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Honduran special economic zone adopts Bitcoin as unit of account


发布: 2024/01/08 06:00 阅读: 400



Próspera ZEDE, the Honduras special economic zone, has officially recognized Bitcoin (BTC) as a unit of account. This move effectively acknowledges the legitimacy of the cryptocurrency in diverse commercial, tax, and financial transactions.

洪都拉斯经济特区 Próspera ZEDE 已正式承认比特币 (BTC) 作为记账单位。此举有效地承认了加密货币在各种商业、税务和金融交易中的合法性。

The announcement, disclosed on January 5 by Jorge Colindres, the acting manager and Tax Commissioner of the zone, outlined the conditions under which legal entities can adopt Bitcoin as their unit of account.

该公告由该特区代理经理兼税务专员豪尔赫·科林德雷斯 (Jorge Colindres) 于 1 月 5 日披露,概述了法人实体可以采用比特币作为记账单位的条件。

“Próspera ZEDE recognizes the right of (e)Resident legal entities organized or registered under the authority of the Prospero Entity Registry Statute to use Bitcoin (“BTC”) as their respective unit of account, in the sense of the monetary unit or measure of value in terms of which their accounts are kept and values stated,” the statement said. 

“Prospera ZEDE 承认 (e) 根据 Prospero 实体登记法授权组织或注册的居民法人实体有权使用比特币(“BTC”)作为各自的记账单位,即货币单位或计量单位。其账户保存的价值和所表述的价值,”声明称。

For instance, entities interested in adopting Bitcoin as their unit of account must file a notice with the Tax Commissioner within thirty days of the relevant tax period. The notice should reference an approved major cryptocurrency exchange, such as Kraken or Coinbase.

例如,有兴趣采用比特币作为记账单位的实体必须在相关纳税期后的三十天内向税务专员提交通知。该通知应提及经批准的主要加密货币交易所,例如 Kraken 或 Coinbase。



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Until the implementation of the Final BTC Tax Payment Procedure, tax liabilities of Bitcoin-electing entities will be determined in reference to BTC for internal accounting purposes but reported to Próspera ZEDE in United States dollars or local currency Lempira.

在最终 BTC 纳税程序实施之前,出于内部会计目的,选择比特币的实体的纳税义务将参考 BTC 确定,但以美元或当地货币伦皮拉向 Prospera ZEDE 报告。

Upon the implementation of the Final BTC Tax Payment Procedure, tax liabilities will be reported in BTC, and entities will pay the corresponding amount to Próspera ZEDE in Bitcoin.

最终BTC纳税程序实施后,纳税义务将以BTC形式报告,实体将以比特币形式向Próspera ZEDE支付相应金额。

The statement also included an approved form that entities can use for their Bitcoin election. Próspera ZEDE’s General Service Provider will publish the BTC Election Notice form templates and update the eProspera eGovernance platform to include corresponding data entry and filings.

该声明还包括一份经批准的表格,实体可以使用该表格进行比特币选举。 Prospera ZEDE 的综合服务提供商将发布 BTC 选举通知表格模板并更新 eProspera eGovernance 平台以包括相应的数据输入和归档。


It is worth noting that the economic zone’s decision came after previous rumors circulated that Honduras was on the verge of approving Bitcoin as legal tender. Speculations were rampant that the country might follow in the footsteps of El Salvador in acknowledging the legality of Bitcoin.


Interestingly, in 2022, the Central Bank of Honduras released a statement refuting the news that the country had declared Bitcoin legal. In the statement, the institution cautioned against using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in payment scenarios, emphasizing the lack of legal backing for such transactions.


Source: https://thebittimes.com/honduran-special-economic-zone-adopts-bitcoin-as-unit-of-account-tbt75838.html



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