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Real-life Doge at 18: Meme that’s going to the moon

现实生活中的 18 岁总督:要去月球的模因

发布: 2024/02/08 06:06 阅读: 488



I posted Doge for the first time, John Monarch mentions casually, just minutes after I sit at his table upon sneaking into the Tokyo hotels breakfast buffet.

“我第一次发布了 Doge”,约翰·莫纳克 (John Monarch) 随意地提到,就在我偷偷溜进东京酒店的自助早餐时坐在他的餐桌旁几分钟后。

Excuse me? Yes, apparently I was sitting next to the creator of the original Doge meme, and we were about to board a bus to the 18th birthday party of Kabosu, the real-life dog behind Doge.

打扰一下?是的,显然我正坐在最初的 Doge meme 的创造者旁边,我们正准备登上巴士去参加 Doge 背后的现实狗 Kabosu 的 18 岁生日派对。

Kabosu: The real-life Doge turns 18

Kabosu:现实生活中的总督 18 岁了

Kabosu lives in Sakura, Chiba Prefecture, which is not far from Tokyos Narita Airport. When her breeder went out of business in 2008, she and 19 other Shiba Inus were taken to an animal shelter to be put down. However, she was rescued by local kindergarten teacher Atsuko Sato, (better known as @kabosumama to her 67,000 followers on X), who named her after a citrus fruit due to her round face.

Kabosu住在千叶县佐仓市,距离东京成田机场不远。 2008 年,当她的饲养员倒闭时,她和其他 19 只柴犬被带到动物收容所接受安乐死。然而,她被当地幼儿园老师佐藤敦子(Atsuko Sato)(她在 X 上的 67,000 名粉丝更熟悉的名字为“@kabosumama”)救了出来,由于她的圆脸,佐藤以柑橘类水果的名字为她命名。

Kabosu likes to make this face all the time when relaxed, Atsuko responded to a question from the birthday crowd.


In a rare 2020 interview with KnowYourMeme, Atsuko recalled that she contacted the shelter because two years had passed since I lost my previous dog, and I wanted to live with a dog again. Most of Kabosus brothers and sisters werent so lucky.

在 2020 年罕见地接受 KnowYourMeme 采访时,Atsuko 回忆道,她之所以联系收容所,是因为我失去上一只狗已经过去两年了,我想再次与狗一起生活。大多数卡博苏斯兄弟姐妹就没那么幸运了。

Fifteen years later, on November 2, 2023 at her party, shes lucky to still be with us. 18 is about 90 in dog years, which is an impressive feat.

十五年后,2023 年 11 月 2 日,在她的聚会上,她很幸运仍然和我们在一起。 18岁相当于狗年的90岁,这是一个令人印象深刻的壮举。

As the mayor of Sakura excitedly addresses a crowd gathered around a Dutch-style windmill, Kabosus stroller is wheeled toward the stage, delighting onlookers. Its her 18th birthday (sort of), with Atsuko having decided she was three years old on adoption. A declaration by a National Day Calendar representative is read out: henceforth, November 2nd is International Doge Day.

当佐仓市长兴奋地向聚集在荷兰风格风车周围的人群发表讲话时,卡博苏斯婴儿车被推向舞台,让围观者感到高兴。今天是她 18 岁生日(大概是这样),敦子决定在她三岁的时候被收养。宣读国庆日历代表的声明:从此,11月2日为国际总督日。

I remember her staring at me from the corner of the room with doll-like eyes, Atsuko recounts, holding her.


Kabosu is DOGE Do Only Good Everyday, as Atsuko puts it though for years, she hadnt even heard the word.

Kabosu 是 DOGE,每天只做善事,正如 Atsuko 所说,多年来,她甚至没有听说过这个词。

The rise of Dogecoin: From meme to crypto phenomenon


The story of the dog of the day forked in 2010 when, in North Carolina, Monarch, then 23, happened across an image of an anonymous dog sitting on a couch, making a funny face. The image was originally one of a series of eight taken by Atsukos husband earlier that year and posted on her blog. John posted the image on Reddit with the title LMBO LOOK @ THIS FUKKIN DOGE. The word doge itself was already in use, though obscure.

