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Dogecoin Founder Billy Markus Reveals Bitcoin Holdings


发布: 2023/12/07 06:34 阅读: 377



  • Billy Markus, co-founder of Dogecoin, humorously shared he owns 0.0006 BTC.
  • 狗狗币联合创始人比利·马库斯幽默地分享说,他拥有 0.0006 BTC。

  • Markus is known for his sarcastic social media posts, adding uncertainty to the accuracy of his disclosed holdings.
  • 马库斯以其讽刺性的社交媒体帖子而闻名,这增加了他所披露的持股准确性的不确定性。

  • Bitcoin advocate Anthony Pompliano attributes the recent value surge to a demand shock meeting a supply shock.
  • 比特币倡导者 Anthony Pompliano 将最近的价值飙升归因于需求冲击与供应冲击的结合。

Billy Markus, co-founder of the widely popular Dogecoin, has taken to Twitter to reveal details about his Bitcoin holdings and the amusing scenario that would transform him into a cryptocurrency millionaire.

广受欢迎的狗狗币联合创始人比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)在推特上透露了他持有的比特币的详细信息,以及将使他成为加密货币百万富翁的有趣场景。

Markus disclosed that he currently holds 0.0006 BTC in his crypto portfolio. However, in his trademark ironic style, he quipped that for him to achieve millionaire status, Bitcoin would need to soar to an astronomical value of 166.6 million each. It’s important to note that Markus is known for his humorous and sarcastic posts on social media, adding a layer of uncertainty to the exact extent of his Bitcoin holdings.

Markus 透露,他目前在其加密货币投资组合中持有 0.0006 BTC。然而,他以他标志性的讽刺风格打趣说,为了让自己成为百万富翁,比特币需要飙升至 1.666 亿的天文数字。值得注意的是,马库斯以其在社交媒体上的幽默和讽刺帖子而闻名,这给他持有比特币的确切程度增加了一层不确定性。

While revealing one’s cryptocurrency holdings on social platforms is generally discouraged due to security concerns, Markus has maintained a light-hearted approach, keeping the crypto community guessing about the authenticity of his disclosures.


Dogecoin co-founder has expressed favoritism towards Bitcoin


Despite his jesting demeanor, Markus has previously expressed his favoritism towards Bitcoin and Ethereum, contrasting with his disdain for tokens based on Ethereum’s ERC-20 standard.

尽管马库斯态度开玩笑,但他此前曾表达过对比特币和以太坊的偏爱,这与他对基于以太坊 ERC-20 标准的代币的蔑视形成鲜明对比。

Earlier this year, Markus made headlines when he sold a portion of his Ethereum holdings at a loss to fulfill tax obligations. Interestingly, the Ethereum market experienced an uptick shortly after Markus’ sale, prompting speculation on potential missed profits.


Meanwhile, influential investor and Bitcoin advocate Anthony Pompliano, known as “Pomp,” attributes the recent surge in Bitcoin’s value to a demand shock meeting a supply shock.

与此同时,有影响力的投资者和比特币倡导者安东尼·庞普里亚诺(Anthony Pompliano)(被称为“Pomp”)将近期比特币价值的飙升归因于需求冲击与供应冲击的结合。

Pomp asserts that the overwhelming demand for Bitcoin, surpassing the available supply, forces institutional buyers to present higher bids, propelling the cryptocurrency’s rapid ascent.

Pomp 声称,对比特币的巨大需求超过了可用供应量,迫使机构买家提出更高的出价,从而推动了加密货币的快速上涨。


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