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Elon Musk faces uphill battle against SEC subpoena, experts say

专家表示,埃隆·马斯克面临着针对 SEC 传票的艰苦斗争

发布: 2023/10/10 10:31 阅读: 860



专家表示,埃隆·马斯克面临着针对 SEC 传票的艰苦斗争

Elon Musk faces a challenging scenario in his attempt to contest the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在试图竞争美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的过程中面临着充满挑战的局面。

On Oct. 5, the SEC announced legal action that aims to force Musk to comply with a subpoena and provide testimony regarding his acquisition of Twitter (now X). Musk received that subpoena in May and attempted to avoid the order. He submitted an objection just days before a September hearing date that he did not attend.

10 月 5 日,SEC 宣布采取法律行动,旨在迫使马斯克遵守传票并提供有关其收购 Twitter(现为 X)的证词。马斯克于五月份收到了该传票,并试图回避该命令。就在 9 月份听证会日期前几天,他提出了反对意见,但他没有出席。

Though it is unclear whether Musk intends to resist the SEC’s demands, experts have now suggested that any legal challenge is unlikely to succeed.


Stephen Crimmins, a partner at Davis Wright Tremaine, told Reuters:

Davis Wright Tremaine 合伙人 Stephen Crimmins 告诉路透社:

“This case is different from past forays between the SEC and Elon Musk because it’s a subpoena enforcement case. These cases are really cut and dry … The law provides the SEC has subpoena power to take investigative testimony and gather documents.”

“此案与 SEC 和埃隆·马斯克之间以往的尝试不同,因为这是一起传票执行案件。这些案件确实很简单……法律规定 SEC 有权传唤调查证词并收集文件。”

Other lawyers also commented on the case. Howard Fischer of Moses & Singer noted that the SEC only needs to show that the subpoena is part of its legitimate attempts to obtain testimony in order to compel to Musk to testify.  Meanwhile, Mukasey Frenchman partner Robert Frenchman  opined: “I don’t think it’s likely [that Musk] wins this battle.”

其他律师也对此案发表了评论。 Moses & Singer 的霍华德·费舍尔指出,美国证券交易委员会只需证明传票是其合法获取证词的一部分,即可迫使马斯克作证。与此同时,穆卡西·法国人合伙人罗伯特·弗伦奇曼表示:“我认为(马斯克)不太可能赢得这场战斗。”

Lawyers also told Reuters that Musk will likely be fined until he agrees to testify, though he could face a jail sentence in extreme circumstances.


Each of the above commentators has past experience in related matters. Crimmins and Fischer have both formerly served as SEC lawyers, while Frenchman has defended clients in cases initiated by the securities agency.

上述每位评论员都有过相关事务的经验。克里明斯和费舍尔都曾担任 SEC 律师,而弗伦奇曼则在该证券机构发起的案件中为客户辩护。

Musk’s case is of interest to crypto community


The SEC’s current and past lawsuits against Musk do not concern cryptocurrency. However,  the current case should be of interest to the crypto community because it has recently pushed for resistance to the securities agency’s regulatory overreach.


Musk himself has now called for an overhaul of the SEC, joining other individuals who have challenged the agency including House Republican Tom Emmer and one of the SEC’s own commissioners, Hester Peirce. Several crypto companies including Coinbase, Ripple, and Grayscale have recently fought the SEC as well.

马斯克本人现在也呼吁对 SEC 进行彻底改革,他加入了其他挑战该机构的人士行列,其中包括众议院共和党人汤姆·埃默 (Tom Emmer) 和 SEC 自己的委员之一海丝特·皮尔斯 (Hester Peirce)。包括 Coinbase、Ripple 和 Grayscale 在内的几家加密公司最近也与 SEC 进行了斗争。

Tangentially, Musk faces a class action suit concerning his promotion of Dogecoin (DOGE). Though the SEC did not initiate this case, it in part alleges securities fraud.


The post Elon Musk faces uphill battle against SEC subpoena, experts say appeared first on CryptoSlate.

专家表示,埃隆·马斯克面临着针对 SEC 传票的艰苦斗争,该帖子首先出现在 CryptoSlate 上。


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