首页 > 资讯新闻 > 可以帮助任何交易者为春季市场反弹做好准备的最佳 Meme 硬币,预计收益可达 10 倍

Best Meme Coins That Can Help Any Trader Prepare for the Spring Market Rally With 10x in Projected Gains

可以帮助任何交易者为春季市场反弹做好准备的最佳 Meme 硬币,预计收益可达 10 倍

发布: 2024/02/20 18:35 阅读: 369



可以帮助任何交易者为春季市场反弹做好准备的最佳 Meme 硬币,预计收益可达 10 倍

You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Best Meme Coins That Can Help Any Trader Prepare for the Spring Market Rally With 10x in Projected Gains

您还可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上阅读此新闻:最佳 Meme 币可以帮助任何交易者为春季市场反弹做好准备,预计收益达 10 倍

The meme coin market is currently experiencing a massive surge in activity after numerous cryptocurrencies showcased exponential growth on the charts. From listings on major exchanges to extensive presale momentum, 2024 is shaping up to be a year in which meme coins can dominate the charts and provide high ROI opportunities.

在众多加密货币在图表上呈现指数级增长之后,模因币市场目前正经历着活动的大幅激增。从在主要交易所上市到广泛的预售势头,2024 年将成为 Meme 币占据排行榜主导地位并提供高投资回报机会的一年。

As a result, many have begun analyzing the market and speculating which cryptocurrencies can surge the most in value during the upcoming trading sessions. Amidst the ongoing market rally, Meme Moguls (MGLS), Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Floki (FLOKI), and Bonk (BONK) are getting the most significant attention as promising cryptocurrencies that have the potential to provide significant returns and prepare any trader for Spring with a potential 10x rally.

因此,许多人开始分析市场并猜测哪些加密货币可以在即将到来的交易时段中升值最多。在持续的市场上涨中,Meme Moguls (MGLS)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB)、Floki (FLOKI) 和 Bonk (BONK) 作为有潜力提供可观回报的有前途的加密货币而受到最显着的关注让交易者为春季潜在的 10 倍上涨做好准备。

Meme Moguls (MGLS) – One of the Best Meme Coins to Buy in 2024

Meme Moguls (MGLS) – 2024 年最值得购买的 Meme 币之一

Meme Moguls (MGLS) is an upcoming meme coin that can completely reinvent the market by introducing various exciting features that will allow investors and traders to monetize the time spent on top of the platform whilst also gaining entertainment from it. Its ecosystem will be vast and feature various elements, such as a trading platform, the Moguls World Metaverse, and Moguls Casino. At the core of the platform is the MGLS token, a native cryptocurrency built on top of the ERC-20 token standard. It can be utilized on any supporting platform for taking and governance.

Meme Moguls (MGLS) 是一种即将推出的 meme 代币,它可以通过引入各种令人兴奋的功能来彻底重塑市场,这些功能将使投资者和交易者能够将在平台上花费的时间货币化,同时还可以从中获得娱乐。其生态系统将非常庞大,并具有多种元素,例如交易平台、Moguls World Metaverse 和 Moguls Casino。该平台的核心是 MGLS 代币,这是一种基于 ERC-20 代币标准构建的原生加密货币。它可以在任何支持平台上使用以进行获取和治理。

The platform will also feature a wealth leaderboard, which will serve as a motivating factor. Each player can climb it to get greater financial success and rewards, and as a result, Meme Moguls incentivizes players to take control and become proficient in the game. With its Stake and Earn Program, community engagement, and Unique NFTs, it is primed to become a major player in the industry. As a result, it’s one of 2024’s most exciting utility-based meme coins, and it is expected to experience significant gains during the upcoming months.

该平台还将设有财富排行榜,这将作为激励因素。每个玩家都可以攀登它以获得更大的经济成功和奖励,因此,Meme Moguls 激励玩家控制并精通游戏。凭借其权益和收益计划、社区参与和独特的 NFT,它已准备好成为该行业的主要参与者。因此,它是 2024 年最令人兴奋的实用型模因币之一,预计在未来几个月内将获得显着收益。

While the project is still undergoing the blockchain ICO period, it has already raised over $2.3 million and has piqued the interest of traders globally. The project is also gearing up for listing on Uniswap and has been in talks with other platforms for additional listing. Analysts are projecting a 100x price upswing for the cryptocurrency following its launch, making it one of the hottest altcoins to enter during the year.

虽然该项目仍处于区块链 ICO 阶段,但已筹集超过 230 万美元,并引起了全球交易者的兴趣。该项目还准备在 Uniswap 上市,并已与其他平台洽谈追加上市事宜。分析师预计该加密货币推出后价格将上涨 100 倍,使其成为今年最热门的山寨币之一。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Is Considered One of the Best Meme Coins – Can It Sustain?


Dogecoin (DOGE) is the most popular meme coin by market cap and operates peer-to-peer (P2P) through the usage of open-source technology. It was originally created by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, who decided to create a payment system as a “joke” and to essentially bring a change to the otherwise serious tone of Web3.

狗狗币(DOGE)是按市值计算最受欢迎的模因币,通过使用开源技术进行点对点(P2P)运营。它最初是由 Billy Markus 和 Jackson Palmer 创建的,他们决定创建一个支付系统作为一个“玩笑”,并从本质上改变 Web3 原本严肃的基调。

With an average trading volume of $908 million and a 99,636.3% upswing from its all-time high, the Dogecoin crypto has cemented itself as a top contender in the Web3 space.

