首页 > 资讯新闻 > Pandoshi (PAMBO) 获得 Solana (SOL) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 持有者的巨额投资

Pandoshi (PAMBO) Gains Massive Investment From Solana (SOL) and Dogecoin (DOGE) Holders

Pandoshi (PAMBO) 获得 Solana (SOL) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 持有者的巨额投资

发布: 2024/02/08 06:06 阅读: 633



Pandoshi (PAMBO) is quickly becoming the new favorite among cryptocurrency enthusiasts, particularly attracting significant investment from Solana (SOL) and Dogecoin (DOGE) holders. As it enters its fifth and final presale phase, the rush among investors to secure PAMBO tokens is palpable. This stage offers a last chance to invest at presale prices before Pandoshi makes its anticipated debut on various exchanges. With its unique features and promising potential, Pandoshi has successfully caught the attention of the crypto community, promising an exciting future as it prepares for its next big leap into the trading world.

Pandoshi (PAMBO) 正迅速成为加密货币爱好者的新宠,尤其吸引了 Solana (SOL) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 持有者的大量投资。随着 PAMBO 进入第五个也是最后一个预售阶段,投资者抢购 PAMBO 代币的热潮显而易见。在 Pandoshi 预计在各个交易所首次亮相之前,这一阶段提供了以预售价格进行投资的最后机会。凭借其独特的功能和广阔的潜力,Pandoshi 成功引起了加密货币社区的关注,并在为进入交易世界的下一次大跃进做准备时,承诺了一个令人兴奋的未来。

Pandoshi (PAMBO): Final Stage Before Launch

Pandoshi is swiftly establishing itself within the cryptocurrency community, captivating attention through its innovative strategies and impressive early funding achievements. With over $4.5 million already raised, the project is demonstrating significant confidence from investors in its potential to reshape the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Standing out from typical meme coins, Pandoshi is recognized for its comprehensive decentralization, commitment to financial privacy, and fostering a community-driven approach.

Pandoshi (PAMBO):启动前的最后阶段Pandoshi 正在加密货币社区迅速建立自己的地位,通过其创新策略和令人印象深刻的早期融资成就吸引了人们的关注。该项目已筹集超过 450 万美元,这表明投资者对其重塑去中心化金融 (DeFi) 领域的潜力充满信心。与典型的模因币不同,Pandoshi 因其全面的去中心化、对财务隐私的承诺以及培育社区驱动的方法而受到认可。

The project leverages a Layer-2 network based on the Proof of Stake protocol, offering a more eco-friendly solution than the traditional Proof of Work systems. Its ecosystem is rich and varied, including decentralized exchanges (DEX), the secure Pandoshi Wallet for non-custodial transactions, immersive Metaverse gaming, Pandoshi University for educational content, and cryptocurrency-compatible prepaid cards, all operating independently of KYC verifications.

该项目利用基于权益证明协议的第二层网络,提供比传统工作量证明系统更环保的解决方案。其生态系统丰富多样,包括去中心化交易所 (DEX)、用于非托管交易的安全 Pandoshi 钱包、沉浸式 Metaverse 游戏、用于教育内容的 Pandoshi 大学以及与加密货币兼容的预付卡,所有这些都独立于 KYC 验证运行。

The PAMBO token, initially introduced on the Ethereum blockchain, is at the forefront of Pandoshi’s ecosystem with a deflationary model. This model involves a buy-and-burn technique, where PAMBO tokens are purchased and permanently removed from circulation to increase their scarcity and value.

PAMBO 代币最初在以太坊区块链上推出,处于 Pandoshi 生态系统的最前沿,具有通货紧缩模型。该模型涉及购买并销毁技术,即购买 PAMBO 代币并将其永久从流通中移除,以增加其稀缺性和价值。

The project’s decentralized exchange enhances PAMBO’s attractiveness by using transaction fees to further reduce the token’s supply, thereby increasing its market value and rarity.


Now in the final phase of its presale, Pandoshi is at the pivotal fifth stage, providing the last opportunity to acquire PAMBO tokens at a presale price of $0.01 each before its listing on exchanges. This phase is a critical point, concluding a carefully orchestrated presale campaign that has attracted considerable investor interest.

现在处于预售的最后阶段,Pandoshi 正处于关键的第五阶段,提供了在交易所上市之前以每枚 0.01 美元预售价格购买 PAMBO 代币的最后机会。这一阶段是一个关键点,结束了精心策划的预售活动,吸引了相当大的投资者兴趣。

Half of the 2 billion PAMBO tokens issued are reserved for the presale, with the rest allocated for liquidity on both decentralized and centralized exchanges and for various marketing efforts to boost project visibility and community involvement.

已发行的 20 亿 PAMBO 代币中有一半用于预售,其余部分用于去中心化和中心化交易所的流动性,以及用于提高项目知名度和社区参与度的各种营销活动。

Pandoshi’s recent launch of the beta version of its wallet on the Google Play Store is a significant achievement shared with enthusiasm on Twitter. This step signifies a broadening of the project’s scope, especially its support for EVM-compatible chains and plans to embrace non-EVM chains, with an iOS wallet version also on the horizon to widen its user base.

Pandoshi 最近在 Google Play 商店推出了其钱包的测试版,这是 Twitter 上热情分享的一项重大成就。这一步标志着该项目范围的扩大,特别是对 EVM 兼容链的支持,并计划拥抱非 EVM 链,iOS 钱包版本也即将推出,以扩大其用户群。

This wallet launch has significantly raised Pandoshi’s profile in the marketplace, reinforcing investor confidence in its dedication to the DeFi sector. It reflects the project’s commitment to open-source development and governance by the community, appealing to those valuing privacy and decentralization. With the wallet now available, there’s been a surge in investor interest, with many eager to participate in the presale.

此次钱包的推出显着提升了 Pandoshi 在市场上的形象,增强了投资者对其致力于 DeFi 领域的信心。它反映了该项目对开源开发和社区治理的承诺,吸引了那些重视隐私和权力下放的人。随着钱包现已推出,投资者的兴趣激增,许多人渴望参与预售。

Pandoshi offers an inviting investment opportunity through its extensive ecosystem and thoughtful tokenomics. Prospective investors are guided on how to purchase PAMBO tokens via the project’s official site, ensuring a straightforward acquisition process.

Pandoshi 通过其广泛的生态系统和深思熟虑的代币经济学提供了诱人的投资机会。指导潜在投资者如何通过该项目的官方网站购买 PAMBO 代币,确保购买过程简单明了。

Click Here To Buy PAMBO Tokens

点击此处购买 PAMBO 代币

Explore the following links for detailed information on Pandoshi (PAMBO):

浏览以下链接,了解有关 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的详细信息:

Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/



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