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Bitcoin’s Remarkable Surge Amidst Optimistic Market Changes


发布: 2023/12/02 14:03 阅读: 429



A tough year filled with a strenuous and demanding agenda, as well as exhausting days, is coming to an end. Many events took place up until December. Finally, after about a year, the price of Bitcoin rose from $15,500 to $39,000. As we have always said in the past, this is about Bitcoin’s ability to provide returns “over a sufficiently long term.” So, what is the current situation?

充满艰辛和艰巨的议程以及疲惫不堪的日子的艰难的一年即将结束。许多活动一直持续到十二月。最终,大约一年后,比特币的价格从 15,500 美元上涨至 39,000 美元。正如我们过去常说的,这关系到比特币“在足够长的时间内”提供回报的能力。那么,目前的情况如何呢?

Current Bitcoin Status


The king of cryptocurrencies is currently trading at $38,778, with Bitcoin market dominance at 52%. In the last 7 days, BTC price has increased by 2.6%, reaching a new high for 2023. Investors are also beginning to forget the gloomy days overshadowed by the Fed following approximately 19 months of the best monthly close.

加密货币之王目前的交易价格为 38,778 美元,比特币市场主导地位为 52%。过去 7 天,BTC 价格上涨了 2.6%,创下 2023 年新高。投资者也开始忘记在创下约 19 个月最佳月度收盘价后,美联储蒙上阴影的日子。

The Fed is expected to commence interest rate cuts by the second quarter of next year at the latest. Moreover, from ETF approvals to the halving, numerous significant developments are increasing investors’ appetite for risk. The optimism on the macro front does not only concern Bitcoin; shortly after BTC hit its $39,000 peak, gold also reached its all-time high of $2,075.

预计美联储最迟将于明年第二季度开始降息。此外,从 ETF 获批到减半,众多重大进展正在提高投资者的风险偏好。宏观方面的乐观情绪不仅涉及比特币,还涉及比特币。在 BTC 触及 39,000 美元峰值后不久,黄金也达到了 2,075 美元的历史高点。

The weekly chart looks promising for BTC as it is regaining the region it lost during the May 2022 crash at a similar pace. Moreover, overcoming a region that remained resistant during the same period is another development that fuels hope. The next step should be targeting the regions of $42,800 and $47,200 with closes above $40,000.

BTC 的周线图看起来很有希望,因为它正在以类似的速度收复 2022 年 5 月崩盘期间失去的区域。此外,克服同一时期仍然顽固不化的地区是另一个点燃希望的事态发展。下一步的目标应该是收盘价高于 40,000 美元的 42,800 美元和 47,200 美元区域。

If the price can approach $48,000, this would mean that the old ATH could be seen again soon. However, most investors will be caught unprepared for this as those who targeted $12,000 when it was $15,500 are still not over the shock of the event.

如果价格能够接近 48,000 美元,这将意味着旧版 ATH 很快就会再次出现。然而,大多数投资者对此毫无准备,因为那些在 15,500 美元时目标为 12,000 美元的投资者仍未摆脱该事件的冲击。

Current Status of Cryptocurrencies


The cumulative value of cryptocurrency has surpassed $1.46 trillion. Cumulative volume is around $50 billion. Among the top 10 cryptocurrencies, DOGE experienced the most significant weekly increase. Dogecoin has been missing out on rallies for a long time and should not be surprised to see some recovery as space missions approach.

加密货币的累计价值已超过1.46万亿美元。累计交易量约为500亿美元。在十大加密货币中,DOGE 的周涨幅最为显着。狗狗币已经错过了很长一段时间的涨势,随着太空任务的临近,狗狗币的复苏也不应该感到惊讶。

This week we faced another of the harsh realities of crypto. While there are hundreds of tokens that genuinely produce benefits and have deals with giant companies, the record earnings among the top 100 cryptocurrencies were in USTC and LUNC Coin. USTC price maintains its gain exceeding 300% following its listing on Binance futures, and LUNC continues the week with a 90% gain. Painful though it may be, the intensity of traders chasing speculative profits normalizes this situation.

本周我们面临着加密货币的另一个残酷现实。虽然真正产生效益并与大公司有交易的代币有数百种,但前 100 名加密货币中创纪录收益的是 USTC 和 LUNC Coin。 USTC 价格在币安期货上市后继续保持超过 300% 的涨幅,LUNC 本周继续上涨 90%。尽管这可能很痛苦,但交易者追逐投机利润的强度使这种情况正常化。

  • Bitcoin price surges, hitting new highs.
  • 比特币价格飙升,创下新高。

  • Macro optimism boosts investor sentiment.
  • 宏观乐观情绪提振投资者情绪。

  • Cryptocurrency market value exceeds expectations.
  • 加密货币市场价值超出预期。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/bitcoins-remarkable-surge-amidst-optimistic-market-changes/



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