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Elon Musk's AI and Meme Tweet Explodes Crypto Community


发布: 2023/12/28 21:05 阅读: 631




Tech billionaire and innovator and owner of the X social media platform Elon Musk has addressed his 167.4 million followers with a tweet dedicated to memes.

科技亿万富翁、创新者和 X 社交媒体平台的所有者埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 向他的 1.674 亿粉丝发布了一条专门讨论模因的推文。

Musk often posts memes on his X page and is a great fan of them. Now, his post seems to have an underlying message, since it is about AI and expresses concerns about whether it can have a negative impact on the future of humanity.

马斯克经常在他的 X 页面上发布表情包,并且是它们的忠实粉丝。现在,他的帖子似乎有一个潜在的信息,因为它是关于人工智能的,并表达了对其是否会对人类未来产生负面影响的担忧。

The crypto community got engaged in a wave of enthusiastic responses to Musk, though, seeing nothing but his reference to memes in this post. A cofounder of the original meme cryptocurrency, Dogecoin, also reacted to that post.




— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 27, 2023

— 埃隆·马斯克 (@elonmusk) 2023 年 12 月 27 日


Elon Musk’s tweet is made up to two pictures in which a man first smiles when he sees “human making memes about AI” but then looks concerned as he sees “AI making memes about humans.”


The crypto community, including Billy Markus (a Dogecoin cocreator, known as “Shibetoshi Nakamoto” on X) and several other DOGE-themed accounts in response, making jokes about AI potentially being able to come up with memes about humans.

加密货币社区,包括 Billy Markus(狗狗币共同创造者,在 X 上被称为“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”)和其他几个以 DOGE 为主题的账户做出了回应,开玩笑说人工智能可能能够想出关于人类的表情包。

In another tweet published earlier this week, Musk poked fun at cryptocurrency traders, and especially those who are into non-fungible tokens. He posted a gif featuring a golden rolling monument rotating with various captions on it, including “NFT,” “HODL” and “Vanity Trophy.”

在本周早些时候发布的另一条推文中,马斯克取笑了加密货币交易员,尤其是那些热衷于不可替代代币的交易员。他发布了一张 gif 动图,其中有一个金色滚动纪念碑,上面旋转着各种标题,包括“NFT”、“HODL”和“Vanity Trophy”。

Overall, tweets published by Musk often catch the attention of the crypto community and the community of meme lovers. Often, he attracts them with cryptic tweets, which can be interpreted in various ways, and every commentator chooses their own.


Tesla robot attacks factory engineer


In the meantime, real concerns about robots (which can potentially be powered by AI in the future) harming people are already rising, thanks to Elon Musk. As reported on Wednesday, a robot actually attacked and injured an engineer at the Tesla Giga factory in Texas, near Austin.

与此同时,由于埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk),人们对机器人(未来可能由人工智能驱动)伤害人类的真正担忧已经在上升。据周三报道,在德克萨斯州奥斯汀附近的特斯拉超级工厂,一个机器人实际上袭击并伤害了一名工程师。

The engineer was hurt and bleeding after a malfunctioning robot attacked him. Initially, these robots were designed for moving freshly built aluminium car parts. The engineer had switched off two other robots nearby, and the third one attacked him sticking its metal claws into the victim’s back and left arm, making them bleed.



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