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Dogecoin Funded SpaceX ‘Doge-1’ Secures NTIA Approval for Moon Mission

狗狗币资助的 SpaceX “Doge-1” 月球任务获得 NTIA 批准

发布: 2023/12/02 14:03 阅读: 973



The Dogecoin-funded SpaceX ‘Doge-1’ Moon Mission is moving closer to launch after securing key regulatory approval from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

由狗狗币资助的 SpaceX“Doge-1”月球任务在获得国家电信和信息管理局 (NTIA) 的关键监管批准后,即将发射。

The clearance is a significant step toward obtaining the final Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license, which will specifically address the X-Band and S-Band communications for the satellite, marking a crucial milestone for the mission.

此次许可是获得联邦通信委员会 (FCC) 最终许可证的重要一步,该许可证将专门解决卫星的 X 波段和 S 波段通信问题,标志着该任务的一个重要里程碑。

DOGE-1 Satellite Project Receives Approval


The DOGE-1 satellite project is being developed by space technology company Geometric Energy Corporation. The satellite is scheduled to be launched aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

DOGE-1卫星项目由空间技术公司Geometric Energy Corporation开发。该卫星计划由 SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号火箭发射。

Samuel Reid, the CEO of Geometric Energy Corporation, has confirmed the approval of DOGE-1 X-Band by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. However, Reid noted that the project still awaits the FCC license grant, which will address communications in both the X-Band and S-Band.

Geometric Energy Corporation 首席执行官 Samuel Reid 确认 DOGE-1 X-Band 已获得国家电信和信息管理局的批准。不过,里德指出,该项目仍在等待 FCC 的许可授予,该许可将解决 X 频段和 S 频段的通信问题。

The DOGE-1 satellite is set to feature a miniature screen that will display advertisements, images, and logos. These visuals will be broadcast to Earth as part of the satellite’s unique capabilities. Notably, the funding for the entire launch of the DOGE-1 satellite is in DOGE tokens, making it the first satellite launch to be fully paid for using this cryptocurrency.

DOGE-1 卫星设有一个微型屏幕,可显示广告、图像和徽标。这些视觉效果将作为卫星独特功能的一部分向地球广播。值得注意的是,DOGE-1 卫星整个发射的资金都是 DOGE 代币,这使其成为首次使用这种加密货币全额支付的卫星发射。

Dogecoin’s Mission to the Moon


The launch of DOGE-1 was initially announced by SpaceX founder Elon Musk in 2021 as part of a rideshare collaboration between Intuitive Machines and NASA in the U.S. space program. However, the launch has faced multiple postponements, initially set for 2022 and now targeted for January 2024.

DOGE-1 的发射最初由 SpaceX 创始人埃隆·马斯克于 2021 年宣布,作为 Intuitive Machines 和 NASA 在美国太空计划中拼车合作的一部分。然而,该产品的发布面临多次推迟,最初定于 2022 年,现在目标为 2024 年 1 月。

DOGE-1 is one of two Dogecoin-related missions planned for the upcoming months. In addition to the satellite mission, Dogecoin developers have planned a physical DOGE token to be part of a space payload mission by Pittsburgh-based firm Astrobotic.

DOGE-1 是计划在未来几个月进行的两项与狗狗币相关的任务之一。除了卫星任务之外,狗狗币开发人员还计划将物理 DOGE 代币作为总部位于匹兹堡的 Astrobotic 公司太空有效载荷任务的一部分。

This mission, scheduled for December 23, will carry 21 payloads from various entities, including governments, companies, universities, and NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative.

此次任务定于 12 月 23 日进行,将携带来自不同实体的 21 个有效载荷,包括政府、公司、大学和 NASA 的商业月球有效载荷服务 (CLPS) 计划。

The Dogecoin community’s impact extends beyond space endeavors. Recently, the Mayor of Sakura City acknowledged the community’s generosity by donating a bronze statue, turning it into a major tourist attraction and elevating its profile.


From sponsoring a NASCAR driver to raising funds for clean water projects in developing countries, the Dogecoin community continues to use the cryptocurrency’s influence to create positive real-world impacts.

从赞助 NASCAR 车手到为发展中国家的清洁水项目筹集资金,狗狗币社区继续利用加密货币的影响力来创造积极的现实世界影响。

The post Dogecoin Funded SpaceX ‘Doge-1’ Secures NTIA Approval for Moon Mission appeared first on CryptoPotato.

狗狗币资助的 SpaceX “Doge-1” 获得 NTIA 批准登月任务的帖子首先出现在 CryptoPotato 上。


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