首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 現場報導:SpaceX 獵鷹 9 號將從加州發射 22 顆星鏈衛星

Live coverage: SpaceX Falcon 9 to launch 22 Starlink satellites from California

現場報導:SpaceX 獵鷹 9 號將從加州發射 22 顆星鏈衛星

發布: 2023/11/20 11:39 閱讀: 353

原文作者:Spaceflight Now


File photo of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on the launch pad at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California. Credit: SpaceX

資料照片:加州范登堡太空部隊基地發射台上的 SpaceX 獵鷹 9 號火箭。圖片來源:SpaceX

SpaceX will make another attempt to launch a Falcon 9 from the West Coast with a batch of 22 Starlink satellites at 10:33 p.m. PST Sunday (1:33 a.m. EST / 0633 UTC Monday).

SpaceX 將於晚上 10 點 33 分再次嘗試從西海岸發射獵鷹 9 號火箭,運載一批 22 顆星鏈衛星。太平洋標準時間週日(東部標準時間凌晨 1:33/世界標準時間週一 0633)。

Early Sunday morning, a countdown for the Falcon 9 was halted with just minutes left on the clock. SpaceX said it was “standing down” in a social media post about seven minutes after the planned liftoff time. It did not provide a reason for the aborted launch attempt. The Starlink 7-7 mission had already been delayed by a day.

週日清晨,獵鷹 9 號的倒數計時在時間還剩幾分鐘時停止。 SpaceX 在社群媒體貼文中表示,在計劃的發射時間大約七分鐘後,該公司將「暫停」。它沒有提供發射嘗試中止的原因。星鏈7-7號任務已經延後了一天。

On this 55th Starlink delivery mission of the year, the Falcon 9 will head in a south-easterly direction after lifting off from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California targeting a 183×178 mile (295×286 km) orbit, inclined at 53 degrees to the equator.

在今年的第55 次星鏈發射任務中,獵鷹9 號將從加州范登堡太空部隊基地的4E 號航太發射場升空後向東南方向飛行,目標軌道為183×178 英里(295× 286 公里),與赤道傾斜53度。

Spaceflight Now will provide live coverage of Falcon 9 liftoff in our Launch Pad Live stream.

Spaceflight Now 將在我們的發射台直播中直播獵鷹 9 號升空的情況。

The first stage booster, making its 15th flight, previously launched the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, DART, Transporter-7, Iridium OneWeb and the Space Development Agency Tranche 0B missions. Plus nine previous Starlink delivery missions. After completing its burn, the first stage will land on the drone ship ‘Of Course I still Love You’ stationed about 400 miles downrange (644km) in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Baja California.

第一級助推器進行了第 15 次飛行,此前曾發射過 Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich、DART、Transporter-7、Iridium OneWeb 和太空發展局 Tranche 0B 任務。加上之前的九次星鏈傳送任務。完成燃燒後,第一階段將降落在「當然我仍然愛你」號無人船上,該船駐紮在下加利福尼亞州海岸附近的太平洋下游約 400 英里(644 公里)處。

If all goes according to plan, deployment of the 22 V2 Mini Starlink satellites will occur just over an hour after launch. The V2 Mini model was introduced earlier this year and is much larger than the V1.5 satellites. Equipped with upgraded antennae and larger solar panels, the latest models can delivery four times the bandwidth of the previous satellites.

如果一切按計畫進行,22 顆 V2 迷你星鏈衛星的部署將在發射後一個多小時內完成。 V2 Mini 型號於今年稍早推出,比 V1.5 衛星大得多。最新型號配備了升級的天線和更大的太陽能電池板,可以提供以前衛星四倍的頻寬。

SpaceX recently announced it had signed up over two million subscribers in more than 60 countries for its Starlink internet service. Since 2019 it has launched 5,445 satellites according to statistics compiled by Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who maintains a space flight database. Of those satellites 5,078 remain in orbit and 5,041 appear to be working normally.

SpaceX 最近宣布,其 Starlink 網路服務已在 60 多個國家簽署超過 200 萬訂戶。根據哈佛史密森天文物理中心天文學家喬納森·麥克道爾 (Jonathan McDowell) 編制的統計數據,自 2019 年以來,它已發射了 5,445 顆衛星,該中心維護著一個太空飛行資料庫。其中 5,078 顆衛星仍在軌道上,5,041 顆似乎正常運作。


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