首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 在駭客償還債務並竊取 35 萬美元後,美國外科醫生起訴 Coinbase

US surgeon sues Coinbase after hackers pay off debt, steal $350K

在駭客償還債務並竊取 35 萬美元後,美國外科醫生起訴 Coinbase

發布: 2023/12/12 22:06 閱讀: 352



在駭客償還債務並竊取 35 萬美元後,美國外科醫生起訴 Coinbase

Coinbase has been sued by a surgeon in Indiana who claims hackers were able to steal almost $350,000 in cryptocurrencies thanks to inadequate safety measures implemented by the crypto exchange. More concerning, Coinbase allegedly accepted payments from the hackers to settle the surgeon’s outstanding loans.

Coinbase 被印第安納州的一名外科醫生起訴,聲稱由於加密貨幣交易所實施的安全措施不足,駭客能夠竊取近 35 萬美元的加密貨幣。更令人擔憂的是,Coinbase 據稱接受了駭客的付款,以結清外科醫生的未償貸款。

Doctor Ricardo Vasquez, a vascular surgeon operating in Bloomington, Indiana, filed the lawsuit in San Francisco Superior Court last week. Coinbase is being sued for breach of contract, breach of the covenent of good faith and fair dealing, negligence, bailment, and unfair competition.

印第安納州布盧明頓的血管外科醫生里卡多·瓦斯克斯醫生上周向舊金山高等法院提起訴訟。 Coinbase 因違反合約、違反誠信和公平交易契約、疏忽、寄託和不正當競爭而被起訴。

“Despite repeated promises of advanced security technologies and ‘bank-level’ controls, Coinbase allowed hackers to evade all security measures and empty the account of Ricardo Vasquez without raising any red flags or alerts,” the lawsuit claims. The surgeon alleged that password reset delays, device verification, and two-factor authentication weren’t enough to prevent the hackers, nor did Coinbase alert him in time.

訴訟稱:“儘管一再承諾先進的安全技術和‘銀行級’控制,Coinbase 仍然允許黑客逃避所有安全措施並清空 Ricardo Vasquez 的帳戶,而不會引發任何危險信號或警報。”這位外科醫生聲稱,密碼重設延遲、設備驗證和雙重認證不足以阻止駭客,Coinbase 也沒有及時提醒他。

According to the San Francisco Standard, the hackers converted his holdings into ether and made 217 transfers.

根據《舊金山標準報》報道,駭客將他持有的資產兌換成以太幣,並進行了 217 次轉帳。

During the time of the hack, Vasquez had an outstanding loan to Coinbase for $40,000. Instead of serving as a deterrent, the hackers were willing to pay off his debts in order to drain the account. According to Vasquez, this points to Coinbase securing its own interests before the welfare of its clients.

在駭客攻擊期間,Vasquez 向 Coinbase 借了一筆 4 萬美元的未償還貸款。駭客非但沒有起到威懾作用,反而願意償還他的債務,以耗盡帳戶資金。根據 Vasquez 的說法,這表明 Coinbase 將自身利益置於客戶福祉之上。

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“Coinbase engaged with, required, and accepted payments from the hackers before allowing them to transfer assets out of the account,” the complaint stated. “In short, Coinbase implemented controls to protect itself while ignoring risks to its own customers.”

訴狀稱:“Coinbase 與駭客進行了接觸,要求並接受了駭客的付款,然後才允許他們將資產轉出帳戶。” “簡而言之,Coinbase 實施了控制措施來保護自己,同時忽視了自己客戶面臨的風險。”

The surgeon claimed that Coinbase customer service was unhelpful. Apart from failing to raise red flags, it was nearly impossible to reach the company — when he did, he was met with automated voice messages and employees hanging up on him. Vasquez claimed that it took weeks to get an understanding of what occurred from someone working at Coinbase.

外科醫生聲稱 Coinbase 客戶服務沒有幫助。除了未能發出危險信號外,他幾乎不可能聯繫到公司——當他聯繫到公司時,他會收到自動語音留言,員工也會掛斷他的電話。瓦斯奎茲聲稱,花了幾週時間才從 Coinbase 工作人員那裡了解發生了什麼事。

The crypto exchange, based in Delaware and headquartered in San Francisco, has been asked to compensate Vasquez for $348,407 — the amount the surgeon has lost to the Coinbase hackers — as well as fees to cover interest and legal costs.

這家總部位於特拉華州、舊金山的加密貨幣交易所已被要求向 Vasquez 賠償 348,407 美元(外科醫生因 Coinbase 駭客而損失的金額)以及利息和法律費用。

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Source: https://thebittimes.com/us-surgeon-sues-coinbase-after-hackers-pay-off-debt-steal-350k-tbt73410.html



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