首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Reku加密貨幣分析師:年中比特幣表現趨於下降

Analis Kripto Reku: Pertengahan Tahun Kinerja Bitcoin Cenderung Menurun


發布: 2024/07/31 19:04 閱讀: 294

原文作者:Blockchain Media Indonesia


Bitcoin Performance Outlook: Mid-Year Weakness Anticipated


According to crypto analyst Reku, Fahmi Almuttaqin, Bitcoin's performance has historically declined in mid-years, referring to data from the past 11 years. He suggests that this digital asset reflects complex market dynamics. Nonetheless, the significant liquidity of BTC in the market presents positive prospects.

加密貨幣分析師 Reku Fahmi Almuttaqin 表示,根據過去 11 年的數據,比特幣的表現在歷史上將在年中下降。他認為這種數位資產反映了複雜的市場動態。儘管如此,比特幣在市場上的巨大流動性呈現出積極的前景。

Indications of Weakness Similar to 2021

與 2021 年類似的疲軟跡象

Fahmi's analysis draws on data from Coinglass, indicating that in the past eleven years (2013-2023), Bitcoin has seen price declines in August seven times and has only experienced gains four times.

Fahmi 的分析借鑒了 Coinglass 的數據,顯示在過去 11 年(2013-2023)中,比特幣在 8 月出現了 7 次價格下跌,僅經歷了 4 次上漲。

CryptoQuant's analysis reinforces this, highlighting the potential for Bitcoin's price to weaken in the mid-year similar to 2021. The US-based crypto analytics firm employed the Profit & Loss Index, and their Bull-Bear Market Cycle indicator.

CryptoQuant 的分析強化了這一點,強調了比特幣價格在年中(類似於 2021 年)下跌的可能性。

Fahmi explains that this situation mirrors the intricate market dynamics that often occur during transitional periods.


"Within the past year, Bitcoin's price has appreciated by over 100 percent," said Fahmi in a written statement to the media on July 31, 2024. "This growth has been accompanied by a significant rise in the prices of altcoins such as PEPE (782 percent year-on-year), FLOKI (657 percent), and Solana (623 percent)."

Fahmi 在 2024 年 7 月 31 日向媒體發表的書面聲明中表示:「在過去的一年裡,比特幣的價格上漲了 100% 以上。這種增長伴隨著 PEPE 等山寨幣價格的大幅上漲(同比782 %)、FLOKI(657%)和Solana(623%)。



Fahmi speculates that this may trigger realizations of profit among investors awaiting favorable conditions, such as the end of the Fed's high-interest rate environment and increased adoption of decentralized applications, currently facing a decline.


Increased Bitcoin Holdings and Fed Meeting to Shape Market


However, Fahmi emphasizes the growing interest in Bitcoin displayed by traditional investors in the United States and the recent accumulation of Bitcoin by "whales," or large investors.


"Data from Bitcoin Holder CryptoQuant indicates a 6.3 percent increase in Bitcoin ownership by whales within the last month, the highest percentage increase since April 2023," Fahmi said. "This reflects the whales' continued optimism in Bitcoin, despite mid-year price weakness projections from some analysts."

Fahmi 表示:“比特幣持有者 CryptoQuant 的數據顯示,上個月鯨魚的比特幣持有量增加了 6.3%,這是自 2023 年 4 月以來的最高百分比增幅。” “這反映了鯨魚對比特幣的持續樂觀態度,儘管一些分析師預測年中價格將疲軟。”

The Federal Reserve's meeting on July 31 will also be closely monitored by market participants.


"Although it's likely that interest rates will remain unchanged, the perspectives and outlook presented by Fed officials at the meeting will provide crucial insights into policy direction for the months ahead," Fahmi added.


He notes that the market anticipates interest rate reductions beginning in September (see CME FedWatch chart below). Therefore, any indication of an accelerated reduction in interest rates could trigger a strong positive reaction, or vice versa.

他指出,市場預計 9 月開始降息(請參閱下面的 CME FedWatch 圖表)。因此,任何加速降息的跡像都可能引發強烈的正面反應,反之亦然。

Positive Outlook for Investors


Fahmi highlights that the trend of Bitcoin accumulation by institutional investors, including in the US, is accompanied by a rise in Bitcoin's market liquidity.




"The magnitude of Bitcoin's liquidity is evident in market dynamics such as the recent influx and subsequent outflow of approximately US$1.15 billion in the futures market on July 29," Fahmi concluded. "[ab]"

Fahmi 總結道:“比特幣流動性的大小在市場動態中顯而易見,例如 7 月 29 日期貨市場近期流入和隨後流出約 11.5 億美元。” “[ab]”


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