Big Eyes is predicted to reach a minimum level of $0.000004 in 2023. The Big Eyes price can reach a maximum level of $0.000005 with the average price of $0.000005 throughout 2023.

Blockchain Reporter的Big Eyes Coin價格預測2023年Big Eyes價格預測Big Eyes的價格預計將在2023年達到最低水平0.000004美元。Big Eyes價格最高可達0.000005美元,2023年平均價格為0.000005美元。

Big Eyes Price Prediction 2024

The price of Big Eyes is predicted to reach a minimum value of $0.000007 in 2024. The Big Eyes price could reach a maximum value of $0.000009 with the average trading price of $0.000007 throughout 2024.

2024 年 Big Eyes 價格預測預計 Big Eyes 的價格將在 2024 年達到最低值 0.000007 美元。Big Eyes 價格可能達到最高值 0.000009 美元,整個 2024 年平均交易價格為 0.000007 美元。

BIG Price Forecast for 2025

According to our deep technical analysis on past price data of BIG, in 2025 the price of Big Eyes is forecasted to be at around a minimum value of $0.000010. The Big Eyes price value can reach a maximum of $0.000012 with the average trading value of $0.000010 in USD.

2025 年 BIG 價格預測根據我們對 BIG 過去價格數據的深入技術分析,預計 2025 年 Big Eyes 的價格將在最低值 0.000010 美元左右。 Big Eyes 價格最高可達 0.000012 美元,平均交易價值為 0.000010 美元(美元)。

Big Eyes (BIG) Price Prediction 2026

Big Eyes price is forecast to reach a lowest possible level of $0.000015 in 2026. As per our findings, the BIG price could reach a maximum possible level of $0.000017 with the average forecast price of $0.000016.

2026 年 Big Eyes (BIG) 價格預測 Big Eyes 價格預計將在 2026 年達到 0.000015 美元的最低水平。根據我們的研究結果,BIG 價格可能達到 0.000017 美元的最高可能水平,平均預測價格為 0.000016 美元。

Big Eyes Price Prediction 2027

As per the forecast price and technical analysis, in 2027 the price of Big Eyes is predicted to reach a minimum level of $0.000022. The BIG price can reach a maximum level of $0.000027 with the average trading price of $0.000023.

2027年大眼睛價格預測根據預測價格和技術分析,2027年大眼睛的價格預計將達到0.000022美元的最低水準。 BIG 價格最高可達 0.000027 美元,平均交易價格為 0.000023 美元。

Big Eyes Price Prediction 2028

The price of Big Eyes is predicted to reach a minimum value of $0.000032 in 2028. The Big Eyes price could reach a maximum value of $0.000038 with the average trading price of $0.000033 throughout 2028.

2028 年 Big Eyes 價格預測預計 Big Eyes 的價格將在 2028 年達到最低值 0.000032 美元。Big Eyes 價格可能達到最高值 0.000038 美元,整個 2028 年平均交易價格為 0.000033 美元。

Big Eyes (BIG) Price Prediction 2029

Big Eyes price is forecast to reach a lowest possible level of $0.000046 in 2029. As per our findings, the BIG price could reach a maximum possible level of $0.000055 with the average forecast price of $0.000048.

Big Eyes (BIG) 價格預測 2029Big Eyes 價格預計將在 2029 年達到 0.000046 美元的最低水平。根據我們的研究結果,BIG 價格可能達到 0.000055 美元的最高可能水平,平均預測價格為 0.000048 美元。

Big Eyes Price Forecast 2030

The price of 1 Big Eyes is expected to reach a minimum level of $0.000065 in 2030. The BIG price can reach a maximum level of $0.000081 with the average price of $0.000067 throughout 2030.

2030 年 Big Eyes 價格預測預計 2030 年 1 個 Big Eyes 的價格將達到最低水平 0.000065 美元。BIG 價格最高可達到 0.000081 美元,2030 年平均價格為 0.000067 美元。

Big Eyes (BIG) Price Prediction 2031

According to our deep technical analysis on past price data of BIG, in 2031 the price of Big Eyes is predicted to reach a minimum level of $0.000093. The BIG price can reach a maximum level of $0.000112 with the average trading price of $0.000096.

2031 年 Big Eyes (BIG) 價格預測根據我們對 BIG 過去價格數據的深入技術分析,預計 2031 年 Big Eyes 的價格將達到 0.000093 美元的最低水平。 BIG 價格最高可達 0.000112 美元,平均交易價格為 0.000096 美元。

Big Eyes Price Prediction 2032

As per the forecast and technical analysis, in 2032 the price of Big Eyes is expected to reach a minimum price value of $0.000134. The BIG price can reach a maximum price value of $0.000163 with the average value of $0.000138.

2032年大眼石價格預測根據預測和技術分析,2032年大眼石的價格預計將達到最低價格值0.000134美元。 BIG 價格最高可達 0.000163 美元,平均值為 0.000138 美元。

Big Eyes Price Target: By Experts

According to the latest predictions by Coincodex, the price of Big Eyes is projected to decrease by -6.68%, reaching $0.000004507 by January 3, 2024. Technical indicators suggest that the current market sentiment is Bearish, with the Fear & Greed Index indicating a score of 65, categorized as Greed. In the past 30 days, Big Eyes has experienced 12/30 (40%) green days, showing a price volatility of 24.86%.

