首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著比特幣進入 12 月,比特幣以 3.8 萬美元的價格上漲——本月會發生什麼

Jingle bells and BTC swells as Bitcoin enters Dec at $38K – What to expect this month

隨著比特幣進入 12 月,比特幣以 3.8 萬美元的價格上漲——本月會發生什麼

發布: 2023/12/01 16:11 閱讀: 534



隨著比特幣進入 12 月,比特幣以 3.8 萬美元的價格上漲——本月會發生什麼

As we usher in the festive season with the familiar jingle of bells, there’s another sound making waves in the financial world – the resounding surge of Bitcoin as it enters December at an impressive $38,000. Much like a sleigh on a snowy slope, the cryptocurrency market is gearing up for an exhilarating ride into the last month of the year.

當我們在熟悉的鐘聲中迎來節日時,金融界又傳來另一種聲音——比特幣進入 12 月後飆升至令人印象深刻的 38,000 美元。就像雪坡上的雪橇一樣,加密貨幣市場正準備迎接今年最後一個月的令人興奮的旅程。

Will the value continue to swell like a festive chorus, or will there be unexpected dips and rises, akin to a rollercoaster ride in a winter wonderland?


Bitcoin enters the festive season grounded above $38K

比特幣進入節慶季,價格突破 3.8 萬美元

The crypto market has been in recovery mode for the last two months. This is largely driven by the return on investors’ faith in the market. Second, it is spurred by the possibility of Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs being approved in the United States.


Following a period of volatile trading in recent times, crypto prices opened the day in positive territory. Investors adopted a cautious approach in evaluating the present economic state and other pertinent factors. 


Significantly, investors’ sentiment in the digital asset space was divided for the duration of the week, as regulatory obstacles and other factors cast doubt on the sector.


According to CoinGecko, Bitcoin (BTC) is currently trading at $38,153.81, with a 24-hour trading volume of $12,113,428,991.09. This is a 0.57% increase in the  24 hours and a 2.10% increase in the last 7 days.

根據 CoinGecko 的數據,比特幣(BTC)目前交易價格為 38,153.81 美元,24 小時交易量為 12,113,428,991.09 美元。 24 小時內增加了 0.57%,過去 7 天增加了 2.10%。

In addition, the global crypto market valuation is now $1.51 trillion, a 1.13% increase over the last 24 hours and a 68.57% increase over a year ago. Bitcoin has a market cap of $746 billion as of today, signifying a 49.45% market dominance. Meanwhile, the market cap of stablecoins is $130 billion, accounting for 8.62% of the total crypto market cap.

此外,目前全球加密貨幣市場估值為1.51兆美元,較過去24小時成長1.13%,較一年前成長68.57%。截至目前,比特幣的市值為 7,460 億美元,佔 49.45% 的市場主導地位。同時,穩定幣市值為1,300億美元,佔加密貨幣總市值的8.62%。

The recent surge in crypto prices indicates that market participants’ confidence was bolstered at the beginning of December. In the meantime, the market appears to have regained confidence as October PCE inflation data, a key indicator of inflation, decreased to 3%.

最近加密貨幣價格的飆升表明市場參與者的信心在 12 月初得到了增強。同時,隨著通膨關鍵指標10月PCE通膨數據下降至3%,市場似乎已重拾信心。

As of the present day’s high point, Bitcoin has experienced a surge of over 10% over the past 30 days and a 121% ascent over the past year.

截至目前的高點,比特幣在過去 30 天上漲了 10% 以上,在過去一年裡上漲了 121%。

Overall crypto market performance


As December begins, the constant second-place digital asset Ethereum is also on the upswing. At the time of writing, the price of Ethereum (ETH) is $2,089.87, with a 24-hour trading volume of $15,015,647,242.75. This indicates a 2.56% increase in the last 24 hours and a 1.02% increase in the last 7 days. 

進入12月,常年排名第二的數位資產以太坊也呈現上漲趨勢。截至撰寫本文時,以太坊(ETH)的價格為 2,089.87 美元,24 小時交易量為 15,015,647,242.75 美元。這表明過去 24 小時內增長了 2.56%,過去 7 天增長了 1.02%。

Ethereum is a long way from its all-time high of $4,732 on November 11, 2021. Meanwhile, Solana and Dogecoin have made significant advances in recent weeks.

以太坊距離 2021 年 11 月 11 日的歷史高點 4,732 美元還有很長的路要走。與此同時,Solana 和狗狗幣在最近幾週取得了重大進展。

Solana (SOL) is trading at $60.39 today, with a 24-hour trading volume of $1,379,919,242.74. This indicates a -0.34% decrease in the last 24 hours and a 5.71% gain in the last 7 days.

Solana (SOL) 今天的交易價格為 60.39 美元,24 小時交易量為 1,379,919,242.74 美元。這表明過去 24 小時內下跌了 -0.34%,在過去 7 天內上漲了 5.71%。

Dogecoin (DOGE) is currently trading at $0.083944 with a 24-hour trading volume of $878,313,501.97. This indicates a 3.09% increase in the last 24 hours and a 9.08% gain in the last 7 days. 

狗狗幣(DOGE)目前交易價格為 0.083944 美元,24 小時交易量為 878,313,501.97 美元。這表明過去 24 小時內上漲了 3.09%,過去 7 天內上漲了 9.08%。

Furthermore, the Bitcoin market fear and greed index stands at 71, indicating a bullish, primarily “greed” sentiment in the market.

此外,比特幣市場恐懼和貪婪指數為 71,顯示市場看漲,主要是「貪婪」情緒。

OPNX token jumps by 50% following Su Zhu’s unforeseen post of a ‘gm.’

在 Su Zhu 意外發布「gm」後,OPNX 代幣上漲了 50%。

The native token of the crypto bankruptcy claims platform OPNX, Open Exchange Token (OX), surged 50% just 20 minutes after co-founder Su Zhu allegedly posted to X (Twitter) for the first time since his incarceration.

加密貨幣破產索賠平台 OPNX 的原生代幣 Open Exchange Token (OX) 在聯合創始人 Su Zhu 據稱自入獄以來首次在 X (Twitter) 上發布後僅 20 分鐘就飆升了 50%。

Su’s first X post since Sept. 29, when he was arrested at Singapore’s Changi Airport while attempting to flee the country, was a simple “gm” — an acronym for “good morning” — on Dec. 1.

自從9 月29 日蘇在試圖逃離該國時在新加坡樟宜機場被捕以來,他的第一個X 帖子是在12 月1 日發布的一個簡單的“gm”——“早上好”的縮寫。

OX retraced by roughly 6% shortly after the price top. Its market capitalization has risen to more than $104.5 million. Su was detained on September 29 while attempting to flee Singapore after a court ordered him imprisoned for contempt of court.

OX 在價格見頂後不久回撤約 6%。其市值已升至超過 1.045 億美元。 9月29日,蘇在法庭以藐視法庭罪入獄後試圖逃離新加坡時被拘留。

Su was ordered to serve four months in prison, which meant he wouldn’t be released until next year, though others have speculated he may have been released after a wallet labeled “suzhu.eth” — thought to belong to Su (though unverified) — became operational again on Nov. 29.

蘇被判入獄四個月,這意味著他要到明年才會被釋放,儘管其他人猜測他可能是在一個標有“suzhu.eth”的錢包後被釋放的——據信屬於蘇(儘管未經證實) — 11 月 29 日再次投入營運。

OPNX, which stands for Open Exchange, is a platform that allows trading creditor claims from bankrupt cryptocurrency enterprises.

OPNX 代表開放交易所,是一個允許交易破產加密貨幣企業債權人債權的平台。


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