フロントページ > 情報ニュース > イーロン・マスク氏はSECと司法省に大規模な改革プロセスを経ることを望んでいる

Elon Musk Wants SEC & DOJ To Go Through A Major Revamp Process


リリース: 2023/10/08 22:15 読む: 516



Elon Musk is known for his aggressive and intrepid disposition. The mercurial business tycoon does not fear putting this through boldly. He did it again this time taking cudgels up against the government regulators. According to him, the US Securities And Exchange Commission (SEC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) need an overhaul.


What Made Elon Musk Angry?


Last October, Elon Musk acquired Twitter. The incident upset many netizens who opposed the whole deal and questioned Musk’s leadership. While Musk didn’t give up the ownership of the social media platform, he stepped down as CEO. But none of that bothered him much as everything was going smoothly. However, it seems SEC is not happy with this acquisition anymore. 


On October 5, the regulator submitted an appeal in a California District Court. Its objective is to compel Musk to adhere to the SEC’s previous subpoena. Also, the regulator is assessing the validity of the acquisition. They think that Musk may have violated some securities regulations. In response to that, Musk shared a biting post questioning the righteousness of this step. He said that it’s actually the people of the SEC and DOJ who need to be probed.


He also suggested that the government should take punitive action against these individuals. The X owner accused them of abusing their regulatory power for personal and political gain. Notably, it’s not the first time that Musk has come under the regulatory lens. 

同氏はまた、政府がこれらの個人に対して懲罰的措置を講じるべきだとも示唆した。 X社の所有者は、個人的および政治的利益のために規制権限を乱用したと非難した。注目すべきは、マスク氏が規制の対象となるのはこれが初めてではないということだ。

Previously, the SEC has taken various steps against companies led by him. A curious X user asked Musk about the likelihood of an investigation. He answered that there was a 100% chance of it.

これまでSECは同氏率いる企業に対してさまざまな措置を講じてきた。好奇心旺盛な X ユーザーがマスク氏に調査の可能性について尋ねました。彼はその可能性は100%だと答えた。

It should be noted that this filing relates to the subpoena that the SEC issued in May 2023. It asked Musk to testify at the San Francisco office on September 15. While Musk initially gave a green signal to it, he refused to appear 2 days before the scheduled meeting. Back then, he cited some spurious objections from the agency. According to the SEC, it tried to arrange an alternative date and location for the testimony. 

この申請は、SECが2023年5月に発行した召喚状に関連していることに注意すべきである。SECはマスク氏に9月15日にサンフランシスコ事務所で証言するよう求めた。マスク氏は当初それに青信号を出していたが、2日前に出廷を拒否した。予定されている会議。当時、彼は政府機関からの偽りの反対意見を引用した。 SEC によると、証言の代替日と場所を調整しようとしたという。

But Musk just refused to turn up and left them with no other option. Furthermore, the regulator said that Musk’s objections lack any legal ground. Musk has no valid reason to justify his non-compliance with the subpoena, they said. 


Musk’s Future Plans With X


Since the acquisition, X has gone through a round of changes. From the name to the monetization of blue ticks and rewards to marketers, he has done it all. Many of these steps drew sharp criticism from the users and netizens. Nonetheless, X is hellbent on transforming itself. Some say that Musk wants X to be a financial institution. Back in April 2022, Musk talked about integrating Dogecoin as a payment option on the platform. On the other hand, Musk has dismissed the rumors of introducing an X crypto token. 

買収以来、X は一連の変化を経験してきました。ブルーティックの名前から収益化、マーケティング担当者への報酬まで、彼はすべてをやり遂げました。これらの措置の多くは、ユーザーやネチズンから厳しい批判を集めました。それにもかかわらず、X は自らを変革することに熱心です。マスク氏はXが金融機関になることを望んでいるという人もいる。 2022年4月に戻って、マスクはプラットフォーム上の支払いオプションとしてドージコインを統合することについて話しました。一方、マスク氏はX暗号トークン導入の噂を否定した。

Still, his support towards Dogecoin continues to grow. In an interview, he said that he isn’t advising anyone to invest in crypto. But he sees strong potential in Dogecoin. The implications of court proceedings and X’s course of action are yet to be seen.

それでも、ドージコインに対する彼の支持は増え続けています。インタビューの中で、彼は誰にも暗号通貨への投資を勧めているわけではないと述べた。しかし、彼はドージコインに強い可能性を感じています。法廷手続きの影響と X の行動方針はまだ明らかになっていない。


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