Big Eyes 價格目標:專家根據 Coincodex 的最新預測,Big Eyes 的價格預計將下跌 -6.68%,到 2024 年 1 月 3 日將達到 0.000004507 美元。技術指標表明,當前市場漫看跌,恐懼情緒瀰漫& 貪婪指數表示得分為65,屬於貪婪。在過去30天內,大眼睛經歷了12/30(40%)個綠日,顯示價格波動率為24.86%。

Coincodex’s analysis concludes that it is currently not an ideal time to purchase Big Eyes. Additionally, their forecast, which takes into account the historical price trends of Big Eyes and Bitcoin halving cycles, estimates the yearly low for Big Eyes in 2024 to be around $0.000004252. On the other hand, the highest potential price for Big Eyes in the next year is predicted to be approximately $0.00001060.

Coincodex 的分析得出的結論是,目前不是購買 Big Eyes 的理想時機。此外,他們的預測考慮了 Big Eyes 的歷史價格趨勢和比特幣減半週期,估計 2024 年 Big Eyes 的年度低點約為 0.000004252 美元。另一方面,Big Eyes 明年的最高潛在價格預計約為 0.00001060 美元。

According to the analysis by Digital Coin Price, the price of BIG (Big Eyes) is anticipated to surpass the $0.0000104 mark in 2024. By the year’s end, the minimum price for Big Eyes is expected to be around $0.0000102, with the potential to reach a maximum of $0.0000106. Looking further ahead, their forecasts project that in 2032, the price of BIG could cross $0.0000917. By the close of 2032, Big Eyes is projected to have a minimum value of $0.0000894, while it might attain a peak price of $0.0000919.

根據 Digital Coin Price 的分析,BIG(Big Eyes)的價格預計將在 2024 年突破 0.0000104 美元大關。到年底,Big Eyes 的最低價格預計在 0.0000102 美元左右,有可能達到高達 0.0000106 美元。展望未來,他們預測到 2032 年,BIG 的價格可能會突破 0.0000917 美元。到 2032 年底,「大眼睛」的最低價格預計為 0.0000894 美元,而最高價格可能為 0.0000919 美元。

Is Big Eyes Coin A Good Investment?

Numerous leading cryptocurrency experts have expressed the opinion that meme coins represent excellent investment opportunities for crypto beginners due to their potential for rapid growth.


For instance, renowned Twitter cryptocurrency analyst Altcoin Sherpa has noted that although a significant number of meme coins are scams or rug pulls with little to no utility, they possess a unique capability that sets them apart from conventional coins and Bitcoin – the ability to achieve a 500-fold increase in value within just a few days.

例如,著名的Twitter 加密貨幣分析師Altcoin Sherpa 指出,儘管大量模因幣都是騙局或騙局,幾乎沒有任何效用,但它們擁有獨特的功能,使它們與傳統硬幣和比特幣區分開來— —能夠實現短短幾天內價值增加了500倍。

However, it is advised to do your own research and conduct risk management before investing in this meme coin.


Factors Affecting the Big Eyes Price

As of the current moment, there have been no official announcements regarding the listing of Big Eyes coins on centralized exchanges. Achieving a substantial trading volume will be essential for Big Eyes to be considered for listings on major platforms like Binance, Bybit, or Coinbase.

影響大眼幣價格的因素 截至目前,大眼幣上線中心化交易所尚未有官方公告。要考慮在 Binance、Bybit 或 Coinbase 等主要平台上上市,實現可觀的交易量對於 Big Eyes 至關重要。

The future price growth of Big Eyes coin will also heavily depend on the successful launch of its initial NFT collection and the establishment of partnerships with influential figures.

Big Eyes幣未來的價格成長也將在很大程度上取決於其初始NFT系列的成功推出以及與有影響力人物的合作夥伴關係的建立。

Furthermore, implementing a token burn for Big Eyes to reduce the total supply could potentially have a positive impact on its price. This approach aligns with the recent trend of deflationary cryptocurrencies, which has garnered significant media attention following the Terra Classic (LUNC) token burn. It’s important to note that as of the current press time, there are no concrete plans in place for burning Big Eyes tokens.

此外,為 Big Eyes 實施代幣銷毀以減少總供應量可能會對其價格產生積極影響。這種方法符合近期通貨緊縮加密貨幣的趨勢,在 Terra Classic (LUNC) 代幣銷毀後,該趨勢引起了媒體的廣泛關注。值得注意的是,截至目前發稿時,還沒有燃燒 Big Eyes 代幣的具體計劃。


Before concluding, a few important points deserve mention. Firstly, the whitepaper lacks specific details about the cryptocurrency. As previously mentioned, the token has yet to be launched, leaving room for various developments both before and after its introduction to the open market.


Additionally, it is crucial to bear in mind that cryptocurrencies come with no guarantees. Furthermore, the crypto space is saturated with numerous meme coins, warranting caution when observing the behavior of BIG.

此外,重要的是要記住,加密貨幣沒有任何保證。此外,加密貨幣空間充斥著大量的迷因幣,在觀察 BIG 的行為時需要謹慎。

It is imperative to emphasize the significance of conducting one’s own research, recognizing that cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate in both upward and downward directions, and refraining from investing more capital than one can afford to potentially lose.


Source: Big Eyes Coin Price Prediction — Will BIG Meme Coin Recover From Its Lows?

資料來源:Big Eyes Coin 價格預測 — BIG Meme Coin 會從低點反彈嗎?


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