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Bitcoin heads to the Moon in historic BitMEX endeavor

BitMEX 历史性的努力让比特币登上月球

发布: 2024/01/07 21:32 阅读: 509



BitMEX 历史性的努力让比特币登上月球

BitMEX is pioneering a mission in partnership with Astrobotic, Bitcoin Magazine, and Oxcart Assembly to transport a physical Bitcoin (BTC) to the Moon.

BitMEX 正在与 Astrobotic、Bitcoin Magazine 和 Oxcart Assembly 合作,开创一项将实物比特币 (BTC) 运送到月球的任务。

The event is the culmination of plans first announced in May 2023. On Monday, Jan. 8, a privately-built spacecraft is Slated to take off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida, at 02:18 am ET.

此次活动是 2023 年 5 月首次宣布的计划的高潮。 1 月 8 日星期一,一艘私人建造的航天器预计于美国东部时间凌晨 02:18 从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角太空部队站起飞。

According to BitMEX CEO Stephan Lutz, the mission represents a historical transition for Bitcoin and blockchain technology, highlighting their potential to establish an extra-terrestrial financial system,.

BitMEX 首席执行官 Stephan Lutz 表示,该任务代表了比特币和区块链技术的历史性转变,凸显了它们建立外星金融系统的潜力。

The physical Bitcoin, valued at approximately $45,000, will be launched on a United Launch Alliance Vulcan rocket and integrated into Peregrine-1, a commercial lunar lander.

价值约 45,000 美元的实物比特币将通过联合发射联盟 Vulcan 火箭发射,并集成到商用月球着陆器 Peregrine-1 中。

Following an initial orbit around the Earth, the rocket is expected to set Peregrine-1 on a lunar path, with an anticipated arrival date on the Moon of Feb. 23.

在绕地球运行初始轨道后,火箭预计会将 Peregrine-1 送上月球轨道,预计抵达月球的日期为 2 月 23 日。

Throughout the seven-week lunar orbit phase, audiences worldwide can access a live broadcast via NASA TV.

在为期七周的月球轨道阶段,世界各地的观众都可以通过 NASA TV 观看现场直播。

Lutz shared his excitement about the project, referring to the Bitcoin on the Moon as a time capsule of technological innovation and human achievement, signifying a new era in decentralized finance. 


According to Finance Feeds, BitMEX co-founder Samuel Reed echoed Lutz’s sentiment. The mission aims to inspire a new generation of pioneers to venture into the uncharted realms of technology and finance, he said.

据 Finance Feeds 报道,BitMEX 联合创始人塞缪尔·里德 (Samuel Reed) 赞同卢茨的观点。他说,这一使命旨在激励新一代先驱者冒险进入技术和金融的未知领域。

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Dogecoin to the moon, too


BitMEX’s mission is not the first of its kind. In November 2023, the Dogecoin (DOGE) team announced it would send a physical DOGE to the Moon.

BitMEX 的使命并不是第一个。 2023 年 11 月,狗狗币(DOGE)团队宣布将向月球发送实体 DOGE。

The physical meme coin was part of Astrobotic’s first Peregrine Mission (PM1), which was set to deliver 21 payloads from various stakeholders, including governments, businesses, universities, and NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative. 

物理模因硬币是 Astrobotic 的第一个游隼任务 (PM1) 的一部分,该任务旨在从各个利益相关者那里运送 21 个有效载荷,包括政府、企业、大学和 NASA 的商业月球有效载荷服务计划。

In addition, the cargo was to include the original Bitcoin block, known as the Genesis Block, a venture sponsored by Bitcoin Magazine. 


Previously, Dogecoin was associated with a SpaceX lunar mission financed by DOGE tokens. It was a project of the Canadian firm Geometric Energy Corp., which declared it the first commercial lunar payload fully funded by DOGE. Nevertheless, the SpaceX mission was delayed and rescheduled for a January 2024 launch.

此前,狗狗币与由 DOGE 代币资助的 SpaceX 月球任务有关。这是加拿大几何能源公司的一个项目,该公司宣称这是第一个由 DOGE 全额资助的商业月球有效载荷。尽管如此,SpaceX 的任务还是被推迟并重新安排在 2024 年 1 月发射。

While BitMEX’s mission to send a physical Bitcoin to the Moon may represent an exciting development, the crypto exchange’s founder and former CEO, Arthur Hayes, recently predicted a bearish trend. Hayes anticipates a severe 20% to 30% correction in Bitcoin from its expected gains, particularly if spot Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. start trading.

虽然 BitMEX 将实物比特币发送到月球的使命可能代表着一项令人兴奋的发展,但该加密货币交易所的创始人兼前首席执行官 Arthur Hayes 最近预测了看跌趋势。海耶斯预计,比特币的预期涨幅将大幅调整 20% 至 30%,特别是如果美国的现货比特币 ETF 开始交易的话。

In a blog post published just days before the expected launch of the physical Bitcoin to the Moon, Hayes wrote he was getting ready for a “vicious washout of all crypto tourists in March of this year.” For that reason, he stated he would not buy BTC until well past March.

在预计将实物比特币发射到月球的前几天,海耶斯发表了一篇博文,他写道,他正在为“今年 3 月份对所有加密货币游客的恶意清洗”做好准备。因此,他表示要等到三月以后他才会购买比特币。

At the time of this report, the coin was trading at $43,894, representing a 0.2% price increase in the past 24 hours and 3.6% over seven days.

截至本报告发布时,该代币的交易价格为 43,894 美元,过去 24 小时内价格上涨 0.2%,7 天内价格上涨 3.6%。

Read more: BitMEX founder forecasts ‘healthy’ BTC correction

了解更多:BitMEX 创始人预测 BTC 将会“健康”调整


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