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Smart Contract Platform Avalanche Faces Network Interruption


發布: 2024/02/23 22:00 閱讀: 232

原文作者:BH NEWS



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您也可以在 BH NEWS 上閱讀此新聞:智慧合約平台 Avalanche 面臨網路中斷

The Avalanche (AVAX) network, known as a strong competitor to Ethereum in the realm of smart contract platforms, recently suffered a service disruption. The halt in the network’s functionality, which is not an isolated incidence within the crypto space, echoes a pattern seen in other platforms like Solana, which has normalized experiencing a few outages annually.

在智慧合約平台領域被稱為以太坊強大競爭對手的 Avalanche (AVAX) 網路最近遭遇了服務中斷。網路功能的停止並不是加密貨幣領域的孤立事件,這與 Solana 等其他平台的模式相呼應,該平台每年都會經歷幾次中斷。

Avalanche Network Grinds to a Halt

Avalanche 網路陷入癱瘓

During the incident, the production of new blocks on the Avalanche network ceased unexpectedly. Ava Labs’ Kevin Sekniqi acknowledged the issue and pointed to a surge in inscriptions, a concept familiar to Bitcoin ordinals, as a possible culprit. These inscriptions are known to heighten the burden on a network and potentially cause prolonged disruptions.

事件期間,Avalanche 網路上新區塊的生產意外停止。 Ava Labs 的 Kevin Sekniqi 承認了這個問題,並指出銘文激增(比特幣序數熟悉的概念)可能是罪魁禍首。眾所周知,這些銘文會加重網路負擔,並可能導致長期中斷。

Impact and Response


Sekniqi expressed that the current setback was likely triggered by untested scenarios within the network, particularly concerning the processing of the transaction pool (mempool). The team at Ava Labs was actively investigating the anomaly to restore normal operations. Historical precedents in networks such as Litecoin and Dogecoin suggest that once resolved, the incident could prompt a swift counteraction to the initial market sell-off. Consequently, traders are advised to brace for potential volatility in futures trading.

Sekniqi 表示,目前的挫折可能是由網路內未經測試的場景引發的,特別是在交易池(mempool)的處理方面。 Ava 實驗室的團隊正在積極調查異常情況,以恢復正常運作。萊特幣和狗狗幣等網路的歷史先例表明,一旦解決,該事件可能會引發對最初市場拋售的迅速反擊。因此,建議交易者做好期貨交易潛在波動的準備。

The interruption had a tangible impact on AVAX’s market value, causing a slight dip from $36.7 to $36.23. Market participants are closely monitoring the situation for updates and potential trading opportunities post-recovery.

這次中斷對 AVAX 的市值產生了切實的影響,導致其市值從 36.7 美元小幅下跌至 36.23 美元。市場參與者正在密切關注最新情況以及復甦後潛在的交易機會。

As the crypto community awaits further developments, the event serves as a reminder of the fragility of even the most robust blockchain networks and the importance of continuous improvement to handle growing traffic and emerging use cases.


The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Smart Contract Platform Avalanche Faces Network Interruption

該貼文首次出現在 BH NEWS:智慧合約平台 Avalanche 面臨網路中斷


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