フロントページ > 情報ニュース > Reku暗号通貨アナリスト:ビットコインのパフォーマンスは年半ばに低下する傾向がある

Analis Kripto Reku: Pertengahan Tahun Kinerja Bitcoin Cenderung Menurun


リリース: 2024/07/31 19:04 読む: 294

原作者:Blockchain Media Indonesia


Bitcoin Performance Outlook: Mid-Year Weakness Anticipated


According to crypto analyst Reku, Fahmi Almuttaqin, Bitcoin's performance has historically declined in mid-years, referring to data from the past 11 years. He suggests that this digital asset reflects complex market dynamics. Nonetheless, the significant liquidity of BTC in the market presents positive prospects.

暗号通貨アナリストのレク、ファーミ・アルムッタキン氏によると、過去11年間のデータを参照すると、ビットコインのパフォーマンスは歴史的に年半ばで低下してきたという。同氏は、このデジタル資産は複雑な市場力学を反映していると示唆しています。それにもかかわらず、市場における BTC の大きな流動性は前向きな見通しを示しています。

Indications of Weakness Similar to 2021


Fahmi's analysis draws on data from Coinglass, indicating that in the past eleven years (2013-2023), Bitcoin has seen price declines in August seven times and has only experienced gains four times.


CryptoQuant's analysis reinforces this, highlighting the potential for Bitcoin's price to weaken in the mid-year similar to 2021. The US-based crypto analytics firm employed the Profit & Loss Index, and their Bull-Bear Market Cycle indicator.


Fahmi explains that this situation mirrors the intricate market dynamics that often occur during transitional periods.


"Within the past year, Bitcoin's price has appreciated by over 100 percent," said Fahmi in a written statement to the media on July 31, 2024. "This growth has been accompanied by a significant rise in the prices of altcoins such as PEPE (782 percent year-on-year), FLOKI (657 percent), and Solana (623 percent)."

「過去1年間で、ビットコインの価格は100パーセント以上上昇した」とファーミ氏は2024年7月31日、メディアへの書面声明で述べた。「この成長には、PEPE( 782% (前年比)、FLOKI (657%)、Solana (623%)。



Fahmi speculates that this may trigger realizations of profit among investors awaiting favorable conditions, such as the end of the Fed's high-interest rate environment and increased adoption of decentralized applications, currently facing a decline.


Increased Bitcoin Holdings and Fed Meeting to Shape Market


However, Fahmi emphasizes the growing interest in Bitcoin displayed by traditional investors in the United States and the recent accumulation of Bitcoin by "whales," or large investors.


"Data from Bitcoin Holder CryptoQuant indicates a 6.3 percent increase in Bitcoin ownership by whales within the last month, the highest percentage increase since April 2023," Fahmi said. "This reflects the whales' continued optimism in Bitcoin, despite mid-year price weakness projections from some analysts."

「ビットコイン保有者クリプトクアントのデータによると、先月以内にクジラによるビットコイン所有量が6.3%増加し、2023年4月以来最高の増加率となった」とファーミ氏は述べた。 「これは、一部のアナリストによる年央の価格下落予測にもかかわらず、クジラがビットコインに対して引き続き楽観的であることを反映している。」

The Federal Reserve's meeting on July 31 will also be closely monitored by market participants.


"Although it's likely that interest rates will remain unchanged, the perspectives and outlook presented by Fed officials at the meeting will provide crucial insights into policy direction for the months ahead," Fahmi added.


He notes that the market anticipates interest rate reductions beginning in September (see CME FedWatch chart below). Therefore, any indication of an accelerated reduction in interest rates could trigger a strong positive reaction, or vice versa.

同氏は、市場が9月からの利下げを予想していると指摘した(以下のCME FedWatchチャートを参照)。したがって、金利引き下げの加速を示す兆候があれば、強い肯定的な反応が引き起こされる可能性があり、またその逆も同様です。

Positive Outlook for Investors


Fahmi highlights that the trend of Bitcoin accumulation by institutional investors, including in the US, is accompanied by a rise in Bitcoin's market liquidity.




"The magnitude of Bitcoin's liquidity is evident in market dynamics such as the recent influx and subsequent outflow of approximately US$1.15 billion in the futures market on July 29," Fahmi concluded. "[ab]"

「ビットコインの流動性の大きさは、最近の7月29日の先物市場への約11億5,000万米ドルの流入とその後の流出などの市場動向を見れば明らかだ」とファーミ氏は結論づけた。 「[アブ]」


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