今日狗的故事开始于 2010 年,当时 23 岁的 Monarch 在北卡罗来纳州偶然发现了一张匿名狗坐在沙发上做鬼脸的照片。这张照片最初是 Atsuko 的丈夫当年早些时候拍摄并发布在她的博客上的八张系列照片中的一张。约翰在 Reddit 上发布了这张图片,标题为 LMBO LOOK @ THIS FUKKIN DOGE。 “总督”这个词本身已经被使用,尽管很晦涩。

You make a dumb post and dont expect it to do anything 300 likes, not so serious.

你发了一个愚蠢的帖子,别指望它能做任何 300 个赞的事情,没那么严重。

It spread slowly, at some point picking up a comic sans theme and eventually getting its own subreddit, r/doge, in early 2013. Images of different Shiba Inu dogs were presented in a similar format, and text in Doge speak like much wow saw it named Know Your Memes top meme of that year. At that point, it was everywhere, with a late 2013 Huffington Post article complaining that the beloved internet meme was being ruined by uncool Republican members of U.S. Congress using it incorrectly.

它传播得很慢,在某个时候采用了无主题漫画,并最终在 2013 年初拥有了自己的 Reddit 子版块 r/doge。不同柴犬的图像以类似的格式呈现,Doge 中的文本就像哇看到的那样它被评为当年的最佳模因。那时,它已经无处不在,《赫芬顿邮报》2013 年末的一篇文章抱怨说,人们喜爱的互联网文化基因正被美国国会中不冷静的共和党议员错误地使用而毁掉。

A decade on, doge reigns strong. It has recently also become associated as a mascot of another meme, NAFO, which is described as a meme and social media movement dedicated to countering Russian propaganda and disinformation about the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

十年过去了,总督依然强势统治。它最近还成为另一个模因 NAFO 的吉祥物,NAFO 被描述为一个模因和社交媒体运动,致力于反击俄罗斯有关 2022 年俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的宣传和虚假信息。

On the bus to Chiba, I ask some of the birthday party organizers and attendees what Doge means to them and what it stands for. To me, Doge is that spark of magic, a noble mission of spreading joy, explains Gary Lachance, a big fan of the doge meme, who once drove a McLaren wrapped in Doge faces across the United States. He sees it as a wholesome counterweight to the dark and toxic places that exist on the internet.

在前往千叶的巴士上,我询问一些生日聚会的组织者和参加者,总督对他们来说意味着什么以及它代表什么。对我来说,Doge 就是魔法的火花,是传播欢乐的崇高使命,Doge 表情包的忠实粉丝加里·拉昌斯 (Gary Lachance) 解释道,他曾经驾驶着一辆贴着 Doge 头像的迈凯伦汽车穿越美国。他将其视为对互联网上存在的黑暗和有毒场所的有益平衡。

Along with doge-loving hippy hacker Griff Green, Lachance previously worked to bring a doge-themed art car Disco Doge to Burning Man.

Lachance 曾与喜爱狗狗的嬉皮士黑客格里夫·格林 (Griff Green) 合作,为火人节带来了一辆以狗狗为主题的艺术车迪斯科狗狗 (Disco Doge)。

Silliness and whimsy, says another, because the world is too serious. Doge means love! another pipes in with confidence. For some, this is a pilgrimage.

另一个人说,愚蠢和异想天开,因为世界太严肃了。 Doge的意思是爱!另一个人充满信心地插了进来。对于某些人来说,这是一次朝圣。

Others look at the crypto angle, with local doge fan and birthday attendee Kaneko Otanel saying, Doge is a starting point for those unfamiliar with crypto, especially in Japan.

其他人则从加密货币的角度出发,当地的 doge 粉丝和生日参与者 Kaneko Otanel 表示,Doge 是那些不熟悉加密货币的人的起点,尤其是在日本。

Then I got to ask a meme himself: Tay Zonday, known for his 2007 Chocolate Rain song video, which 4chan helped make viral.

然后我自己问了一个模因:Tay Zonday,他因 2007 年的《巧克力雨》歌曲视频而闻名,4chan 帮助该视频走红。

Im a meme, Bad Luck Brian is a meme, Doge is a meme, he stated matter-of-factly, referring to meme colleague Kyle Craven, who was also present at this meme gathering.

