首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币开发者称 Meme 币“反应迟钝”且“有问题”——原因如下

Dogecoin Developer Says Meme Coin Is ‘Unresponsive’ And ‘Sick’ – Here’s Why

狗狗币开发者称 Meme 币“反应迟钝”且“有问题”——原因如下

发布: 2024/02/08 06:12 阅读: 981



Dogecoin, the meme-inspired cryptocurrency beloved by many, is facing a technical hurdle as its network becomes increasingly congested with “inscriptions,” data messages stored directly on the blockchain. This has raised concerns about the network’s ongoing “health” issues.


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Dogecoin Struggles: Network Congestion Raises Concerns


According to a tweet by Timothy Stebbing, a Dogecoin developer and foundation member, the network is currently experiencing issues due to a large number of inscriptions. He described the situation as “Dogecoin is currently sick,” emphasizing the urgency for solutions.

根据狗狗币开发者兼基金会成员蒂莫西·斯特宾 (Timothy Stebbing) 的推文,该网络目前由于大量铭文而遇到问题。他将这种情况描述为“狗狗币目前病了”,并强调解决方案的紧迫性。

The congestion stems from the meme coin’s blockchain’s dual purpose: facilitating financial transactions and storing inscriptions, similar to NFTs on other blockchains. However, unlike NFTs, many within the DOGE community view these inscriptions as having no real value or practical use, labeling them as “bloatware” or “spam.”

拥堵源于 meme 币区块链的双重目的:促进金融交易和存储铭文,类似于其他区块链上的 NFT。然而,与 NFT 不同的是,DOGE 社区中的许多人认为这些铭文没有真正的价值或实际用途,并将它们标记为“臃肿软件”或“垃圾邮件”。

This data overload is causing the network to become “jammed/unresponsive,” as reported by Stebbing. Several cryptocurrency exchanges have contacted the Dogecoin Foundation to express concerns about the network’s sluggishness.

据 Stebbing 报道,这种数据过载导致网络变得“堵塞/无响应”。多家加密货币交易所已联系狗狗币基金会,表达对网络缓慢的担忧。

DOGE Foundation Seeks Solutions Amid ‘Sickness’

DOGE 基金会在“疾病”中寻求解决方案

The Dogecoin Foundation and its core team are actively brainstorming solutions to address this issue. Stebbing mentioned exploring options “from friendly to extreme,” suggesting that moving data off-chain at the protocol level might be a potential solution. This would free up space on the main Dogecoin network for core functionalities like financial transactions.


The issue of network congestion is not entirely new. Dogecoin contributor @Tdogewhisperer had previously flagged a surge in transactions, reaching a peak of 1.9 million within 24 hours. However, he clarified that these transactions were primarily for creating inscriptions, not for transferring funds.

网络拥塞问题并不是什么新鲜事。狗狗币贡献者@Tdogewisperer 此前曾表示交易量激增,在 24 小时内达到 190 万笔的峰值。不过,他澄清说,这些交易主要是为了创造铭文,而不是为了转移资金。

Dogecoin currently trading at $0.07856 on the daily chart: TradingView.com

狗狗币目前在日线图上的交易价格为 0.07856 美元:TradingView.com

Further adding to the complexity is a recent transfer of 100 million Dogecoin (approximately $7.8 million) to Robinhood, a popular cryptocurrency platform known for attracting retail investors. This has sparked concerns about potential speculative activity and its impact on the price of Dogecoin, which has been experiencing fluctuations in recent days.

进一步增加复杂性的是,最近向 Robinhood 转移了 1 亿狗狗币(约合 780 万美元),Robinhood 是一个以吸引散户投资者而闻名的流行加密货币平台。这引发了人们对潜在投机活动及其对狗狗币价格影响的担忧,狗狗币最近几天一直在经历波动。

DOGE Price At A Glance

DOGE 价格一览

Dogecoin (DOGE) is treading water around $0.07, down 0.7% in the last seven days, and 1.8% since February began. The “love month” hasn’t been kind to memecoins. Major players like Shiba Inu, BONK, and PEPE are all in the red, with losses ranging from 4% to 9%. This downtrend casts a shadow over the once-booming memecoin market.

狗狗币(DOGE)目前徘徊在 0.07 美元左右,过去 7 天下跌 0.7%,自 2 月初以来下跌 1.8%。 “爱情月”对模因币来说并不友善。 Shiba Inu、BONK 和 PEPE 等主要厂商均出现亏损,亏损幅度在 4% 至 9% 之间。这种下降趋势给曾经繁荣的模因币市场蒙上了阴影。

Despite the wider slump, Dogecoin has shown surprising resilience. Its price drop is the smallest among its memecoin peers, suggesting it might be weathering the storm better. Could whales be the secret weapon?


Whales Dive In


Meanwhile, on-chain data hints at strategic whale activity, with large investors scooping up DOGE. Estimates suggest whales have bought roughly $27 million worth of DOGE in the past two weeks, potentially accumulating over 40 billion coins. This buying spree suggests whales see value in Dogecoin’s future.

与此同时,链上数据暗示了战略鲸鱼活动,大型投资者纷纷买入 DOGE。据估计,鲸鱼在过去两周内购买了价值约 2700 万美元的 DOGE,可能积累了超过 400 亿枚代币。这种购买热潮表明鲸鱼看到了狗狗币的未来价值。

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Featured image from iStock, chart from TradingView

精选图片来自 iStock,图表来自 TradingView


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