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Avalanche Network Halts: Investigating the Cause and Impact

Avalanche 网络停止:调查原因和影响

发布: 2024/02/24 06:00 阅读: 247



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Avalanche Network Halts: Investigating the Cause and Impact

您还可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上阅读此新闻:Avalanche 网络停止:调查原因和影响

For several hours, the Avalanche network has been unable to produce new blocks, and the issue has become quite frustrating for its users. This situation, while common for Solana, is unusual for Avalanche and has caused unease among investors. Indeed, we saw the price drop to a $36 base as the network outage began. However, the Avalanche Co-Founder has shed light on the issue.

几个小时以来,Avalanche 网络一直无法生成新区块,这个问题让用户感到非常沮丧。这种情况虽然对 Solana 来说很常见,但对 Avalanche 来说却很不寻常,并引起了投资者的不安。事实上,随着网络中断的开始,我们看到价格跌至 36 美元。然而,Avalanche 联合创始人已经阐明了这个问题。

Why Did Avalanche Stop?


The initial explanation suggested that the halt in block production could be due to an inscription initiated about an hour before the stoppage. Avalanche Co-Founder Kevin Sekniqi personally made this statement, leading all news sources to point to it as the root of the problem. However, while developers were working to solve the issue, Kevin was trying to clarify to editors that there had been a misunderstanding.

最初的解释表明,区块生产的停止可能是由于停止前大约一个小时启动的铭文所致。 Avalanche 联合创始人 Kevin Sekniqi 亲自发表了这一声明,导致所有新闻来源都将其视为问题的根源。然而,当开发人员努力解决这个问题时,凯文试图向编辑澄清其中存在误解。

The network issue was announced similarly to past interruptions in Litecoin and Dogecoin networks, where ordinals caused efficiency problems leading to outages. However, Kevin states that the situation here is different. The problem with the Avalanche network was not related to efficiency or performance but was triggered by a mistake in the code.

该网络问题的宣布类似于过去莱特币和狗狗币网络的中断,其中序数导致效率问题导致中断。然而,凯文表示,这里的情况有所不同。 Avalanche 网络的问题与效率或性能无关,而是由代码错误引发的。

Kevin Sekniqi wrote the following:


“To clarify: the issue is entirely related to a coding error. It seems like a mempool management mistake and is not a performance processing issue. It appears that inscriptions reached an endpoint, but they did not affect performance. So, the current issue does not mean the network is clogged by inscriptions.”


Litecoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoin, and many other networks have previously experienced a temporary halt in block production due to “network congestion,” which Kevin has denied. During that time, the Avalanche community and developers expressed confidence in their network’s efficiency and stated that a similar issue would not occur in their network. Perhaps it’s important to be cautious with big claims.

莱特币、狗狗币、比特币和许多其他网络此前都曾因“网络拥塞”而经历过区块生产的暂时停止,凯文对此予以否认。在此期间,Avalanche 社区和开发者对他们的网络效率表示信心,并表示他们的网络不会出现类似的问题。也许对重大索赔保持谨慎很重要。

AVAX Coin Price Analysis

AVAX 币价格分析

As with many other altcoins, we’ve been discussing how the AVAX price has been constrained by a parallel channel for a rise. After surpassing the $31.4 base support, the popular altcoin targeted the $50 resistance to accelerate the rally. However, it has been unable to permanently break free from this area. It is now continuing to fluctuate within the parallel channel.

与许多其他山寨币一样,我们一直在讨论 AVAX 价格如何受到平行上涨通道的限制。在突破 31.4 美元的基础支撑位后,流行的山寨币瞄准了 50 美元的阻力位以加速反弹。然而,它却一直无法永远摆脱这个领域。现在它继续在平行通道内波动。

If the selling continues, we could see a return to $31.4 after $33.7. However, if the $38 level is maintained, a retest of $50 is possible.

如果抛售继续,我们可能会看到继 33.7 美元之后回到 31.4 美元。然而,如果维持 38 美元的水平,则有可能重新测试 50 美元。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Avalanche Network Halts: Investigating the Cause and Impact

该帖子首次出现在 COINTURK 新闻上:Avalanche 网络停止:调查原因和影响


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