首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克表示新版本的 Starship 即将推出

Elon Musk shares that a new version of Starship is coming soon

埃隆·马斯克表示新版本的 Starship 即将推出

发布: 2023/11/28 14:41 阅读: 329

原文作者:Seth Kurkowski


In two posts on his social media platform, X, Elon Musk shared that a version 2 of Starship is around the corner and will bring various improvements to the rocket. However, it sounds like there will still be a few “V1” Starships left to be tested before moving to V2.

在他的社交媒体平台 X 上的两篇帖子中,埃隆·马斯克分享了 Starship 的第二版即将推出,将为火箭带来各种改进。然而,听起来在转向 V2 之前仍有一些“V1”星际飞船需要测试。

Four V1 Starships left for testing

We are only just over a week out from the second launch of a full Starship rocket and Musk is already starting to talk about a second version of Starship. While this might sound like a major change in what we’ll see in the future, it most likely won’t be something you will see from the outside.

四艘 V1 星舰尚待测试 我们距离第二次完整的星舰火箭发射仅剩一周多的时间,马斯克已经开始谈论第二版星舰。虽然这听起来像是我们未来会看到的重大变化,但它很可能不会是你从外面看到的。

Musk shared this news with a teas of a post on X, formally Twitter, showing the four currently assembled Starship vehicles at Starbase, saying, “four more Starships, the last of V1.” This implied that a V2 rocket would be coming in the future.

马斯克在 X(正式为 Twitter)上发布了一条帖子,分享了这一消息,展示了目前在 Starbase 组装的四艘星舰,并表示:“还有四艘星舰,是 V1 的最后一艘。”这意味着未来将会出现 V2 火箭。

Thanks to the community of Starbase watchers, we have been able to track the final four V1 Starship vehicles as they have all been corralled into the High Bay.

感谢 Starbase 观察者社区,我们能够追踪最后四辆 V1 星舰车辆,因为它们都被关进了高湾。

The four remaining Starship upper stages will be Ship 28, 29, 30, and 32. Ship 31 was assembled, however, it was moved to Starbase’s Rocket Garden. Usually being put in a Rocket Garden is a spot of honor, but at Starbase it’s a sign the vehicle will soon be scrapped.

剩下的四艘星舰上层将是 28 号、29 号、30 号和 32 号。31 号已经组装完毕,但被转移到 Starbase 的火箭花园。通常被放入火箭花园是一种荣誉,但在 Starbase,这意味着车辆将很快被报废。

Ship 28 was moved off of a stand used for Raptor installation and then moved to the High Bay, the smaller of the three rocket vertical assembly buildings. Now Ship 28 will received more work to its heat shield section because if it flies, SpaceX is hoping to get this one around the Earth and attempt reentry.

28 号船从用于 Raptor 安装的支架上移开,然后移至 High Bay,这是三座火箭垂直装配大楼中较小的一座。现在,28 号船的隔热罩部分将接受更多的工作,因为如果它能飞起来,SpaceX 希望让它绕地球一周并尝试重返大气层。

You can catch these moves in the recent tracking update from NASASpaceflight.

您可以在 NASASpaceflight 最近的跟踪更新中了解这些变化。

All four final V1 Starship seen in Starbase’s High Bay in various stages of completion. Image: Sean Doherty / NASASpaceflight

所有四艘最终的 V1 星舰都在 Starbase 的 High Bay 中看到,处于不同的完成阶段。图片来源:Sean Doherty/NASASpaceflight

Will all four of these Starships fly? That’s unknown at the moment. While it might sound like they will, SpaceX in the past has changed plans and skipped vehicles in favor of a more reliable design.

这四艘星舰都会飞吗?目前尚不清楚。虽然听起来他们会这么做,但 SpaceX 过去已经改变了计划,并跳过了飞行器,转而采用更可靠的设计。

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What changes might come to V2?

And that reliability is what Starship V2 will be all about. In a reply to one of his employees asking questions about Starship V2 on X, Musk shared that “version 2 of the ship holds more propellant, reduces dry mass and improves reliability.”

V2 可能会发生哪些变化?而可靠性就是 Starship V2 的全部内容。在回复一位员工在 X 上询问有关 Starship V2 的问题时,马斯克表示,“该船的 2 版拥有更多的推进剂,减少了干质量并提高了可靠性。”

It isn’t a huge surprise that changes would come to Starship that would require a new version. Over the year Musk has talked about numerous issues with Starship’s current design that will need improving. Also, after years of flight tests and development, I’m sure there is a list of items that SpaceX has thought about changing.

《星际飞船》发生需要新版本的变化并不令人意外。一年来,马斯克谈到了 Starship 当前设计的许多需要改进的问题。此外,经过多年的飞行测试和开发,我确信 SpaceX 已经考虑过改变一系列项目。

One change that has been talked about is a nine engine version of Starship with six vacuum optimized engines on the bottom. In theory there would be room to install three more engines on the underside of Starship, but it’s unclear at this time if that will happen with V2.

人们谈论的一项变化是星际飞船的九引擎版本,底部有六个真空优化引擎。理论上,Starship 的底部还有空间可以再安装三个发动机,但目前还不清楚 V2 是否会出现这种情况。

Starbase is an almost 24/7 operation at this point, so production of V2 parts will most likely begin shortly, if they haven’t started already.

Starbase 目前几乎是 24/7 运营,因此 V2 部件的生产很可能很快就会开始(如果尚未开始的话)。


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