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Elon Musk Wants SEC & DOJ To Go Through A Major Revamp Process


發布: 2023/10/08 22:15 閱讀: 516



Elon Musk is known for his aggressive and intrepid disposition. The mercurial business tycoon does not fear putting this through boldly. He did it again this time taking cudgels up against the government regulators. According to him, the US Securities And Exchange Commission (SEC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) need an overhaul.


What Made Elon Musk Angry?


Last October, Elon Musk acquired Twitter. The incident upset many netizens who opposed the whole deal and questioned Musk’s leadership. While Musk didn’t give up the ownership of the social media platform, he stepped down as CEO. But none of that bothered him much as everything was going smoothly. However, it seems SEC is not happy with this acquisition anymore. 

去年十月,馬斯克收購了 Twitter。這事件讓不少網友感到不安,他們反對整個交易,並質疑馬斯克的領導能力。雖然馬斯克沒有放棄社群媒體平台的所有權,但他辭去了執行長的職務。但這一切都沒有讓他感到困擾,因為一切都很順利。然而,SEC 似乎對這項收購不再滿意。

On October 5, the regulator submitted an appeal in a California District Court. Its objective is to compel Musk to adhere to the SEC’s previous subpoena. Also, the regulator is assessing the validity of the acquisition. They think that Musk may have violated some securities regulations. In response to that, Musk shared a biting post questioning the righteousness of this step. He said that it’s actually the people of the SEC and DOJ who need to be probed.

10 月 5 日,監管機構向加州地方法院提起上訴。其目標是迫使馬斯克遵守美國證券交易委員會先前的傳票。此外,監管機構正在評估此次收購的有效性。他們認為馬斯克可能違反了一些證券法規。對此,馬斯克發表了一篇尖銳的帖子,質疑這項舉措的正義性。他說,實際上需要調查的是 SEC 和 DOJ 的人。

He also suggested that the government should take punitive action against these individuals. The X owner accused them of abusing their regulatory power for personal and political gain. Notably, it’s not the first time that Musk has come under the regulatory lens. 

他也建議政府應對這些人採取懲罰行動。 X 所有者指責他們濫用監管權力謀取個人和政治利益。值得注意的是,這並不是馬斯克第一次受到監管。

Previously, the SEC has taken various steps against companies led by him. A curious X user asked Musk about the likelihood of an investigation. He answered that there was a 100% chance of it.

在此之前,SEC已對他領導的公司採取了各種措施。一位好奇的 X 用戶向馬斯克詢問進行調查的可能性。他回答說,有100%的可能性。

It should be noted that this filing relates to the subpoena that the SEC issued in May 2023. It asked Musk to testify at the San Francisco office on September 15. While Musk initially gave a green signal to it, he refused to appear 2 days before the scheduled meeting. Back then, he cited some spurious objections from the agency. According to the SEC, it tried to arrange an alternative date and location for the testimony. 

需要注意的是,這份文件與SEC 於2023 年5 月發出的傳票有關。傳票要求馬斯克於9 月15 日在舊金山辦公室作證。雖然馬斯克最初向其發出了綠燈,但他在2 天前拒絕出庭。預定的會議。當時,他引用了該機構的一些虛假反對意見。據美國證券交易委員會稱,它試圖安排替代的作證日期和地點。

But Musk just refused to turn up and left them with no other option. Furthermore, the regulator said that Musk’s objections lack any legal ground. Musk has no valid reason to justify his non-compliance with the subpoena, they said. 


Musk’s Future Plans With X

馬斯克與 X 的未來計劃

Since the acquisition, X has gone through a round of changes. From the name to the monetization of blue ticks and rewards to marketers, he has done it all. Many of these steps drew sharp criticism from the users and netizens. Nonetheless, X is hellbent on transforming itself. Some say that Musk wants X to be a financial institution. Back in April 2022, Musk talked about integrating Dogecoin as a payment option on the platform. On the other hand, Musk has dismissed the rumors of introducing an X crypto token. 

自收購以來,X經歷了一輪變革。從藍勾的名稱到貨幣化以及對行銷人員的獎勵,他都做到了。其中許多措施引起了用戶和網友的尖銳批評。儘管如此,X仍決心進行自我轉型。有人說馬斯克希望X成為金融機構。早在 2022 年 4 月,馬斯克就談到將狗狗幣作為平台上的支付選項進行整合。另一方面,馬斯克否認了推出 X 加密代幣的傳言。

Still, his support towards Dogecoin continues to grow. In an interview, he said that he isn’t advising anyone to invest in crypto. But he sees strong potential in Dogecoin. The implications of court proceedings and X’s course of action are yet to be seen.

儘管如此,他對狗狗幣的支持仍在繼續增長。他在受訪時表示,他不建議任何人投資加密貨幣。但他看到了狗狗幣的巨大潛力。法庭訴訟的影響和 X 的行動方針仍有待觀察。


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