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HTX Global hacker restores faith by returning stolen funds

HTX Global 駭客歸還被竊資金恢復信心

發布: 2023/10/08 17:17 閱讀: 655



HTX Global 駭客歸還被竊資金恢復信心

In an unexpected twist, the hacker who breached HTX Global, formerly known as Huobi, has chosen to make amends by returning all the stolen assets. This surprising turn of events has had a significant impact on the cryptocurrency community, as it sheds light on the evolving landscape of cybersecurity in the digital asset space and raises questions about the exchange’s security measures. 

出人意料的是,入侵 HTX Global(前身為火幣網)的駭客選擇透過返還所有被盜資產來彌補。這一令人驚訝的事態發展對加密貨幣社群產生了重大影響,因為它揭示了數位資產領域網路安全不斷發展的格局,並引發了有關交易所安全措施的問題。

In a high-profile security breach, a hacker managed to infiltrate HTX Global and make off with a substantial sum. The breach resulted in the theft of 4,999 Ether (ETH), equivalent to an impressive $8.2 million. Such incidents underscore the persistent threat of cyberattacks faced by digital asset exchanges and the importance of robust security protocols.

在備受矚目的安全漏洞中,一名駭客成功潛入 HTX Global 並盜走了一大筆錢。此次外洩導致 4,999 以太坊 (ETH) 被盜,相當於 820 萬美元。此類事件凸顯了數位資產交易所面臨的持續網路攻擊威脅以及強大的安全協議的重要性。

HTX Global’s swift response

HTX Global 的快速反應

HTX Global’s response to the breach was marked by swift action and transparent communication. Justin Sun, the founder of TRON and an advisor to HTX Global, played a pivotal role in addressing the situation. Sun quickly assured the public that the losses incurred from the hack had been fully covered, alleviating concerns about the exchange’s financial stability.

HTX Global 對此違規行為的反應是迅速的行動和透明的溝通。 TRON 創辦人兼 HTX Global 顧問孫宇晨在解決這個問題方面發揮了關鍵作用。孫宇晨很快向公眾保證,這次駭客攻擊造成的損失已得到全額賠償,減輕了人們對該交易所財務穩定性的擔憂。

To incentivize the hacker to return the stolen assets, a 5% Whitehat reward, amounting to $400,000, was offered. Furthermore, the hacker was extended an offer of a security Whitehat advisor position if a voluntary refund was made promptly. This approach demonstrated HTX Global’s commitment to resolving the issue while encouraging the responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities.

為了激勵駭客歸還被盜資產,白帽提供了 5% 的獎勵,金額達 40 萬美元。此外,如果及時自願退款,駭客將獲得白帽安全顧問職位的邀請。這種方法顯示了 HTX Global 對解決問題的承諾,同時鼓勵負責任地揭露漏洞。

The breach was first detected by HTX Global’s security team on September 24, 2023, at 6 p.m. However, it’s worth noting that prior to this detection, on-chain security firm Cyvers Alerts had identified suspicious transactions linked to the Mixin Network. These transactions were later traced back to HTX Global and the prominent cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, raising further concerns about security practices in the industry.

HTX Global 的安全團隊於 2023 年 9 月 24 日下午 6 點首次偵測到漏洞。然而,值得注意的是,在此檢測之前,鏈上安全公司 Cyvers Alerts 已發現與 Mixin 網路相關的可疑交易。這些交易後來追溯到 HTX Global 和著名的加密貨幣交易所幣安,引發了人們對產業安全實踐的進一步擔憂。

Addressing insolvency fears


The HTX Global breach occurred against a backdrop of rumors surrounding the exchange’s potential insolvency. Notable figures in the cryptocurrency community, including prominent developer and Dogecoin (DOGE) advocate Mishaboar, had advised DOGE holders to withdraw their assets from HTX Global. The primary concern revolved around the exchange’s purported Proof-of-Reserve claims, which had come under scrutiny.