我是一个模因,坏运气布莱恩是一个模因,Doge 是一个模因,他实事求是地说,指的是模因同事凯尔·克雷文,他也参加了这次模因聚会。

I believe blockchain has the potential to save us from the worst outcome of social media.


Elon Musk and the celebrity influence on Dogecoins popularity


Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer launched their joke cryptocurrency that no one would take seriously on December 6, 2013. And they picked doge as their mascot.

比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 和杰克逊·帕尔默 (Jackson Palmer) 于 2013 年 12 月 6 日推出了他们的玩笑加密货币,但没有人会认真对待。他们选择狗狗作为他们的吉祥物。

Despite the founders exit, the Dogecoin community has banded together to crowdfund some memorable projects.


In January 2014, they made headlines after raising money to send the Jamaican bobsled team to the Sochi Olympics, inspired by the movie Cool Runnings.

2014 年 1 月,受电影《酷跑》的启发,他们筹集资金将牙买加雪橇队派往索契奥运会,从而成为头条新闻。

Later that year, 100 million DOGE was collected to sponsor Nascar driver Josh Wises car #98, which came to be known as the Dogecar. The car is playable in the Nascar 14 video game.

同年晚些时候,筹集到 1 亿 DOGE 来赞助 Nascar 车手 Josh Wises 的 98 号赛车,该车后来被称为 Dogecar。该车可在 Nascar 14 视频游戏中使用。

Fun and social, Dogecoin has also seen success as a tipping currency on online forums like Reddit.

狗狗币既有趣又社交,作为一种小费货币在 Reddit 等在线论坛上也取得了成功。

In mid-2020, when coins cost a quarter of a penny, a viral TikTok trend promoted the idea of DOGE eventually going to the moon and reaching a $1 valuation. Not long after, a known spaceman named Elon Musk jumped onto the doge train in December 2020, writing a short tweet: One word: Doge.

2020 年中期,当硬币的价格为四分之一便士时,TikTok 的病毒式传播趋势推动了 DOGE 最终登上月球并达到 1 美元估值的想法。不久之后,一位名叫埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的知名太空人于 2020 年 12 月跳上了总督列车,并写了一条简短的推文:一个词:总督。

In January 2021, Dogecoin became connected with the meme-stock community surrounding the GameStop short squeeze and gained nearly 1,000% in a two-week period. The rise to $0.07 was in part fueled by a barrage of tweets from Musk, including a play on the Vogue magazine as DOGUE.

2021 年 1 月,狗狗币与围绕 GameStop 空头挤压的模因股票社区建立了联系,并在两周内上涨了近 1,000%。马斯克的一系列推文推动了价格上涨至 0.07 美元,其中包括在《Vogue》杂志上使用 DOGUE 的说法。

In May, Musk held a Twitter poll asking if Tesla should accept DOGE (78% agreed), soon announcing that the car company was selling merchandise for DOGE, and SpaceX would soon follow.

5 月,马斯克在 Twitter 上进行了一次民意调查,询问特斯拉是否应该接受 DOGE(78% 的人同意),并很快宣布该汽车公司正在销售 DOGE 的商品,SpaceX 也将很快效仿。

Then came the announcement on April 1 April Fools Day that a literal Dogecoin was going to the literal moon aboard a SpaceX rocket, and the price soon quadrupled into the $0.25 range.

然后在 4 月 1 日愚人节宣布,一种名副其实的狗狗币将搭乘 SpaceX 火箭前往月球,价格很快翻了两番,达到 0.25 美元。

Doge-1 to the moon: Will Dogecoin moon, too?

Doge-1 登月:狗狗币也会登月吗?

The next month, on May 9, Dogecoin reached its all-time high of around $0.70. On that day, Canadian technology company Geometric Energy Corporation announced it would launch Doge-1, a CubeSat fully funded by Dogecoin, into lunar orbit aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

下个月,即 5 月 9 日,狗狗币达到了 0.70 美元左右的历史新高。当天,加拿大科技公司 Geometric Energy Corporation 宣布将利用 SpaceX Falcon 9 火箭将 Doge-1(一颗由狗狗币全额资助的立方体卫星)送入月球轨道。

According to Musk, founder of SpaceX, it would become both the first crypto and the first meme in space. (However, a physical Bitcoin was sent into space on the Peregrine lunar lander last month. This developed problems shortly after takeoff and never made it to the moon.)

