首頁 > 資訊新聞 > WazirX 駭客攻擊:Coinbase、Polygon 加入印度 BWA 內部小組進行調查

WazirX Hack: Coinbase, Polygon Join India’s BWA Internal Groups For Probe

WazirX 駭客攻擊:Coinbase、Polygon 加入印度 BWA 內部小組進行調查

發布: 2024/07/31 19:04 閱讀: 468



WazirX 駭客攻擊:Coinbase、Polygon 加入印度 BWA 內部小組進行調查

Enhanced Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection Measures in Response to WazirX Hack

加強網路安全和消費者保護措施以應對 WazirX 駭客攻擊

In light of the recent $230 million WazirX hack, the Bharat Web3 Association (BWA) in India has established two specialized internal groups dedicated to strengthening cybersecurity and safeguarding consumer interests within the cryptocurrency industry.

鑑於 WazirX 近期遭受的價值 2.3 億美元的駭客攻擊,印度 Bharat Web3 協會 (BWA) 成立了兩個專門的內部小組,致力於加強加密貨幣行業的網路安全和維護消費者利益。

Formation of Internal Groups to Address Cybersecurity and Consumer Concerns


The groups, comprising representatives from prominent BWA members such as WazirX, Coinbase, and Polygon, will collaborate on reviewing current consumer code guidelines and addressing emerging cybersecurity challenges. The participation of WazirX's rival, CoinDCX, underscores the industry's commitment to working together in times of crisis.

這些小組由來自 WazirX、Coinbase 和 Polygon 等著名 BWA 成員的代表組成,將合作審查當前的消費者代碼指南並應對新出現的網路安全挑戰。 WazirX 的競爭對手 CoinDCX 的參與突顯了該行業在危機時期共同努力的承諾。

Review of WazirX Hack to Improve Protocols

WazirX Hack 改進協議的回顧

These groups will also assist in investigating the recent WazirX hack. The stolen assets during the attack, allegedly perpetrated by North Korea's Lazarus Group, included:

這些組織還將協助調查最近的 WazirX 駭客事件。據稱由朝鮮拉撒路集團實施的襲擊期間被盜的資產包括:

  • $102 million in Shiba Inu (SHIB)
  • $52.5 million in Ethereum (ETH)
  • $11.24 million in Polygon (MATIC)
  • $7.6 million in Pepe Coin (PEPE)
  • $135 million in Tether (USDT)
  • $3.5 million in Gala (GALA)

BWA's Commitment to Thorough Investigation and Remediation

1.02 億美元的Shiba Inu (SHIB) 5250 萬美元的以太坊(ETH) 1124 萬美元的Polygon (MATIC) 760 萬美元的Pepe Coin (PEPE) 1.35 億美元的Tether (USDT) 350 萬美元的Gala (PEPE) 1.35 億美元的Tether (USDT) 350 萬美元的Gala (GALA ) BWA 致力於徹底調查和補救措施

BWA Chair Dilip Chenoy has emphasized the organization's close monitoring of the situation and direct involvement with WazirX and Liminal, the compromised parties. He has requested thorough forensic and root cause analyses and an evaluation of legal and remedial actions. The BWA has also suggested an independent third-party evaluation of the forensic report for impartiality and comprehensiveness.

BWA 主席 Dilip Chenoy 強調,該組織正在密切監控局勢,並直接參與受害方 WazirX 和 Liminal。他要求進行徹底的法證和根本原因分析,並對法律和補救措施進行評估。 BWA 也建議對法醫報告的公正性和全面性進行獨立的第三方評估。

Establishment of Cybersecurity Group to Prevent Future Breaches


The cybersecurity group, consisting of chief information security officers from member firms, will develop standard operating procedures and solutions to prevent similar security breaches in the future. Chenoy acknowledged that cybersecurity has become a top priority for the BWA, given the unprecedented nature of the WazirX attack.

這個網路安全小組由成員公司的首席資訊安全長組成,將制定標準作業程序和解決方案,以防止未來出現類似的安全漏洞。 Chenoy 承認,鑑於 WazirX 攻擊的前所未有的性質,網路安全已成為 BWA 的首要任務。

WazirX's Cooperation with Authorities and Recovery Plan


WazirX founder and CEO Nischal Shetty has assured the exchange's cooperation with authorities and government agencies. WazirX has submitted records to CERT-In and is working with the FIU and regulators. The exchange has also proposed a recovery plan to mitigate losses and resume operations, which includes providing customers with access to 55% of their portfolio tokens at any point, while converting and locking the remaining 45%.

WazirX 創辦人兼執行長 Nischal Shetty 已保證交易所與當局和政府機構的合作。 WazirX 已向 CERT-In 提交記錄,並正在與金融情報機構和監管機構合作。該交易所還提出了一項恢復計劃,以減輕損失並恢復運營,其中包括為客戶提供隨時使用其投資組合代幣的 55% 的權限,同時轉換並鎖定剩餘的 45%。

Ongoing Investigation and Customer Feedback


The investigation into the WazirX hack is ongoing, with the exchange temporarily pausing withdrawals and trading of crypto assets. The recovery plan has attracted mixed reactions from customers and industry participants, with some expressing concerns. WazirX is seeking customer votes on the plan until August 3.

對 WazirX 駭客攻擊的調查仍在進行中,該交易所暫時暫停了加密資產的提款和交易。該復甦計劃引起了客戶和行業參與者的不同反應,其中一些表達了擔憂。 WazirX 正在尋求客戶對該計劃的投票,截止日期為 8 月 3 日。


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