首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币支付:埃隆·马斯克为特斯拉打造专用的狗狗币支付系统

Dogecoin Payments: Elon Musk Builds Dedicated DOGE-Only Payment System For Tesla


发布: 2024/01/04 07:34 阅读: 930



Dogecoin payments integrated by billionaire Elon Musk into any of his companies have been a hot topic of discussion for a number of years now. With Musk eventually taking over Twitter and rebranding it to X, expectations were that DOGE payments on the social media platform would be happening soon. While this is yet to come, there are clues that point to Musk possibly preparing to integrate DOGE payments, as community members have pointed out.

亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克将狗狗币支付整合到他的任何一家公司中,多年来一直是讨论的热门话题。随着马斯克最终接管 Twitter 并将其重新命名为 X,人们期望社交媒体平台上的 DOGE 支付很快就会实现。尽管这一切尚未实现,但正如社区成员所指出的那样,有线索表明马斯克可能准备整合 DOGE 支付。

Musk Builds Out Custom Dogecoin Payment System For Tesla


Tesla, one of Musk’s companies, in 2021 had implemented Bitcoin payments for its electric vehicles before halting the feature shortly after. Since then, the company has not accepted crypto payments for its vehicles but it has implemented crypto payments for merchandize and that crypto was Dogecoin.

马斯克的公司之一特斯拉于 2021 年为其电动汽车实施了比特币支付,但不久后就停止了该功能。从那时起,该公司不再接受其车辆的加密支付,但它已实施商品的加密支付,而该加密就是狗狗币。

Following the integration of Dogecoin payments, one community member who goes by @Dogecoin_Wins took to X (formerly Twitter) to share a particularly interesting fact about how the company chose to go about this implementation. They note that instead of the automotive manufacturer going the same way as other companies who used a third-party service to implement crypto payments, Elon Musk-led Tesla had actually built out its own DOGE-only payment system.

在整合狗狗币支付之后,一位名为 @Dogecoin_Wins 的社区成员在 X(以前称为 Twitter)上分享了一个关于该公司如何选择实施此实施的特别有趣的事实。他们指出,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)领导的特斯拉实际上建立了自己的仅 DOGE 支付系统,而不是像其他公司那样使用第三方服务来实施加密支付。

This payment system based entirely on the blockchain is significant in the fact that it is no small feat. As the Dogecoin community member points out, Musk would’ve had to hire a number of staff including “blockchain experts, devs, security pros.” Not only this, there is also the issue of hiring “customer service agents who know how to work within the blockchain for refunds, and field more complicated questions than what CS agents are used to.”

这个完全基于区块链的支付系统意义重大,因为它不是一件小事。正如狗狗币社区成员指出的那样,马斯克将不得不雇用许多员工,包括“区块链专家、开发人员、安全专家”。不仅如此,还存在雇用“客户服务代理的问题,他们知道如何在区块链内进行退款,并回答比 CS 代理习惯的更复杂的问题。”

All in all, the company would’ve had to have spent a significant amount of resources to build out this infrastructure. The community member puts the figure for this around 7 figures. Now, for a company the scale of Tesla, building out such an expensive and time-consuming infrastructure instead of using a third party could point to the fact that they intend to continue to use the product, and not just for merchandise alone. Given this, the community member concludes that “Elon’s serious about Doge.”

总而言之,该公司必须花费大量资源来建设这一基础设施。社区成员给出的数字约为 7 位数。现在,对于像特斯拉这样规模的公司来说,建造如此昂贵且耗时的基础设施而不是使用第三方可能表明他们打算继续使用该产品,而不仅仅是为了商品。鉴于此,社区成员得出结论:“埃隆对 Doge 是认真的。”

Why Build A DOGE-Only Payment Infrastructure?

为什么要构建仅限 DOGE 的支付基础设施?

In a follow-up post, the Dogecoin community member shared their own beliefs about why Tesla built out this infrastructure. According to them, this was not just for Tesla merchandise payments. Rather, the first reason is that the company wanted to build its own native Dogecoin payment processor.


Next, they state that the company is also trying to train its own customer service team in specific blockchain technology. Also, they are looking to learn the common problems that could come with accepting a cryptocurrency like Dogecoin for payments.


The fourth reason outlined is that the company is trying to learn and come up with solutions to problems that could arise from crypto payments. The fifth is that they are trying to do all of this “with a limited selection of low volume/low priced/low risk merchandise sales.”


@Dogecoin_Wins closes out the thread with a succinct statement:

@Dogecoin_Wins 用简洁的语句结束了该线程:

It’s much easier to go through this learning process selling $20 coffee mugs than $80,000 cars. Knowing that, the true intent of investing all this effort is not to sell coffee mugs and belt buckles. It’s to sell cars, eventually.

销售 20 美元的咖啡杯比销售 80,000 美元的汽车要容易得多。要知道,投入所有这些努力的真正目的并不是为了销售咖啡杯和皮带扣。最终是为了卖车。


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