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Top Dogecoin (DOGE) Wallet Issues Warning After Exploit Attempt: Details

頂級狗狗幣 (DOGE) 錢包在嘗試利用後發出警告:詳細信息

發布: 2024/01/30 20:37 閱讀: 471



頂級狗狗幣 (DOGE) 錢包在嘗試利用後發出警告:詳細信息

The top Dogecoin wallet, MyDoge, narrates on X (formerly Twitter) how it was able to fend off a recent hack attempt. It further alerts users to precautionary measures to take to stay safe.

頂級狗狗幣錢包 MyDoge 在 X(以前稱為 Twitter)上講述了它如何能夠抵禦最近的駭客攻擊。它還進一步提醒用戶採取預防措施以確保安全。

According to a statement posted on X, MyDoge Wallet detected an unauthorized attempt to seize control of its X account by bad actors.

根據 X 上發布的聲明,MyDoge Wallet 偵測到不良行為者未經授權試圖奪取其 X 帳戶的控制權。

🚨 Attention! 🚨A hacker was able to post messages on our account using "Delegate Access" which was added during the previous hack and was undetected until now. We've regained control, removed the bad actor and informed @X of the situation. Everyone should check the…

🚨 注意! 🚨駭客能夠使用「代理存取」在我們的帳戶上發布訊息,該「代理存取」是在上次駭客攻擊期間添加的,直到現在才被發現。我們已經重新獲得控制權,消除了不良行為者並將情況告知@X。每個人都應該檢查...

— MyDoge Wallet (@MyDogeOfficial) January 30, 2024

- MyDoge 皮夾 (@MyDogeOfficial) 2024 年 1 月 30 日

MyDoge Wallet reports an incident where a hacker was able to post messages on its X account using "Delegate Access," which was added during the previous hack and remained undetected all the while. After noticing this, it quickly swung into action to remediate the situation.

MyDoge Wallet 報告了一起事件,駭客能夠使用「委託存取」在其 X 帳戶上發布訊息,該「委託訪問」是在上次駭客攻擊期間添加的,但一直未被發現。注意到這一情況後,該公司迅速採取行動來糾正這種情況。

In good news, MyDoge Wallet announced it had regained control of its X account, removed the bad actor and notified X of the situation. This event has raised alarm bells, prompting users to stay vigilant.

好消息是,MyDoge Wallet 宣布已重新獲得 X 帳戶的控制權,刪除了不良行為者,並向 X 通報了情況。這事件敲響了警鐘,提醒用戶保持警覺。

Along these lines, MyDoge Wallet issues an alert to the Dogecoin community as well as the general crypto community as to how to secure their X accounts, urging everyone to check the "Delegate Access" section in their X settings for any suspicious activity.

沿著這些思路,MyDoge Wallet 向狗狗幣社群以及一般加密社群發出有關如何保護其 X 帳戶安全的警報,敦促每個人檢查其 X 設定中的「委託」部分是否有任何可疑活動。

It should be recalled that weeks ago, the official X account of MyDoge was compromised, including those of its CTO, CEO and other key personnel.

值得注意的是,幾週前,MyDoge 的官方 X 帳戶遭到洩露,其中包括其 CTO、CEO 和其他關鍵人員的帳戶。

Thus, the swift and cautious move by MyDoge Wallet that thwarted this most recent hack attempt remains commendable.

因此,MyDoge Wallet 阻止最近這次駭客攻擊的迅速而謹慎的舉動仍然值得稱讚。

At the time of writing, DOGE was up 0.90% in the last 24 hours to $0.081. Ali, a crypto analyst, reports that the Dogecoin network is experiencing a stunning surge in growth, with new addresses jumping by a whopping 1,100% over the last week.

截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 在過去 24 小時內上漲 0.90%,至 0.081 美元。加密貨幣分析師 Ali 報告稱,狗狗幣網路正在經歷驚人的增長,上週新地址猛增 1,100%。

On Jan. 29, a record-breaking 247,240 new DOGE addresses were created, setting an all-time high. Ali expects that a persistent upward trend in network expansion might soon have a positive impact on DOGE prices.

1 月 29 日,DOGE 新地址新增 247,240 個,創歷史新高。阿里預計,網路擴張的持續上升趨勢可能很快會對 DOGE 價格產生正面影響。


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