SpaceX 创始人马斯克表示,它将成为第一个加密货币和太空中的第一个模因。 (然而,上个月,一枚实物比特币被百富勤月球着陆器送入太空。这在起飞后不久就出现了问题,从未成功登上月球。)

The Doge-1 probe will feature a camera livestreaming a screen, and users can put up messages and pictures by controlling pixels via tokens. There will be five tokens available: two for location (Beta for the X coordinate and Rho for the Y coordinate), two for pixel control (Gamma for the brightness and Kappa for the color), and XI for time meaning, how long the advertisement will be displayed, according to Space.com.

Doge-1 探测器将配备一个摄像头,在屏幕上进行直播,用户可以通过令牌控制像素来发布消息和图片。将有五个可用标记:两个用于位置(Beta 表示 X 坐标,Rho 表示 Y 坐标),两个用于像素控制(Gamma 表示亮度,Kappa 表示颜色),XI 表示时间(即广告多长时间)据 Space.com 称,将会显示。

There might be companies which want to depict their logo or it might end up being a bit more personal and artistic, the companys CEO, Samuel Reid, told Business Insider.

该公司首席执行官塞缪尔·里德(Samuel Reid)告诉《商业内幕》(Business Insider),可能有些公司想要描绘他们的标志,或者最终可能会变得更加个性化和艺术化。

One noted critic of the mission has been Dogecoin co-founder Jackson Palmer, already known for taking a harsh tone regarding the industry and for accusing Musk of peddling pyramid schemes. Billy Markus, the other co-founder, is known as Shibetoshi and famously sold all his Dogecoins in 2015 when prices hovered around $0.0001, netting about enough in total to buy a used Honda Civic. Doge peaked at around $0.70 in 2021. Though hes no longer attached, he observes that its weird that something I made in a few hours is now part of internet culture.

狗狗币联合创始人杰克逊·帕尔默(Jackson Palmer)是这一使命的著名批评者,他因对该行业持严厉态度并指责马斯克兜售传销而闻名。另一位联合创始人比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 被称为 Shibetoshi,他因在 2015 年价格徘徊在 0.0001 美元左右时卖掉了所有狗狗币而闻名,总共赚到的钱足以购买一辆二手本田思域。 Doge 在 2021 年达到了 0.70 美元左右的峰值。尽管他不再依恋,但他发现,我在几个小时内制作的东西现在成为了互联网文化的一部分,这很奇怪。

A $258-billion class-action suit was brought against Musk by investors who alleged that he had engaged in a crypto pyramid scheme involving Dogecoin, stating that this is a securities fraud class action arising from a deliberate course of carnival barking market manipulation and insider trading.

投资者对马斯克提起了价值 2580 亿美元的集体诉讼,指控他参与了涉及狗狗币的加密传销计划,并称这是因故意操纵市场和内幕交易而引发的证券欺诈集体诉讼。

Real life Doge more than a meme


Despite the commotion around Dogecoin, Kabosu has led a quiet life in Sakura with Atsuko and her family, which included three cats to whom she is like a big sister. The doge meme isnt that widespread in Japan; however, Kabosu is still a minor celebrity, with Atsukos pet blog being among the most popular in the country.

尽管狗狗币引起了骚动,Kabosu 仍与 Atsuko 及其家人一起在佐仓过着平静的生活,其中包括三只猫,她就像大姐姐一样。总督表情包在日本并不普遍。然而,Kabosu 仍然小有名气,Atsukos 的宠物博客是该国最受欢迎的宠物博客之一。

Around me, nobody knows about the Doge meme. Maybe I dont understand memes very well, because Im living such an analog life, Atsuko told The Verge in late 2013, adding that she had become aware of risks related to the personal information she shares publicly.

在我周围,没有人知道 Doge meme。 Atsuko 在 2013 年底告诉 The Verge,“也许我不太了解模因,因为我过着类似的生活”,并补充说她已经意识到与她公开分享的个人信息相关的风险。

10 years on, her distance remains. For all but a handful of visits and encounters, Kabosu has lived a life removed from the meme and token she inspired.


Im not too familiar with cryptocurrency, but seeing my beautiful dogs face on the internet is heartwarming.