HTX Global 資料外洩事件是在圍繞該交易所可能破產的傳言背景下發生的。加密貨幣社群的知名人士,包括著名開發人員和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 倡導者 Mishaboar,曾建議 DOGE 持有者從 HTX Global 撤回資產。主要的擔憂圍繞著該交易所所謂的準備金證明索賠,該索賠已受到審查。

Proof-of-Reserve is a concept often touted as a tool to showcase an exchange’s financial health. However, critics argued that such claims could be misleading and might not provide an accurate representation of an exchange’s liabilities. These doubts had created unease among users and traders, adding to the challenges faced by HTX Global.

儲備證明是一個經常被吹捧為展示交易所財務健康狀況的工具的概念。然而,批評者認為,此類說法可能具有誤導性,並且可能無法準確反映交易所的負債。這些疑慮引起了用戶和交易者的不安,加劇了 HTX Global 面臨的挑戰。

In response to the insolvency rumors, Justin Sun sought to allay fears and urged the cryptocurrency community to disregard the speculations. With the hacker’s decision to return the stolen funds, customers and investors are likely to regain confidence in the exchange, despite the controversies surrounding its Proof-of-Reserve claims. This incident serves as a testament to HTX Global’s commitment to addressing security breaches promptly and maintaining the trust of its users.

針對破產傳聞,孫宇晨試圖減輕擔憂,並敦促加密貨幣社群忽視這些猜測。儘管圍繞準備金證明的主張存在爭議,但隨著駭客決定返還被盜資金,客戶和投資者可能會重新恢復對交易所的信心。此次事件證明了 HTX Global 致力於及時解決安全漏洞並維護用戶信任的承諾。

Restoring confidence in the crypto community


The hacker’s unexpected decision to return the stolen assets has broader implications for the cryptocurrency community. It highlights the evolving landscape of cybersecurity in the digital asset space and underscores the importance of robust security measures. Exchanges, investors, and users must remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their assets in the face of persistent threats.


The HTX Global breach also offers valuable lessons for both exchanges and the wider cryptocurrency ecosystem. It emphasizes the necessity of continuous monitoring, rapid response protocols, and transparent communication during security incidents. Additionally, it prompts exchanges to reevaluate their Proof-of-Reserve claims and transparency practices to maintain the trust of their users.

HTX Global 的洩漏事件也為交易所和更廣泛的加密貨幣生態系統提供了寶貴的教訓。它強調了安全事件期間持續監控、快速回應協定和透明通訊的必要性。此外,它還促使交易所重新評估其儲備證明聲明和透明度實踐,以維持用戶的信任。

As the cryptocurrency industry continues to evolve, incidents like the HTX Global breach underscore the importance of collaboration between exchanges, cybersecurity firms, and regulatory bodies. Together, they can work towards strengthening security measures and ensuring the long-term stability and growth of the digital asset market.

隨著加密貨幣產業的不斷發展,像 HTX Global 資料外洩這樣的事件凸顯了交易所、網路安全公司和監管機構之間合作的重要性。他們可以共同努力加強安全措施,確保數位資產市場的長期穩定和成長。



The decision of the hacker to return the stolen funds to HTX Global marks a significant moment in the exchange’s history. Justin Sun’s prompt response and reassurances have helped restore confidence in the platform, even in the face of insolvency rumors and doubts about Proof-of-Reserve claims. This incident serves as a reminder of the ever-present cybersecurity threats in the cryptocurrency space and the need for constant vigilance and collaboration to protect the interests of investors and users alike

駭客決定將被盜資金返還給 HTX Global,這標誌著該交易所歷史上的一個重要時刻。即使面對破產謠言和對準備金證明索賠的質疑,孫宇晨的迅速反應和保證也幫助恢復了對平台的信心。這事件提醒人們,加密貨幣領域始終存在網路安全威脅,需要不斷保持警惕和協作,以保護投資者和用戶的利益


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