狗狗币加密货币的平均交易量为 9.08 亿美元,较历史最高点增长了 99,636.3%,巩固了自己作为 Web3 领域顶级竞争者的地位。

Dogecoin is now in the green zone and is finding support above $0.085, with a projected upswing to $0.1324 by the end of 2024, making it one of the most high-growth meme coins for the season.

狗狗币目前处于绿色区域,并在 0.085 美元上方找到支撑,预计到 2024 年底将上涨至 0.1324 美元,使其成为本季度增长最快的模因币之一。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) – A Dogecoin Killer And High ROI Meme Coin

Shiba Inu (SHIB) – 狗狗币杀手和高投资回报率模因币

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is another meme coin created to compete with Dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies. The Shiba Inu crypto was created by the anonymous founder Ryoshi.

柴犬(SHIB)是另一种为了与狗狗币和其他加密货币竞争而创建的模因硬币。 Shiba Inu 加密货币是由匿名创始人 Ryoshi 创建的。

It is based on the dog meme of the same name. Historically, it’s even been dubbed the Dogecoin Killer, and since its launch, it has seen significant growth and appeal from meme coin enthusiasts.


Shiba Inu has an average trading volume of $216 million and has risen 17,543,010.1% from its all-time low. Based on the latest price predictions, the Shiba Inu price can reach a maximum point of value at $0.000015 by the end of the year.

柴犬平均交易量为 2.16 亿美元,较历史最低点上涨 17,543,010.1%。根据最新的价格预测,到今年年底,柴犬的价格可能会达到 0.000015 美元的最高点。

Floki (FLOKI) Features Growing Market Momentum

Floki (FLOKI) 市场势头不断增长

Floki (FLOKI) is both a meme coin and an entire movement within the crypto sphere. It initially started as a meme coin based on Elon Musk’s dog but has evolved to become a fully-fledged project in Web3 that spans DeFi, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and even features an entire Metaverse.

Floki(FLOKI)既是一种模因币,也是加密领域内的一个整体运动。它最初是一个基于埃隆·马斯克的狗的模因币,但现已发展成为 Web3 中一个成熟的项目,涵盖 DeFi、不可替代代币 (NFT),甚至具有整个元宇宙。

Moreover, the native crypto is a multi-chain token operating on the ERC-20 and BEP-20 token standards. FLOKI tokens can be bridged between these two blockchains easily as a result.

此外,原生加密货币是一种按照 ERC-20 和 BEP-20 代币标准运行的多链代币。因此,FLOKI 代币可以轻松地在这两个区块链之间建立桥梁。

The Floki crypto has increased by 20.5% during the past month and is showcasing bullish on-chart performance, finding support at the $0.00003437 level. According to the Floki price prediction, it can reach as far as $0.000052 during the year.

Floki 加密货币在过去一个月上涨了 20.5%,图表上表现看涨,在 0.00003437 美元水平找到支撑。根据 Floki 价格预测,年内最高可达 0.000052 美元。

Bonk (BONK) Rides Bullish Wave Following Revolut Listing Announcement

Revolut 上市公告后,Bonk (BONK) 乘势看涨

Bonk (BONK) received significant attention as Revolut announced that it would list the cryptocurrency and distribute $1.2 million worth of the meme coin in a new “Learn” campaign.

随着 Revolut 宣布将列出该加密货币并在新的“学习”活动中分发价值 120 万美元的 meme 币,Bonk (BONK) 受到了极大关注。

This means that Bonk, as a meme coin, could increase its user base by 500,000, sparking significant interest and potentially resulting in an increased value.

这意味着 Bonk 作为一种模因币,可以将其用户群增加 500,000 人,引发巨大兴趣并可能导致价值增加。

The Bonk crypto saw a major price increase of 30% during the past week and by 1,381.3% during the past year. According to the Bonk price prediction, it can spike as far as $0.000022 by the end of 2024.

Bonk 加密货币的价格在过去一周大幅上涨 30%,在过去一年上涨 1,381.3%。根据 Bonk 价格预测,到 2024 年底,其价格可能飙升至 0.000022 美元。



This year has showcased that interest in meme coins is increasing at a rapid basis, with many of them seeing massive value increases. Each of these altcoins has the potential to rally by 10x, and for those curious about diversifying their holdings, Meme Moguls (MGLS), Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Floki (FLOKI), and Bonk (BONK) represent solid opportunities as a result of this.

今年的情况表明,人们对模因币的兴趣正在迅速增加,其中许多币的价值大幅上涨。这些山寨币都有潜力上涨 10 倍,对于那些对多样化持有感到好奇的人来说,Meme Moguls (MGLS)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB)、Floki (FLOKI) 和 Bonk (BONK) 代表了坚实的基础。由此带来的机会。

With each crypto boasting distinctive quirks and utility and having a solid community, they can grow and expand the industry, providing high ROI for the earliest adopters. With this in mind, MGLS’s recent presale performance has been impressive, and its blockchain ICO has gained the attention of investors and traders on a global scale, which has been fueled by its ecosystem elements and community-driven approach.




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免责声明:本文是新闻稿。 COINTURK NEWS 对与本文提及的任何产品或服务相关的任何损坏或损失不承担任何责任。 COINTURK NEWS建议读者仔细研究文章中提到的公司。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Best Meme Coins That Can Help Any Trader Prepare for the Spring Market Rally With 10x in Projected Gains

该帖子首次出现在 COINTURK 新闻上:可以帮助任何交易者为春季市场反弹做好准备的最佳 Meme 币,预计收益达 10 倍


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