This was apparent at Kabosus birthday party, where Dogecoin the cryptocurrency seemed little more than a tacked-on addition to a community celebration for a beloved dog. I came to this event because I read about it on Atsukos blog I had no idea it was related to crypto, mentions Lauren, an English teacher from Canada who in one-to-a-billion odds recognized me as a high school classmate from half a world and lifetime away. Doge magic, they called it.

这一点在卡博苏斯的生日聚会上表现得很明显,在聚会上,狗狗币这种加密货币似乎只不过是为心爱的狗举行的社区庆祝活动的附加内容。 “我参加这个活动是因为我在 Atsukos 博客上读到了有关它的内容,我不知道它与加密货币有关,”来自加拿大的英语老师 Lauren 提到,他以十亿分之一的几率认出了我是来自一半的高中同学。一个世界和一生的距离。他们称之为总督魔法。

Dogecoin DAOs and community: Charities and social impact

狗狗币 DAO 和社区:慈善事业和社会影响

In 2021, with some outside help, Atsuko minted the famous image as an NFT, and PleasrDAO purchased it at auction for 1,696.9 ETH, or $4 million. The original couch that Kabosu was pictured on was also sold with the anonymous buyer taking delivery at Twitter (now X) headquarters, a source involved with the sale tells me. Donating much of the NFT proceeds to charity some of whose representatives attended the birthday Atsuko said she believed Kabosu had been given a special mission by the universe.

2021 年,在一些外部帮助下,Atsuko 将这张著名的图像铸造为 NFT,PleasrDAO 在拍卖会上以 1,696.9 ETH(即 400 万美元)的价格购买了它。一位参与销售的消息人士告诉我,卡博苏拍摄的原始沙发也被匿名买家在 Twitter(现在的 X)总部提货时出售。将大部分 NFT 收益捐赠给慈善机构,其中一些代表参加了生日 Atsuko 表示,她相信 Kabosu 被宇宙赋予了特殊使命。

During the past decade the meme had been on its own story Atsuko was doing her own thing, and never profited from Kabosu as she is not crypto native or a meme-r.

在过去的十年里,模因一直是关于 Atsuko 做自己的事情的故事,并且从未从 Kabosu 中获利,因为她不是加密货币本地人,也不是模因者。

I think nobody really drew a line back to Atsuko and Kabosu, despite other dog-coins like Shiba taking off, says Tridog, a member of PleasrDAO and now also the top dog at Own The Doge. He describes the latter as a culture DAO of Doge that aims to proliferate the Doge meme mainly through real-world positive impact. He recalls someone at the Ethereum Foundation drawing the line back to Atsuko, who in October 2019 brought Kabosu to a Devcon 5 event in Osaka.

PleasrDAO 成员、现在 Own The Doge 的头号人物 Tridog 表示,尽管 Shiba 等其他狗币正在蓬勃发展,但我认为没有人真正与 Atsuko 和 Kabosu 划清界线。他将后者描述为 Doge 的文化 DAO,旨在主要通过现实世界的积极影响来传播 Doge meme。他回忆起以太坊基金会的某人将这条线划回了 Atsuko,后者于 2019 年 10 月带着 Kabosu 参加了在大阪举行的 Devcon 5 活动。

PleasrDAO fractionalized ownership of the NFT across 16,969,696,969 DOG tokens, allowing anyone to purchase a share of the image with the possibility of dog-parking, a take on staking, to claim ownership of a specific pixel of the image. PleasrDAO sold 25% in a presale, with plans for 20% to be distributed via airdrops and 24% going to Own The Doge. Theyre going to give Atsuko 1%, too! says CryptoPathic, an involved influencer who previously led the fractionalization of another of the original Kabosu images, known as Feisty Doge, into Non-Fungible Doge NFD tokens.

PleasrDAO 将 NFT 的所有权分割为 16,969,696,969 个 DOG 代币,允许任何人购买图像的份额,并可以进行狗停车,采取质押方式,以声明图像特定像素的所有权。 PleasrDAO 在预售中售出 25%,计划通过空投分配 20%,24% 捐给 Own The Doge。他们也会给敦子 1%! CryptoPathic 说道,他是一位参与其中的影响者,之前曾领导将另一个原始 Kabosu 图像(称为 Feisty Doge)分割成不可替代的 Doge NFD 代币。

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Doge, Shiba Inu and other dog tokens


Kabosu is not the only famous meme dog in the Shiba Inu breed. Cheems Baltze, also known as Ball Ball, was a contemporary of Kabosu, appearing in the bonk and the Swole Doge vs. Cheems memes, the latter of which features a giant muscular Kabosu and a sedate Baltze. Baltze lived in Hong Kong and passed away in August 2023 at the age of 15.

