首页 > 资讯新闻 > FDIC 称 63 家银行面临倒闭,比特币价格会下跌还是上涨?

FDIC Says 63 Banks Faces Collapse, Bitcoin Price To Fall or Rise?

FDIC 称 63 家银行面临倒闭,比特币价格会下跌还是上涨?

发布: 2024/06/04 18:03 阅读: 895

原文作者:Coingape News Media


FDIC 称 63 家银行面临倒闭,比特币价格会下跌还是上涨?

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Reports Financial Sector Concerns

联邦存款保险公司 (FDIC) 报告金融部门的担忧

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has reported $517 billion in unrealized losses within the US banking system. This raises concerns about the stability of the US economy and financial sector.

联邦存款保险公司 (FDIC) 报告称,美国银行系统内未实现损失达 5,170 亿美元。这引发了人们对美国经济和金融部门稳定性的担忧。

ISM Manufacturing PMI Raises Recessionary Signals

ISM 制造业 PMI 发出衰退信号

The ISM Manufacturing PMI has fallen to 48.7, below forecasts of 49.6. This indicates a more significant-than-anticipated contraction in manufacturing, adding to concerns about an economic slowdown.

ISM 制造业 PMI 已降至 48.7,低于预期的 49.6。这表明制造业收缩幅度超出预期,加剧了人们对经济放缓的担忧。

Bitcoin Price Surges Amid Interest Rate Cut Expectations


Bitcoin's price has exceeded $70,000 as the weaker manufacturing data increases the likelihood of interest rate cuts by the U.S. Federal Reserve.

由于疲软的制造业数据增加了美联储降息的可能性,比特币的价格已超过 70,000 美元。

63 Banks Facing Insolvency Amidst Credit Squeeze


Rising interest rates and delays in rate cuts have put pressure on US banks and businesses. The Federal Reserve Board's termination of the Bank Term Funding Program (FTFP) on March 11th has further heightened risk, particularly for regional banks.

利率上升和降息延迟给美国银行和企业带来压力。美联储委员会于 3 月 11 日终止银行定期融资计划 (FTFP),进一步加剧了风险,特别是对于地区性银行而言。

The FDIC reports that 63 banks hold $517 billion in unrealized losses in Q1 2024, signaling a high risk of insolvency for the US banking system. These losses are attributed to rising funding costs, lower asset yields, and the impact of higher mortgage rates.

FDIC 报告称,2024 年第一季度,63 家银行未实现损失达 5,170 亿美元,这表明美国银行体系面临很高的破产风险。这些损失归因于融资成本上升、资产收益率下降以及抵押贷款利率上升的影响。

These concerns could destabilize the financial sector and the broader economy. "Unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities soared by $39 billion to $517 billion in the first quarter. The surge was driven by higher unrealized losses on residential mortgage-backed securities, a result of rising mortgage rates in the first quarter," the FDIC reported.

这些担忧可能会破坏金融部门和更广泛的经济的稳定。 “第一季度,可供出售和持有至到期证券的未实现损失猛增 390 亿美元,达到 5,170 亿美元。这一激增是由于住宅抵押贷款支持证券的未实现损失增加,这是由于 2017 年抵押贷款利率上升所致。第一季度”,FDIC 报告称。

This marks the ninth consecutive quarter of unusually high unrealized losses since the U.S. Federal Reserve began raising interest rates in 2022.

这标志着自美联储 2022 年开始加息以来,连续第九个季度出现异常高的未实现损失。


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