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‘No such thing as spam’ — OKX exec on Bitcoin Ordinals

「沒有垃圾郵件之類的東西」—OKX 高層談比特幣序數

發布: 2024/01/30 20:31 閱讀: 438



「沒有垃圾郵件之類的東西」—OKX 高層談比特幣序數

While some consider the Ordinals protocol a nuisance to Bitcoin, others double down on its bet on the place of nonfungible tokens (NFTs) in the Bitcoin ecosystem. 

儘管有些人認為 Ordinals 協議對比特幣構成滋擾,但其他人則加倍押注於不可替代代幣(NFT)在比特幣生態系統中的地位。

On Dec. 18, OKX’s NFT marketplace surpassed its competitors in daily trading volume as traders became more interested in Bitcoin-based NFTs. Doubling down on the move to support Bitcoin NFTs, the company announced on Jan. 29 that it will add Atomicals and Runes to its marketplace. In addition, it will also add Dogecoin’s Doginals, venturing into supporting Ordinals in other chains.

12 月 18 日,隨著交易者對基於比特幣的 NFT 越來越感興趣,OKX 的 NFT 市場每日交易量超過了競爭對手。為了加倍支持比特幣 NFT,該公司於 1 月 29 日宣布將在其市場上添加 Atomicals 和 Runes。此外,它還將添加狗狗幣的 Doginals,冒險支持其他鏈中的 Ordinals。

Apart from its marketplace, OKX also announced that it would support the token standards from Atomicals, Stamps, Runes and Doginals on its Web3 Wallet.

除了其市場之外,OKX 還宣布將在其 Web3 錢包上支援 Atomicals、Stamps、Runes 和 Doginals 的代幣標準。

While OKX openly supports Ordinals and other Bitcoin protocols, other Bitcoin ecosystem members explicitly expressed their dislike of Bitcoin Ordinals, with some even dubbing Ordinals as digital spam. However, Jason Lau, the chief innovation officer at crypto exchange OKX, disagrees.  

儘管 OKX 公開支持 Ordinals 和其他比特幣協議,但其他比特幣生態系統成員明確表達了他們對比特幣 Ordinals 的厭惡,有些人甚至將 Ordinals 稱為數位垃圾郵件。然而,加密貨幣交易所 OKX 首席創新長 Jason Lau 並不同意。

Lau told Cointelegraph in a statement that “there is no such thing as spam” in open and permissionless networks like Bitcoin. The executive believes that all transactions are valid as long as the fees are paid and they conform to consensus rules. He added: 

Lau 在聲明中告訴 Cointelegraph,在比特幣等開放且無需許可的網路中,「不存在垃圾郵件之類的東西」。該高層認為,只要支付了費用並且符合共識規則,所有交易都是有效的。他加了:

“Historically, OKX has been a strong supporter of the Bitcoin ecosystem, being one of the earliest to support upgrades like SegWit, Taproot and Lightning, and Ordinals are no different.”

「從歷史上看,OKX 一直是比特幣生態系統的堅定支持者,是最早支持 SegWit、Taproot 和 Lightning 等升級的系統之一,Ordinals 也不例外。”

The executive also argued that Ordinals and inscriptions can open up new use cases for users and provide a new design space for developers. “Inscriptions have the potential to be powerful digital collectibles as they store data and art on-chain and allow for new types of NFTs to be created.” 

該高層還認為,序號和銘文可以為用戶開闢新的用例,並為開發人員提供新的設計空間。 “銘文有潛力成為強大的數位收藏品,因為它們在鏈上存儲數據和藝術品,並允許創建新型 NFT。”

Related: 90s FPS game Doom runs on Dogecoin via Ordinals

相關:90 年代 FPS 遊戲《Doom》透過 Ordinals 在 Dogecoin 上運行

On Dec. 19, half a dozen blockchains, including Arbitrum, Avalanche, Cronos, zkSync and The Open Network, experienced full or partial outages. This was because of a frenzy of transaction activity driven by people creating inscriptions on other networks, similar to Bitcoin Ordinals. 

12 月 19 日,包括 Arbitrum、Avalanche、Cronos、zkSync 和 The Open Network 在內的 6 個區塊鏈經歷了全部或部分中斷。這是因為人們在其他網路上創建銘文(類似於比特幣序號),引發了瘋狂的交易活動。

When asked about inscriptions’ potential to clog up blockchains, Lau described these as “growing pains.” According to the executive, these are inevitable in the early stages of adoption. Lau said that dealing with such issues is “normal” but will get resolved as time passes.  


“While it’s still early stages for the inscriptions ecosystem, we see a unique opportunity for inscriptions to grow as we expand our support beyond just BRC-20 to include emerging standards like Atomicals, Stamps, Runes and Doginals,” Lau explained. 

「雖然銘文生態系統仍處於早期階段,但隨著我們將支援範圍擴大到BRC-20 之外,包括原子、郵票、符文和Doginals 等新興標準,我們看到了銘文發展的獨特機會,」Lau 解釋道。

Magazine: Ordinals turned Bitcoin into a worse version of Ethereum: Can we fix it?



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