卡博苏并不是柴犬品种中唯一著名的模因狗。奇姆斯·巴尔茨(Cheems Baltze),也被称为鲍尔·鲍尔(Ball Ball),是卡博苏的同代人,出现在 bonk 和 Swole Doge vs. Cheems 模因中,后者的特点是巨大的肌肉发达的卡博苏和冷静的巴尔茨。巴尔茨现居香港,于2023年8月去世,享年15岁。

There are also more than a few kennels worth of dog coins. On a CoinMarketCap listing of memecoins, dogs dominate, with Shiba Inu (SHIB) holding a respectable or absurd, depending on who you ask $5-billion valuation and the Cheems-inspired BONK sitting near $1 billion. Dogwifhat (WIF) is a Solana token and the new talk of the town. Theres also Dogelon Mars because, of course, there would be.

还有价值超过几个狗窝的狗币。在 CoinMarketCap 的模因币列表中,狗占据主导地位,柴犬 (SHIB) 的估值是可观的还是荒谬的,这取决于你问谁,估值为 50 亿美元,而受 Cheems 启发的 BONK 估值接近 10 亿美元。 Dogwifhat (WIF) 是 Solana 代币,也是热门话题。还有火星狗,因为当然会有。

The future of Dogecoin


Diagnosed with leukemia in late 2022, Kabosu no longer eats solid food nor moves around independently without a custom wheelchair. Though she appears calm, she is sleepy and barely able to lift her head unaided, making one wonder whether her quality of life is worth the struggle. She spends many of her days resting at the kindergarten where Atsuko works. At the birthday celebration, Atsuko told the crowd that your love has saved Kabosus life many, many times, crediting fans love and support for allowing her to live into old age.

Kabosu 于 2022 年底被诊断出患有白血病,他不再吃固体食物,也无法在没有定制轮椅的情况下独立走动。尽管她看上去很平静,但她很困,几乎无法在无人帮助的情况下抬起头,这让人怀疑她的生活质量是否值得为之奋斗。她大部分时间都在敦子工作的幼儿园休息。在生日庆典上,敦子告诉观众,你们的爱多次拯救了卡博苏斯的生命,感谢粉丝们的爱和支持,让她活到了晚年。

A lot of memes fizzle out a lot of communities do, too but somehow, Kabosu and the doge has only expanded from the blog, to Dogecoin, to NFTs, and now DAOs some day, the torch may pass on. We are just spreading smiles, Tridog notes.

很多模因也都失败了,很多社区也是如此,但不知何故,Kabosu 和总督只是从博客扩展到狗狗币、NFT,现在是 DAO,总有一天,火炬可能会传承下去。特里多格指出,我们只是在传播微笑。

Come next what may, Kabosu is now a permanent part of Sakura through the newly unveiled bronze statue of her, flanked by three cats, sitting on the very couch on which she was famously photographed. The project was led by SaladPingers, an Australian-based project manager for Own The Doge. Doge is about people of all backgrounds coming together to celebrate a funny, loveable dog. Its silly and wholesome and accessible, and the real world impact is always doing good and giving to charity.

接下来,无论怎样,卡波苏现在已经成为樱花永久的一部分,通过新揭幕的她的青铜雕像,两侧是三只猫,坐在她被拍到的著名照片的沙发上。该项目由 Own The Doge 驻澳大利亚项目经理 SaladPingers 领导。 Doge 是关于各种背景的人们聚集在一起庆祝一只有趣、可爱的狗。它愚蠢、有益健康、平易近人,对现实世界的影响总是行善和捐助慈善事业。

The statue, a gesture paid for mostly with Dogecoins, left Atsuko visibly moved.


We have received a wonderful gift, a statue of Kabosu. I believe Kabosu will forever be here where she will see beautiful sunsets.



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