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DOGE Creator Plans to Earn More Money on Twitter, Here's How

DOGE 创建者计划在 Twitter 上赚更多钱,方法如下

发布: 2023/07/19 22:12 阅读: 966



Billy Markus was one of the two IT engineers who created the popular Dogecoin meme cryptocurrency in 2013. Now, unlike Jackson Palmer, Markus is on friendly terms with Twitter boss Elon Musk and is being quite active on this social media platform.

比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 是 2013 年创建流行的狗狗币 meme 加密货币的两名 IT 工程师之一。现在,与杰克逊·帕尔默 (Jackson Palmer) 不同,马库斯与 Twitter 老板埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 关系友好,并且在这个社交媒体平台上非常活跃。

In a recent tweet, Markus stated that he likes the feature on Twitter that allows him to get paid and that he looks forward to more of that.

马库斯在最近的一条推文中表示,他喜欢 Twitter 上允许他获得报酬的功能,并且他期待更多这样的功能。

DOGE cofounder likes to get paid for making content on Twitter

DOGE 联合创始人喜欢通过在 Twitter 上制作内容来获得报酬

Not long ago, Elon Musk rolled out a subscription feature on Twitter, which allowed content creators to receive rewards from their subscribers on a constant basis.

不久前,埃隆·马斯克在 Twitter 上推出了订阅功能,允许内容创作者持续从订阅者那里获得奖励。

There is no fixed subscription fee – for example, a monthly subscription to Billy Markus costs 3.33 euros, and if you subscribe to Elon Musk, you would have to pay 4.40 euros in USD equivalent for U.S. residents. Shibetoshi Nakamoto (the Twitter nickname of Markus) boasts 2.1 million followers. As for Elon Musk, he has 148.4 million, so the subscription fee he set seems to be rather symbolic, considering that and his status as one of the wealthiest people in the world and a tech innovator.

没有固定的订阅费——例如​​,每月订阅 Billy Markus 的费用为 3.33 欧元,如果订阅 Elon Musk,则需要为美国居民支付 4.40 欧元等值美元。 Shibetoshi Nakamoto(马库斯的 Twitter 昵称)拥有 210 万粉丝。至于埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk),他拥有1.484亿美元,因此考虑到这一点以及他作为世界上最富有的人之一和科技创新者的地位,他设定的认购费似乎颇具象征意义。

Basically, one thousand subscribers can allow a creator to fully focus on their content and give up their day job.


After introducing the subscription feature, Elon Musk added longer texts and a feature that allows content makers to post videos on Twitter.

在推出订阅功能后,埃隆·马斯克添加了更长的文本和允许内容制作者在 Twitter 上发布视频的功能。

Billy Markus is second biggest earner on Twitter

比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 是 Twitter 上第二高收入者

As reported by U.Today earlier, Elon Musk recently published the results of the income distribution for content makers on Twitter. According to this data, the aforementioned Billy Markus became the second-highest-paid one there.


Shibetoshi Nakamoto earned $37,500. In total, Elon Musk has sent out $5 million in rewards to creators. That was the very first block of payments ever made on Twitter.

中本标敏赚了 37,500 美元。埃隆·马斯克总共向创作者发放了 500 万美元的奖励。这是 Twitter 上发生的第一笔付款。

The Internet Hall of Fame Twitter user outperformed Markus by earning $107,247, with approximately 1.9 million followers. As announced by Musk earlier this year, all income for 2022 will be sent to creators with Twitter keeping nothing. As of next year, the social media platform will begin to keep a small percentage of those funds to cover its own expenses.

这位互联网名人堂 Twitter 用户的表现超过了马库斯,收入为 107,247 美元,拥有大约 190 万粉丝。正如马斯克今年早些时候宣布的那样,2022 年的所有收入都将发送给创作者,Twitter 不保留任何内容。从明年开始,该社交媒体平台将开始保留一小部分资金来支付自己的开支。

DOGE creator takes jab at Mark Zuckerberg


Approximately a week ago, U.Today covered that Billy Markus criticized the Meta boss, creator of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, for again stealing an idea from other digital creators.

大约一周前,《今日美国》报道比利·马库斯批评 Meta 老板、Facebook 创始人马克·扎克伯格再次窃取其他数字创作者的创意。

This time, he launched a Twitter clone called Threads App via Instagram, which was bought by Meta previously.

这次,他通过 Instagram 推出了一款名为 Threads App 的 Twitter 克隆应用,该应用此前已被 Meta 收购。

Speaking rather metaphorically, he wrote that Elon Musk "created oxygen so we could breath," while "Zuckerberg invented carbon monoxide to kill us all."




Elon Musk-vs-Zuckerberg cage fight

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 与扎克伯格 (Zuckerberg) 笼斗

Earlier, as was discussed by people on Crypto Twitter, Zuckerberg copied the Stories feature from Snapchat, adding it to Instagram, copied Reels for the same app from TikTok and has now copied Threads from Twitter.

早些时候,正如 Crypto Twitter 上的人们所讨论的那样,扎克伯格从 Snapchat 复制了 Stories 功能,将其添加到 Instagram,从 TikTok 复制了同一应用程序的 Reels,现在又从 Twitter 复制了 Threads。

Elon Musk and Zuckerberg intend to have a cage fight in the near future, and Colosseum is one of the possible locations for it. Musk challenged Zuckerberg to that fight after the release of Threads. Both tech billionaires are training with martial arts experts before the upcoming fight which, if it indeed happens, promises to be one of the most interesting and fun events in history.

埃隆·马斯克和扎克伯格打算在不久的将来进行一场笼战,罗马斗兽场是可能的举办地点之一。 Threads 发布后,马斯克向扎克伯格发起了这场战斗的挑战。在即将到来的比赛之前,两位科技亿万富翁都在接受武术专家的训练,如果比赛确实发生,那么这将成为历史上最有趣的赛事之一。


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