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HTX Global hacker restores faith by returning stolen funds

HTX Global 黑客归还被盗资金恢复信心

发布: 2023/10/08 17:17 阅读: 655



HTX Global 黑客归还被盗资金恢复信心

In an unexpected twist, the hacker who breached HTX Global, formerly known as Huobi, has chosen to make amends by returning all the stolen assets. This surprising turn of events has had a significant impact on the cryptocurrency community, as it sheds light on the evolving landscape of cybersecurity in the digital asset space and raises questions about the exchange’s security measures. 

出人意料的是,入侵 HTX Global(前身为火币网)的黑客选择通过返还所有被盗资产来进行弥补。这一令人惊讶的事态发展对加密货币社区产生了重大影响,因为它揭示了数字资产领域网络安全不断发展的格局,并引发了有关交易所安全措施的问题。

In a high-profile security breach, a hacker managed to infiltrate HTX Global and make off with a substantial sum. The breach resulted in the theft of 4,999 Ether (ETH), equivalent to an impressive $8.2 million. Such incidents underscore the persistent threat of cyberattacks faced by digital asset exchanges and the importance of robust security protocols.

在一次备受瞩目的安全漏洞中,一名黑客成功潜入 HTX Global 并盗走了一大笔钱。此次泄露导致 4,999 以太坊 (ETH) 被盗,相当于 820 万美元。此类事件凸显了数字资产交易所面临的持续网络攻击威胁以及强大的安全协议的重要性。

HTX Global’s swift response

HTX Global 的快速响应

HTX Global’s response to the breach was marked by swift action and transparent communication. Justin Sun, the founder of TRON and an advisor to HTX Global, played a pivotal role in addressing the situation. Sun quickly assured the public that the losses incurred from the hack had been fully covered, alleviating concerns about the exchange’s financial stability.

HTX Global 对此次违规行为的反应是迅速的行动和透明的沟通。 TRON 创始人兼 HTX Global 顾问孙宇晨在解决这一问题方面发挥了关键作用。孙宇晨很快向公众保证,此次黑客攻击造成的损失已得到全额赔偿,减轻了人们对该交易所财务稳定性的担忧。

To incentivize the hacker to return the stolen assets, a 5% Whitehat reward, amounting to $400,000, was offered. Furthermore, the hacker was extended an offer of a security Whitehat advisor position if a voluntary refund was made promptly. This approach demonstrated HTX Global’s commitment to resolving the issue while encouraging the responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities.

为了激励黑客归还被盗资产,白帽提供了 5% 的奖励,金额达 40 万美元。此外,如果及时自愿退款,黑客将获得白帽安全顾问职位的邀请。这种方法表明了 HTX Global 对解决问题的承诺,同时鼓励负责任地披露漏洞。

The breach was first detected by HTX Global’s security team on September 24, 2023, at 6 p.m. However, it’s worth noting that prior to this detection, on-chain security firm Cyvers Alerts had identified suspicious transactions linked to the Mixin Network. These transactions were later traced back to HTX Global and the prominent cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, raising further concerns about security practices in the industry.

HTX Global 的安全团队于 2023 年 9 月 24 日下午 6 点首次检测到该漏洞。然而,值得注意的是,在此检测之前,链上安全公司 Cyvers Alerts 已发现与 Mixin 网络相关的可疑交易。这些交易后来追溯到 HTX Global 和著名的加密货币交易所币安,引发了人们对行业安全实践的进一步担忧。

Addressing insolvency fears


The HTX Global breach occurred against a backdrop of rumors surrounding the exchange’s potential insolvency. Notable figures in the cryptocurrency community, including prominent developer and Dogecoin (DOGE) advocate Mishaboar, had advised DOGE holders to withdraw their assets from HTX Global. The primary concern revolved around the exchange’s purported Proof-of-Reserve claims, which had come under scrutiny.

HTX Global 数据泄露事件是在围绕该交易所可能破产的传言背景下发生的。加密货币社区的知名人士,包括著名开发商和狗狗币 (DOGE) 倡导者 Mishaboar,曾建议 DOGE 持有者从 HTX Global 撤回资产。主要的担忧围绕着该交易所所谓的准备金证明索赔,该索赔已受到审查。

Proof-of-Reserve is a concept often touted as a tool to showcase an exchange’s financial health. However, critics argued that such claims could be misleading and might not provide an accurate representation of an exchange’s liabilities. These doubts had created unease among users and traders, adding to the challenges faced by HTX Global.

储备证明是一个经常被吹捧为展示交易所财务健康状况的工具的概念。然而,批评者认为,此类说法可能具有误导性,并且可能无法准确反映交易所的负债。这些疑虑引起了用户和交易者的不安,加剧了 HTX Global 面临的挑战。

In response to the insolvency rumors, Justin Sun sought to allay fears and urged the cryptocurrency community to disregard the speculations. With the hacker’s decision to return the stolen funds, customers and investors are likely to regain confidence in the exchange, despite the controversies surrounding its Proof-of-Reserve claims. This incident serves as a testament to HTX Global’s commitment to addressing security breaches promptly and maintaining the trust of its users.

针对破产传闻,孙宇晨试图减轻担忧,并敦促加密货币社区忽视这些猜测。尽管围绕准备金证明的主张存在争议,但随着黑客决定返还被盗资金,客户和投资者可能会重新恢复对交易所的信心。此次事件证明了 HTX Global 致力于及时解决安全漏洞并维护用户信任的承诺。

Restoring confidence in the crypto community


The hacker’s unexpected decision to return the stolen assets has broader implications for the cryptocurrency community. It highlights the evolving landscape of cybersecurity in the digital asset space and underscores the importance of robust security measures. Exchanges, investors, and users must remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their assets in the face of persistent threats.


The HTX Global breach also offers valuable lessons for both exchanges and the wider cryptocurrency ecosystem. It emphasizes the necessity of continuous monitoring, rapid response protocols, and transparent communication during security incidents. Additionally, it prompts exchanges to reevaluate their Proof-of-Reserve claims and transparency practices to maintain the trust of their users.

HTX Global 的泄露事件也为交易所和更广泛的加密货币生态系统提供了宝贵的教训。它强调了安全事件期间持续监控、快速响应协议和透明通信的必要性。此外,它还促使交易所重新评估其储备证明声明和透明度实践,以维持用户的信任。

As the cryptocurrency industry continues to evolve, incidents like the HTX Global breach underscore the importance of collaboration between exchanges, cybersecurity firms, and regulatory bodies. Together, they can work towards strengthening security measures and ensuring the long-term stability and growth of the digital asset market.

随着加密货币行业的不断发展,像 HTX Global 违规这样的事件凸显了交易所、网络安全公司和监管机构之间合作的重要性。他们可以共同努力加强安全措施,确保数字资产市场的长期稳定和增长。



The decision of the hacker to return the stolen funds to HTX Global marks a significant moment in the exchange’s history. Justin Sun’s prompt response and reassurances have helped restore confidence in the platform, even in the face of insolvency rumors and doubts about Proof-of-Reserve claims. This incident serves as a reminder of the ever-present cybersecurity threats in the cryptocurrency space and the need for constant vigilance and collaboration to protect the interests of investors and users alike

黑客决定将被盗资金返还给 HTX Global,这标志着该交易所历史上的一个重要时刻。即使面对破产谣言和对准备金证明索赔的质疑,孙宇晨的迅速反应和保证也帮助恢复了对该平台的信心。这一事件提醒人们,加密货币领域始终存在网络安全威胁,需要不断保持警惕和协作,以保护投资者和用户的利益


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