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ENS Founder Urges Unstoppable Domains to Drop Controversial Patent

ENS 创始人敦促 Unstoppable Domains 放弃有争议的专利

发布: 2023/11/18 06:26 阅读: 789



  • Unstoppable Domains was issued its first patent (US11558344) in January.
  • Unstoppable Domains 于一月份获得了第一项专利 (US11558344)。

  • ENS Labs claims the patent is totally a derivative of its own innovations.
  • ENS 实验室声称该专利完全是其自身创新的衍生品。

In an open letter published on Twitter, Nick Johnson, the founder and principal developer of Ethereum Name Service (ENS), urges blockchain domains firm Unstoppable Domains to relinquish a newly obtained patent or face legal action.

在 Twitter 上发布的一封公开信中,以太坊名称服务 (ENS) 的创始人兼主要开发人员 Nick Johnson 敦促区块链域名公司 Unstoppable Domains 放弃新获得的专利,否则将面临法律诉讼。

Unstoppable Domains was issued its first patent (US11558344) in January, for a technology that leverages blockchain technology to determine domains and is said to have been invented by Braden River Pezeshki, Matthew Everett Gould, and Bogdan Gusiev.

Unstoppable Domains于一月份获得了第一项专利(US11558344),这项技术利用区块链技术来确定域名,据说是由 Braden River Pezeshki、Matthew Everett Gould 和 Bogdan Gusiev 发明的。

Ongoing Clash Over Patent


Furthermore, the request for a patent was submitted to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in 2021. Also, Johnson claims that the patent relies only on advancements made by ENS and includes no original ideas of its own.

此外,该专利请求已于 2021 年向美国专利商标局 (USPTO) 提交。此外,约翰逊声称该专利仅依赖于 ENS 取得的进步,不包含其自己的原创想法。

Moreover, Johnson states in his open letter that all ENS work is released under open-source licenses and that all applicable standards may be found online. He claims that he has been trying to get in touch with Unstoppable Domains about the matter for months, but has been unable.

此外,约翰逊在公开信中表示,ENS 的所有工作都是在开源许可下发布的,并且所有适用的标准都可以在网上找到。他声称几个月来他一直试图就此事与 Unstoppable Domains 取得联系,但一直未能成功。

Johnson stated:


“UD has subsequently issued a press release ‘pledging’ its first patent to the Web3 Domain Alliance, an industry group founded and run by Unstoppable Domains. We appreciate the sentiment behind this, but regrettably, press releases are not legally binding.”

“UD 随后发布了一份新闻稿,‘承诺’将其第一项专利授予 Web3 域联盟,这是一个由 Unstoppable Domains 创立和运营的行业组织。我们赞赏这背后的情绪,但遗憾的是,新闻稿不具有法律约束力。”

Also, the ENS Labs is ready to oppose this patent, which it feels is totally derivative of its own innovations; a stance it is able and prepared to show, Johnson cautioned.

此外,ENS 实验室已准备好反对这项专利,它认为该专利完全是其自身创新的衍生品;约翰逊警告说,它有能力并准备表明立场。

Moreover, one of the alleged creators from Unstoppable Domains, Matthew Gould, commented in the discussion, giving a broad invitation for participation in the Web3 Domain Alliance, the blockchain domain registry company purportedly pledged with the patent.

此外,Unstoppable Domains 的一名涉嫌创建者 Matthew Gould 在讨论中发表评论,广泛邀请加入 Web3 域名联盟,据称该区块链域名注册公司已承诺提供该专利。

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